diff --git a/manifests/agents/n1kv_vem.pp b/manifests/agents/n1kv_vem.pp
index 9a0a8b25b..04e128816 100644
--- a/manifests/agents/n1kv_vem.pp
+++ b/manifests/agents/n1kv_vem.pp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # == Class: n1kv_vem
 # Deploy N1KV VEM on compute and network nodes.
 # Support exists and tested for RedHat.
 # (For Ubuntu/Debian platforms few changes and testing pending.)
@@ -121,133 +122,5 @@ class neutron::agents::n1kv_vem (
   $fastpath_flood       = 'enable'
 ) {
-  include neutron::deps
-  include neutron::params
-  require vswitch::ovs
-  Exec { path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/' , '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ] }
-  if($::osfamily != 'Redhat') {
-    #current support exists for Redhat family.
-    #Support for Debian will be added soon.
-    fail("Unsupported osfamily ${::osfamily}")
-  }
-  #Check source of n1kv-vem image:yum-repo (or) local file in 'files' directory
-  if $n1kv_source != '' {
-    if ($n1kv_source =~ /^http/) or ($n1kv_source =~ /^ftp/) {
-      $vemimage_uri = 'repo'
-    } else {
-      $vemimage_uri = 'file'
-      $vemtgtimg    = "/var/n1kv/${n1kv_source}"
-    }
-  } else {
-    $vemimage_uri = 'unspec'
-  }
-  package { 'libnl':
-    ensure => $package_ensure,
-    name   => $::neutron::params::libnl_package,
-    tag    => ['neutron-support-package'],
-  }
-  file {
-    '/etc/n1kv':
-      ensure => directory,
-      owner  => 'root',
-      group  => 'root',
-      mode   => '0755';
-    '/var/n1kv':
-      ensure => directory,
-      owner  => 'root',
-      group  => 'root',
-      mode   => '0755',
-  }
-  #specify template corresponding to 'n1kv.conf'
-  file {'/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf':
-    ensure  => present,
-    owner   => 'root',
-    group   => 'root',
-    mode    => '0664',
-    content => template('neutron/n1kv.conf.erb'),
-    require => File['/etc/n1kv'],
-  }
-  if $vemimage_uri == 'file' {
-    #specify location on target-host where image file will be downloaded to.
-    #Later vem package: 'nexus1000v' will be installed from this file.
-    file { $vemtgtimg:
-      owner   => 'root',
-      group   => 'root',
-      mode    => '0664',
-      source  => "puppet:///modules/neutron/${n1kv_source}",
-      require => File['/var/n1kv'],
-    }
-    package {'nexus1000v':
-      ensure   => $n1kv_version,
-      provider => $::neutron::params::package_provider,
-      source   => $vemtgtimg,
-      tag      => ['neutron-support-package', 'openstack'],
-      require  => File[$vemtgtimg]
-    }
-  } else {
-    if $vemimage_uri == 'repo' {
-      #vem package: 'nexus1000v' will be downloaded and installed
-      #from below repo.
-      yumrepo { 'cisco-vem-repo':
-        baseurl  => $n1kv_source,
-        descr    => 'Repo for VEM Image',
-        enabled  => 1,
-        gpgcheck => 1,
-        gpgkey   => "${n1kv_source}/RPM-GPG-KEY"
-        #proxy   => '_none_',
-      }
-      warning('cisco-vem-repo repository management is deprecated, it will be dropped in a future release.')
-    }
-    package {'nexus1000v':
-      ensure => $package_ensure,
-      tag    => ['neutron-support-package', 'openstack'],
-    }
-  }
-  warning('nexus1000v package management is deprecated, it will be dropped in a future release.')
-  if $manage_service {
-    if $enable {
-      $service_ensure = 'running'
-    } else {
-      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-    }
-  }
-  service { 'nexus1000v':
-    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-  }
-  warning('nexus1000v service management is deprecated, it will be dropped in a future release.')
-  #Upon config change in 'n1kv.conf' execute below 'vemcmd reread config'.
-  #No need to restart service.
