
101 lines
2.7 KiB

# == Class: mistral::services
# Start mistral services
# === Parameters
# [*is_engine*]
# start mistral engine? Defaults to 'true'.
# [*is_api*]
# start mistral api? Defaults to 'true'.
# [*is_executor*]
# start mistral executor? Defaults to 'true'.
# [*conf_file*]
# path to the conf file. Defaults '$::mistral::params::mistral_conf'
# [*log_file*]
# path to the service log file. Defaults '$::mistral::params::service_log_file'
class mistral::services(
$is_engine = true,
$is_api = true,
$is_executor = true,
$conf_file = $::mistral::params::mistral_conf,
$log_file = $::mistral::params::service_log_file
) inherits ::mistral::params {
if $is_engine {
notify { 'Start mistral-engine': }
file { 'openstack-mistral-engine':
path => '/usr/lib/systemd/system/openstack-mistral-engine
owner => 'mistral',
group => 'mistral',
mode => '0644',
content => template('mistral/openstack-mistral-engine.service.erb'),
require => Package['mistral']
service { 'openstack-mistral-engine':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => File['openstack-mistral-engine'],
subscribe => File[$::mistral::params::mistral_conf]
if $is_api {
notify { 'Start mistral-api': }
file { 'openstack-mistral-api':
path => '/usr/lib/systemd/system/openstack-mistral-api.service',
owner => 'mistral',
group => 'mistral',
mode => '0644',
content => template('mistral/openstack-mistral-api.service.erb'),
require => Package['mistral']
service { 'openstack-mistral-api':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => File['openstack-mistral-api'],
subscribe => File[$::mistral::params::mistral_conf]
if $is_executor {
notify { 'Start mistral-executor': }
file { 'openstack-mistral-executor':
path => '/usr/lib/systemd/system/openstack-mistral-executor
owner => 'mistral',
group => 'mistral',
mode => '0644',
content => template('mistral/openstack-mistral-executor.service.erb'),
require => Package['mistral']
service { 'openstack-mistral-executor':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => File['openstack-mistral-executor'],
subscribe => File[$::mistral::params::mistral_conf]
exec { 'update-service':
command => $::mistral::params::update_service_command,
path => '/usr/bin',
user => 'root',
logoutput => on_failure,
subscribe => [File['openstack-mistral-executor'],
File['openstack-mistral-api'], File['openstack-mistral-engine']]