Team and repository tags ======================== [![Team and repository tags](]( mistral ====== #### Table of Contents 1. [Overview - What is the mistral module?](#overview) 2. [Module Description - What does the module do?](#module-description) 3. [Setup - The basics of getting started with mistral](#setup) 4. [Implementation - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing](#implementation) 5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) 6. [Beaker-Rspec - Beaker-rspec tests for the project](#beaker-rpsec) 7. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development) 8. [Contributors - Those with commits](#contributors) 9. [Release Notes - Release notes for the project](#release-notes) 10. [Repository - The project source code repository](#repository) Overview -------- The Mistral module itself is a workflow service for OpenStack cloud. Module Description ------------------ The mistral module is an attempt to make Puppet capable of managing the entirety of mistral. Setup ----- **What the mistral module affects** * [Mistral](, the workflow service for OpenStack. ### Beginning with mistral To use the mistral module's functionality you will need to declare multiple resources. This is not an exhaustive list of all the components needed; we recommend you consult and understand the [core openstack]( documentation. Implementation -------------- ### Mistral puppet-mistral is a combination of Puppet manifests and ruby code to deliver configuration and extra functionality through types and providers. ### Types #### mistral_config The `mistral_config` provider is a children of the ini_setting provider. It allows one to write an entry in the `/etc/mistral/mistral.conf` file. ```puppet mistral_config { 'DEFAULT/use_syslog' : value => false, } ``` This will write `use_syslog=false` in the `[DEFAULT]` section. ##### name Section/setting name to manage from `mistral.conf` ##### value The value of the setting to be defined. ##### secret Whether to hide the value from Puppet logs. Defaults to `false`. ##### ensure_absent_val If value is equal to ensure_absent_val then the resource will behave as if `ensure => absent` was specified. Defaults to `` ### mistral_workflow The `mistral_workflow` provider allows the creation/update/deletion of workflow definitions using a source file (in YAML). ```puppet mistral_workflow { 'my_workflow': ensure => present, definition_file => '/home/user/my_workflow.yaml', is_public => true, } ``` Or: ```puppet mistral_workflow { 'my_workflow': ensure => absent, } ``` If you need to force the update of the workflow or change it's public attribute, use `latest`: ```puppet mistral_workflow { 'my_workflow': ensure => latest, definition_file => '/home/user/my_workflow.yaml', is_public => false, } ``` Although the mistral client allows multiple workflow definitions per source file, it not recommended to do so with this provider as the `mistral_workflow` is supposed to represent a single workflow. #### name The name of the workflow; this is only used when deleting the workflow since the definition file specifies the name of the workflow to create/update. #### definition_file The path to the file containing the definition of the workflow. This parameter is not mandatory but the creation or update will fail if it is not supplied. #### is_public Specifies whether the workflow must be public or not. Defaults to `true`. Limitations ------------ * All the mistral types use the CLI tools and so need to be ran on the mistral node. Beaker-Rspec ------------ This module has beaker-rspec tests To run: ```shell bundle install bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance ``` Development ----------- Developer documentation for the entire puppet-openstack project. * Contributors ------------ * Release Notes ------------- * Repository ---------- *