-  exec { 'vemcmd reread config':
-    subscribe   => File['/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf'],
-    refreshonly => true,
-    require     => Service['nexus1000v']
-  }
-  if $vteps_in_same_subnet == true {
-    $my_sysctl_settings = {
-      'net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter'    => { value => 2 },
-      'net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter'        => { value => 2 },
-      'net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_ignore'   => { value => 1 },
-      'net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore'       => { value => 1 },
-      'net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce'     => { value => 2 },
-      'net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_announce' => { value => 2 },
-    }
-    create_resources(sysctl::value,$my_sysctl_settings)
-  }
-  Package['libnl']            -> Package['nexus1000v']
-  Service['openvswitch']      ~> Package['nexus1000v']
-  File['/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf'] -> Package['nexus1000v']
-  Package['nexus1000v']       ~> Service['nexus1000v']
+  warning('The support N1kv driver was deprecated and has no effect')
diff --git a/manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/nexus1000v.pp b/manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/nexus1000v.pp
index 2fbab328d..b02e231df 100644
--- a/manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/nexus1000v.pp
+++ b/manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/nexus1000v.pp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # Configure the Mech Driver for cisco nexus 1000v neutron plugin
 # === Parameters
@@ -85,26 +86,8 @@ class neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v (
   $max_vsm_retries               = '2',
   $restrict_policy_profiles      = 'False',
   $enable_vif_type_n1kv          = 'False',
+) {
-  include neutron::deps
-  include neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco
-  neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/n1kv_vsm_ips'                  : value => $n1kv_vsm_ip;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/username'                      : value => $n1kv_vsm_username;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/password'                      : value => $n1kv_vsm_password, secret => true;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/default_policy_profile'        : value => $default_policy_profile;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/default_vlan_network_profile'  : value => $default_vlan_network_profile;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/default_vxlan_network_profile' : value => $default_vxlan_network_profile;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/poll_duration'                 : value => $poll_duration;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/http_pool_size'                : value => $http_pool_size;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/http_timeout'                  : value => $http_timeout;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/sync_interval'                 : value => $sync_interval;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/max_vsm_retries'               : value => $max_vsm_retries;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/restrict_policy_profiles'      : value => $restrict_policy_profiles;
-    'ml2_cisco_n1kv/enable_vif_type_n1kv'          : value => $enable_vif_type_n1kv;
-  }
+  warning('The support N1kv driver was deprecated and has no effect')
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/deprecate-n1kv-driver-b851f8fbfcef8a48.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/deprecate-n1kv-driver-b851f8fbfcef8a48.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94f30677f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/deprecate-n1kv-driver-b851f8fbfcef8a48.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  - |
+    Support for Nexus 1000v driver has been deprecated and has no effect now.
diff --git a/spec/classes/neutron_agents_n1kv_vem_spec.rb b/spec/classes/neutron_agents_n1kv_vem_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c1354f3a3..000000000
--- a/spec/classes/neutron_agents_n1kv_vem_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'neutron::agents::n1kv_vem' do
-  shared_examples 'neutron::agents::n1kv_vem' do
-    it 'should have a n1kv-vem config file' do
-      should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf').with(
-        :ensure  => 'present',
-        :owner   => 'root',
-        :group   => 'root',
-        :mode    => '0664'
-      )
-    end
-    it 'install n1kv-vem' do
-      should contain_service('openvswitch').with_notify(['Package[nexus1000v]'])
-      should contain_package('nexus1000v').with_notify(['Service[nexus1000v]'])
-      should contain_service('nexus1000v').with_ensure('running')
-    end
-    context 'with local file vem rpm' do
-      let :params do
-        {
-          :n1kv_source => 'vem.rpm'
-        }
-      end
-      it 'verify dependency' do
-        should contain_package('nexus1000v').with_source('/var/n1kv/vem.rpm')
-        should contain_file('/var/n1kv/vem.rpm').that_requires('File[/var/n1kv]')
-        should contain_file('/var/n1kv/vem.rpm').with(
-          :owner   => 'root',
-          :group   => 'root',
-          :mode    => '0664'
-        )
-      end
-    end
-    context 'remote vem rpm' do
-      let :params do
-        {
-          :n1kv_source => 'http://www.cisco.com/repo'
-        }
-      end
-      it 'verify dependency' do
