
66 lines
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# == Define: virtualenv::agent_instance
# Sets up a virtualenv instance and handles agent specific setup in the venv.
# See the instance class for details on using virtualenv instances
# === Parameters
# [*ensure*] (required) Whether or not the package should be removed or
# installed. Should be 'present', or 'absent'. For package installs, other
# values such as a version number or 'latest' are also acceptable.
# [*venv_active*] (optional) Whether or not the virtualenv should be made
# active by managing symlinks into it and restarting services if the links are
# changed. Only one virtualenv can be active at a time. Defaults to false.
# [*basedir*] (required) Base directory for storing virtualenvs.
# [*symlink*] (required if venv_active is true) The path to link to the venv_dir
# [*venv_prefix*] Prefix to give to virtualenv directories
# This can be specified to provide more meaningful names, or to have multiple
# virtualenvs installed at the same time. Defaults to $name
# [*venv_requirements*] (required) Python requirements.txt to pass to pip when
# populating the virtualenv. Required if the instance is ensured to be present.
# [*venv_extra_args*] (optional) Extra arguments that will be passed to `pip
# install` when creating the virtualenv.
define monasca::virtualenv::agent_instance(
$venv_prefix = $name,
$ensure = 'present',
$symlink = undef,
$venv_requirements = undef,
$venv_active = false,
$venv_extra_args = undef,
) {
validate_legacy(String, 'validate_string', $ensure)
$valid_values = [
validate_legacy(Enum['present', 'absent'], 'validate_re', $ensure,
[$valid_values, "Unknown value '${ensure}' for ensure, must be present or absent"])
File[$basedir] -> anchor { 'monasca::virtualenv::instance': }
Package<| name == 'python-virtualenv' |> -> Anchor['monasca::virtualenv::instance']
Package<| name == 'python-dev' |> -> Anchor['monasca::virtualenv::instance']
monasca::virtualenv::instance { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
basedir => $basedir,
venv_prefix => $venv_prefix,
symlink => $symlink,
venv_requirements => $venv_requirements,
venv_active => $venv_active,
venv_extra_args => $venv_extra_args,
require => Anchor['monasca::virtualenv::instance'],