
56 lines
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# == Defined Type: monasca::checks::instances::http_check
# configure monasca plugin yaml file for http_check
# === Parameters:
# [*url*]
# url to get http status for
# [*timeout*]
# timeout in seconds for how long to wait for an http response
# [*username*]
# username for keystone authentication
# [*password*]
# password for keystone authentication
# [*match_pattern*]
# expected patter in http response
# [*use_keystone*]
# flag for whether to pass keystone token to url
# [*collect_response_time*]
# flag to collect the http response time metric
# [*headers*]
# any headers that should be passed to url
# [*disable_ssl_validation*]
# flag to disable ssl validation
# [*dimensions*]
# any additional dimensions for the check
define monasca::checks::instances::http_check (
$timeout = undef,
$username = undef,
$password = undef,
$match_pattern = undef,
$use_keystone = undef,
$collect_response_time = undef,
$headers = undef,
$disable_ssl_validation = undef,
$dimensions = undef,
) {
$conf_dir = $::monasca::agent::conf_dir
concat::fragment { "${title}_http_check_instance":
target => "${conf_dir}/http_check.yaml",
content => template('monasca/checks/http_check.erb'),
order => '1',