-        should contain_package('nexus1000v').without_source
-        should contain_yumrepo('cisco-vem-repo').with(
-          :baseurl  => 'http://www.cisco.com/repo',
-          :enabled => 1
-        )
-      end
-    end
-    it 'execute reread config upon config change' do
-      should contain_exec('vemcmd reread config') \
-        .that_subscribes_to('File[/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf]')
-    end
-    context 'verify n1kv.conf default' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :n1kv_vsm_ip        => '',
-        :n1kv_vsm_ipv6      => '::3',
-        :n1kv_vsm_domain_id => 900,
-        :host_mgmt_intf     => 'eth9',
-        :portdb             => 'ovs',
-        :fastpath_flood     => 'enable'
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^l3control-ipaddr
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^l3control-ipv6addr ::3/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^switch-domain 900/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^host-mgmt-intf eth9/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^portdb ovs/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .without_content(/^phys/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .without_content(/^virt/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^node-type compute/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^fastpath-flood enable/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify n1kv.conf svs-mode with default IPv6 address' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :n1kv_vsm_ipv6 => '::1'
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .without_content(/^svs-mode V6/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify n1kv.conf svs-mode with non-default IPv6 address' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :n1kv_vsm_ipv6 => '::3'
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^svs-mode V6/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify node_type' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :node_type        => 'network',
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^node-type network/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .without_content(/^node-type compute/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify portdb' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :portdb             => 'vem',
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^portdb vem/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .without_content(/^portdb ovs/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify fastpath_flood' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :fastpath_flood     => 'disable',
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^fastpath-flood disable/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .without_content(/^fastpath-flood enable/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify n1kv.conf with uplinks' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :uplink_profile => { 'eth1' => 'prof1',
-                             'eth2' => 'prof2'
-                           }
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^phys eth1 profile prof1/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^phys eth2 profile prof2/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify n1kv.conf with vtep info' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :vtep_config => { 'vtep1' => { 'profile' => 'profint',
-                                       'ipmode'  => 'dhcp'
-                                     },
-                          'vtep2' => { 'profile'   => 'profint',
-                                       'ipmode'    => 'static',
-                                       'ipaddress' => '',
-                                       'netmask'   => ''
-                                     }
-                        }
-      }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^virt vtep1 profile profint mode dhcp/)
-        should contain_file('/etc/n1kv/n1kv.conf') \
-          .with_content(/^virt vtep2 profile profint mode static/)
-      end
-    end
-    context 'with manage_service as false' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :manage_service => false
-      }
-      end
-      it 'should not start/stop service' do
-        should contain_service('nexus1000v').without_ensure
-      end
-    end
-    context 'with manage_service true and enable_service false' do
-      let :params do
-      {
-        :manage_service => true,
-        :enable         => false
-      }
-      end
-      it 'should stop service' do
-        should contain_service('nexus1000v').with_ensure('stopped')
-      end
-    end
-    context 'verify sysctl setting with vteps_in_same_subnet true' do
-      let :params do
-        {
-          :vteps_in_same_subnet => true
-        }
-      end
-      it do
-        should contain_sysctl__value('net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter').with_value('2')
-        should contain_sysctl__value('net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter').with_value('2')
-        should contain_sysctl__value('net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_ignore').with_value('1')
-        should contain_sysctl__value('net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore').with_value('1')
-        should contain_sysctl__value('net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce').with_value('2')
-        should contain_sysctl__value('net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_announce').with_value('2')
-      end
-    end  
-  end
-  on_supported_os({
