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# == Class: monasca::checks::nagios_wrapper
# Sets up the monasca nagios_wrapper check.
# === Parameters
# [*check_path*]
# Directories where Nagios checks (scripts, programs) may live
# [*temp_file_path*]
# Where to store last-run timestamps for each check
# [*instances*]
# A hash of instances for the check.
# Each instance should be a hash of the check's parameters.
# Parameters for the nagios_wrapper check are:
# service_name (the instance key): The name of the instance.
# check_command (required)
# host_name
# check_interval
# dimensions
# e.g.
# instances:
# load:
# check_command: 'check_load -r -w 2,1.5,1 -c 10,5,4'
# disk:
# check_command: 'check_disk -w 15\% -c 5\% -A -i /srv/node'
# check_interval: '300'
# [*host_name*]
# Use with the collector to determine which checks run on which host
# [*central_mon*]
# Set to true when using the collector if a single host will be running
# all non-nrpe checks
class monasca::checks::nagios_wrapper(
$check_path = '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins:/usr/local/bin/nagios',
$temp_file_path = '/dev/shm/',
$instances = undef,
$host_name = undef,
$central_mon = false,
$conf_dir = $::monasca::agent::conf_dir
if ($central_mon) {
Monasca::Checks::Instances::Nagios_wrapper <<| nrpe == false |>>
else {
Monasca::Checks::Instances::Nagios_wrapper <<| host_name == $host_name and nrpe != false |>>
Concat["${conf_dir}/nagios_wrapper.yaml"] ~> Service['monasca-agent']
concat { "${conf_dir}/nagios_wrapper.yaml":
owner => 'root',
group => $::monasca::group,
mode => '0640',
warn => true,
require => File[$conf_dir],
concat::fragment { 'nagios_wrapper_header':
target => "${conf_dir}/nagios_wrapper.yaml",
order => '0',
content => template('monasca/checks/nagios_wrapper.yaml.erb'),
create_resources('monasca::checks::instances::nagios_wrapper', $instances)