
199 lines
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# == Class: manila::volume::cinder
# Setup and configure Cinder communication
# === Parameters
# [*insecure*]
# (optional) Verify HTTPS connections
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*auth_url*]
# (optional) Authentication URL
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*auth_type*]
# (optional) Authentication type to load
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*cafile*]
# (optional) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPS
# connections.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*user_domain_name*]
# (optional) User's domain name
# Defaults to 'Default'
# [*project_domain_name*]
# (optional) Domain name containing project
# Defaults to 'Default'
# [*project_name*]
# (optional) Project name to scope to
# Defaults to 'services'
# [*region_name*]
# (optional) Region name for connecting to cinder
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*endpoint_type*]
# (optional) The type of cinder endpoint to use when
# looking up in the keystone catalog.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*username*]
# (optional) Username
# Defaults to 'cinder'
# [*password*]
# (optional) User's password
# Only required if auth_type has been set to "password"
# Defaults to undef
# [*http_retries*]
# (optional) Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*cross_az_attach*]
# (optional) Allow attach between instance and volume in different
# availability zones.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*cinder_catalog_info*]
# (optional) Info to match when looking for cinder in the service
# catalog. Format is : separated values of the form:
# <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type>
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_ca_certificates_file*]
# (optional) Location of ca certificates file to use for cinder
# client requests.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_http_retries*]
# (optional) Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_api_insecure*]
# (optional) Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_cross_az_attach*]
# (optional) Allow attach between instance and volume in different
# availability zones.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_admin_username*]
# (optional) Cinder admin username.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_admin_password*]
# (optional) Cinder admin password.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_admin_tenant_name*]
# (optional) Cinder admin tenant name
# Defaults to undef
# [*cinder_admin_auth_url*]
# (optional) Identity service url
# Defaults to undef
class manila::volume::cinder (
$insecure = $::os_service_default,
$auth_url = $::os_service_default,
$auth_type = $::os_service_default,
$cafile = $::os_service_default,
$user_domain_name = 'Default',
$project_domain_name = 'Default',
$project_name = 'services',
$region_name = $::os_service_default,
$endpoint_type = $::os_service_default,
$username = 'cinder',
$password = undef,
$http_retries = $::os_service_default,
$cross_az_attach = $::os_service_default,
$cinder_catalog_info = undef,
$cinder_ca_certificates_file = undef,
$cinder_http_retries = undef,
$cinder_api_insecure = undef,
$cinder_cross_az_attach = undef,
$cinder_admin_username = undef,
$cinder_admin_password = undef,
$cinder_admin_tenant_name = undef,
$cinder_admin_auth_url = undef,
) {
include manila::deps
if $cinder_catalog_info {
warning('The cinder_catalog_info parameter is deprecated, has no effect and will be removed in a future release.')
if $cinder_api_insecure {
warning('The cinder_api_insecure parameter is deprecated, use insecure instead.')
if $cinder_ca_certificates_file {
warning('The cinder_ca_certificates_file parameter is deprecated, use cafile instead.')
if $cinder_admin_username {
warning('The cinder_admin_username parameter is deprecated, use username instead.')
if $cinder_admin_password {
warning('The cinder_admin_password parameter is deprecated, use password instead.')
if $cinder_admin_tenant_name {
warning('The cinder_admin_tenant_name parameter is deprecated, use project_name instead.')
if $cinder_admin_auth_url {
warning('The cinder_admin_auth_url parameter is deprecated, use auth_url instead.')
if $cinder_http_retries {
warning('The cinder_http_retries parameter is deprecated, use http_retries instead')
if $cinder_cross_az_attach {
warning('The cinder_cross_az_attach parameter is deprecated, use cross_az_attach instead')
$insecure_real = pick($cinder_api_insecure, $insecure)
$cafile_real = pick($cinder_ca_certificates_file, $cafile)
$username_real = pick($cinder_admin_username, $username)
$password_real = pick_default($cinder_admin_password, $password)
$project_name_real = pick($cinder_admin_tenant_name, $project_name)
$auth_url_real = pick($cinder_admin_auth_url, $auth_url)
$http_retries_real = pick($cinder_http_retries, $http_retries)
$cross_az_attach_real = pick($cinder_cross_az_attach, $cross_az_attach)
manila_config {
'cinder/insecure': value => $insecure_real;
'cinder/auth_url': value => $auth_url_real;
'cinder/auth_type': value => $auth_type;
'cinder/cafile': value => $cafile_real;
'cinder/region_name': value => $region_name;
'cinder/endpoint_type': value => $endpoint_type;
'cinder/http_retries': value => $http_retries_real;
'cinder/cross_az_attach': value => $cross_az_attach_real;
if $auth_type == 'password' {
manila_config {
'cinder/username': value => $username_real;
'cinder/user_domain_name': value => $user_domain_name;
'cinder/password': value => $password_real, secret => true;
'cinder/project_name': value => $project_name_real;
'cinder/project_domain_name': value => $project_domain_name;