-    :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os
-  }).each do |os,facts|
-    context "on #{os}" do
-      let (:facts) do
-        facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts())
-      end
-      if facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat'
-        it_behaves_like 'neutron::agents::n1kv_vem'
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/spec/classes/neutron_plugins_ml2_cisco_nexus1000v_spec.rb b/spec/classes/neutron_plugins_ml2_cisco_nexus1000v_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c9418b9a7..000000000
--- a/spec/classes/neutron_plugins_ml2_cisco_nexus1000v_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v' do
-  let :pre_condition do
-    "class { 'neutron::keystone::authtoken':
-      password => 'passw0rd',
-     }
-     class { 'neutron::server': }
-     class { 'neutron':
-      core_plugin     => 'ml2'
-     }"
-  end
-  let :default_params do
-    {
-      :n1kv_vsm_ip                   => '',
-      :n1kv_vsm_username             => 'admin',
-      :n1kv_vsm_password             => 'password',
-      :default_policy_profile        => 'default-pp',
-      :default_vlan_network_profile  => 'default-vlan-np',
-      :default_vxlan_network_profile => 'default-vxlan-np',
-      :poll_duration                 => '60',
-      :http_pool_size                => '4',
-      :http_timeout                  => '15',
-      :sync_interval                 => '300',
-      :max_vsm_retries               => '2',
-      :restrict_policy_profiles      => 'False',
-      :enable_vif_type_n1kv          => 'False',
-    }
-  end
-  let :params do
-    {}
-  end
-  shared_examples 'neutron cisco ml2 nexus1000v plugin' do
-    before do
-      params.merge!(default_params)
-    end
-    it { should contain_class('neutron::params') }
-    it do
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/n1kv_vsm_ips').with_value(params[:n1kv_vsm_ip])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/username').with_value(params[:n1kv_vsm_username])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/password').with_value(params[:n1kv_vsm_password]).with_secret(true)
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/default_policy_profile').with_value(params[:default_policy_profile])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/default_vlan_network_profile').with_value(params[:default_vlan_network_profile])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/default_vxlan_network_profile').with_value(params[:default_vxlan_network_profile])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/poll_duration').with_value(params[:poll_duration])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/http_pool_size').with_value(params[:http_pool_size])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/http_timeout').with_value(params[:http_timeout])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/sync_interval').with_value(params[:sync_interval])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/max_vsm_retries').with_value(params[:max_vsm_retries])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/restrict_policy_profiles').with_value(params[:restrict_policy_profiles])
-      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_cisco_n1kv/enable_vif_type_n1kv').with_value(params[:enable_vif_type_n1kv])
-    end
-  end
-  on_supported_os({
-    :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os
-  }).each do |os,facts|
-    context "on #{os}" do
-      let (:facts) do
-        facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts())
-      end
-      if facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat'
-        it_behaves_like 'neutron cisco ml2 nexus1000v plugin'
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/templates/n1kv.conf.erb b/templates/n1kv.conf.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 174be184b..000000000
--- a/templates/n1kv.conf.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# This is the N1KV VEM configuration file.
-# <n1kv.conf> file contains all the configuration parameters for VEM operation.
-# Please find below a brief explanation of these parameters and their meaning.
-# Optional Parameters and Default Values of parameters are explicitly stated.
-# Note:
-# a)Mandatory parameters are needed for proper VEM operation.
-#   N1KV DP/DPA should start even if these are not specified.
-#   But there will be functional impact. For eg: in VSM connectivity
-# b)For any updates to parameters to take effect, you just need to execute
-#   'vemcmd reread config'. Its the least-disruptive way for changes to
-#   take effect. However for certain params, n1kv service need to be restarted.
-#    These parameter are stated explicitly (restart_on_modify: YES).
-# TAG: switch-domain
-# Description:
-# Optional: No
-# Default: 1000
-# restart_on_modify: No
-switch-domain <%= @n1kv_vsm_domain_id %>
-# TAG: l3control-ipaddr
-# Description: IP Address of VSM Mgmt I/F
-# Optional: No
-# Default:
-# restart_on_modify: No
-l3control-ipaddr <%= @n1kv_vsm_ip %>
-# TAG: l3control-ipv6addr
-# Description: IPv6 Address of VSM Mgmt I/F
-# Optional: No
-# Default: ::1
-# restart_on_modify: No
-l3control-ipv6addr <%= @n1kv_vsm_ipv6 %>
-# Set svs-mode to V6 if IPv6 address for VSM
-# is set to something other than default ::1.
-# This tells VEM to communicate with VSM on
-# IPv6 instead of the default IPv4 option
-<% if @n1kv_vsm_ipv6 != '::1' -%>
-svs-mode V6
-<% end -%>
-# TAG: host-mgmt-intf
-# Description: Management interface of the Host
-# Optional: No (on N1KV, we need this
-#               for Host Identification on VSM).
-# Default: lo
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-host-mgmt-intf <%= @host_mgmt_intf %>
-#<Port-Profile Mapping>
-# Description: Port-Profile mapping for all VEM managed Interfaces.
-# Optional: Yes
-# restart_on_modify: No
-# Note: Do not specify Host Management Interface here.
-# We do yet support System Ports (Ports which need to be up all time: Post Reboot/VEM Upgrade).
-# Format for physical ports:
-# phys <port-name> profile  <profile-name>
-#phys eth1 profile sys-uplink
-#phys eth2 profile uplink2
-<% @uplink_profile.each do |port, profile| -%>
-phys <%= port%> profile <%= profile%>
-<% end -%>
-# Format for non-vm virt ports. For instance: VTEP ports.
-# virt <port-name> profile <profile-name> [mode static|dhcp] [address <ipaddr>]
-#      [netmask <netmask ip>] [mac <macaddr>]
-# [] -->indicates optional parameters.
-#virt vtep3 profile profint mode dhcp
-#virt vtep1 profile profint mode dhcp mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
-#virt vtep2 profile profint mode static address netmask
-#virt vtep2 profile profint mode static address netmask mac 00:22:22:33:44:55
-<% @vtep_config.each do |port, params| -%>
-<% if params['ipmode'] == 'dhcp'  -%>
-virt <%= port%> profile <%= params['profile']%> mode dhcp
-<% else-%>
-virt <%= port%> profile <%= params['profile']%> mode static address <%= params['ipaddress']%> netmask <%= params['netmask']%>
-<% end -%>
-<% end -%>
-# TAG: uvem-ovs-brname
-# Description: Default Open VSwitch Bridge Name
-# Optional: YES.
-# Default: n1kvdvs
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format:
-# uvem-ovs-brname n1kvdvs
-uvem-ovs-brname br-int
-# TAG: portdb
-# Description: PortDB (ovs|vem)
-# Optional: YES.
-# Default: ovs
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format:
-# portdb vem
-portdb <%= @portdb %>
-# TAG: node-type
-# Description: Type of Node: 'compute' (or) 'neutron'
-# Optional: YES.
-# Default: compute
-# restart_on_modify: No
-# Format:
-# node-type compute
-node-type <%= @node_type %>
-# The below parameters are not commonly modified.
-# Description:  System Port Profiles.
-# Optional: Yes (If there are no System Interfaces: Mgmt I/F etc)
-# restart_on_modify: No
-#Trunk Profile Format
-#profile <name> trunk <vlan>
-#profile <name> native-vlan <vlan>
-#profile <name> mtu <mtu-size>
-#Access Profile
-#profile <name> access <vlan>
-#profile <name> mtu <mtu-size>
-# TAG: dp-np-threads
-# Description: Number of datapath threads to process normal priority packets
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: 4
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: dp-np-threads <1..32>
-# TAG: dp-lp-threads
-# Description: Number of datapath threads to process low priority packets
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: 1
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: dp-lp-threads <1..32>
-# TAG: dp-hp-threads
-# Description: Number of datapath threads to process high priority packets
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: 1
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: dp-hp-threads <1..32>
-# TAG: dp-thread-sockets
-# Description: Number of packet sockets each datapath thread creates
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: 1
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: dp-thread-sockets <1..16>
-# TAG: dp-thread-socket-rbuflen
-# Description: Receive buffer length of each packet socket
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: 8 MBytes
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: dp-thread-socket-rbuflen <0..255>
-# Note: 0 - use system default
-# TAG: dp-thread-socket-rrnglen
-# Description: Rx-ring length of each packet socket
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: 4096
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: dp-thread-socket-rrnglen <0..16384>
-# Note: 0 - disables memory map I/O
-# TAG: fastpath-flood
-# Description: Enable flood of broadcast and unknown pkts in KLM
-# Optional: YES
-# Default: disable
-# restart_on_modify: Yes
-# Format: fastpath-flood <enable|disable>
-fastpath-flood <%= @fastpath_flood %>