# # Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS # # Author: Emilien Macchi # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Configure the neutron server to use the ML2 plugin. # This configures the plugin for the API server, but does nothing # about configuring the agents that must also run and share a config # file with the OVS plugin if both are on the same machine. # # === Parameters # # [*type_drivers*] # (optional) List of network type driver entrypoints to be loaded # from the neutron.ml2.type_drivers namespace. # Could be an array that can have these elements: # local, flat, vlan, gre, vxlan # Defaults to ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan', 'geneve']. # # [*extension_drivers*] # (optional) Ordered list of extension driver entrypoints to be loaded # from the neutron.ml2.extension_drivers namespace. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*tenant_network_types*] # (optional) Ordered list of network_types to allocate as tenant networks. # The value 'local' is only useful for single-box testing # but provides no connectivity between hosts. # Should be an array that can have these elements: # local, flat, vlan, gre, vxlan # Defaults to ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan']. # # [*mechanism_drivers*] # (optional) An ordered list of networking mechanism driver # entrypoints to be loaded from the neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers namespace. # Should be an array that can have these elements: # logger, test, linuxbridge, openvswitch, hyperv, ncs, arista, cisco_nexus, # l2population, sriovnicswitch # Default to ['openvswitch', 'linuxbridge']. # # [*flat_networks*] # (optional) List of physical_network names with which flat networks # can be created. Use * to allow flat networks with arbitrary # physical_network names. # Should be an array. # Default to *. # # [*network_vlan_ranges*] # (optional) List of :: or # specifying physical_network names # usable for VLAN provider and tenant networks, as # well as ranges of VLAN tags on each available for # allocation to tenant networks. # Should be an array with vlan_min = 1 & vlan_max = 4094 (IEEE 802.1Q) # Default to 'physnet1:1000:2999'. # # [*tunnel_id_ranges*] # (optional) Comma-separated list of : tuples # enumerating ranges of GRE tunnel IDs that are # available for tenant network allocation # Should be an array with tun_max +1 - tun_min > 1000000 # Default to '20:100'. # # [*vxlan_group*] # (optional) Multicast group for VXLAN. # Multicast group for VXLAN. If unset, disables VXLAN enable sending allocate # broadcast traffic to this multicast group. When left unconfigured, will # disable multicast VXLAN mode # Should be an Multicast IP (v4 or v6) address. # Default to ''. # # [*vni_ranges*] # (optional) Comma-separated list of : tuples # enumerating ranges of VXLAN VNI IDs that are # available for tenant network allocation. # Min value is 0 and Max value is 16777215. # Default to '10:100'. # # [*enable_security_group*] # (optional) Controls if neutron security group is enabled or not. # It should be false when you use nova security group. # Defaults to $::os_service_default. # # [*firewall_driver*] # (optional) Firewall driver for realizing neutron security group function. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*package_ensure*] # (optional) Ensure state for package. # Defaults to 'present'. # # [*physical_network_mtus*] # (optional) For L2 mechanism drivers, per-physical network MTU setting. # Should be an array with 'physnetX1:9000'. # Defaults to $::os_service_default. # # [*path_mtu*] # (optional) For L3 mechanism drivers, determines the maximum permissible # size of an unfragmented packet travelling from and to addresses where # encapsulated traffic is sent. # Defaults to 0. # # [*purge_config*] # (optional) Whether to set only the specified config options # in the ml2 config. # Defaults to false. # # [*max_header_size*] # (optional) Geneve encapsulation header size is dynamic, this value is used to calculate # the maximum MTU for the driver. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*overlay_ip_version*] # (optional) Configures the IP version used for all overlay network endpoints. Valid values # are 4 and 6. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # DEPRECATED PARAMETERS # [*supported_pci_vendor_devs*] # (optional) Supported PCI vendor devices, defined by # vendor_id:product_id according to the PCI ID # Repository. Should be an array of devices. # Defaults to undef # class neutron::plugins::ml2 ( $type_drivers = ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan'], $extension_drivers = $::os_service_default, $tenant_network_types = ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan'], $mechanism_drivers = ['openvswitch', 'linuxbridge'], $flat_networks = '*', $network_vlan_ranges = 'physnet1:1000:2999', $tunnel_id_ranges = '20:100', $vxlan_group = '', $vni_ranges = '10:100', $enable_security_group = $::os_service_default, $firewall_driver = $::os_service_default, $package_ensure = 'present', $physical_network_mtus = $::os_service_default, $path_mtu = 0, $purge_config = false, $max_header_size = $::os_service_default, $overlay_ip_version = $::os_service_default, # DEPRECATED PARAMETERS $supported_pci_vendor_devs = undef, ) { include ::neutron::deps include ::neutron::params if ! $mechanism_drivers { warning('Without networking mechanism driver, ml2 will not communicate with L2 agents') } if !is_service_default($enable_security_group) and $enable_security_group and is_service_default($firewall_driver) { warning('Security groups will not work without properly set firewall_driver') } if $supported_pci_vendor_devs { warning ('supported_pci_vendor_devs is deprecated, has no effect and will be removed in a future release.') } if !is_service_default($overlay_ip_version) and !("${overlay_ip_version}" in ['4', '6']) { fail('Invalid IP version for overlay_ip_version') } if $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' { file_line { '/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG': path => '/etc/default/neutron-server', match => '^NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=(.*)$', line => 'NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=/etc/neutron/plugin.ini', tag => 'neutron-file-line' } } # In RH, the link is used to start Neutron process but in Debian, it's used only # to manage database synchronization. file {'/etc/neutron/plugin.ini': ensure => link, target => '/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini', tag => 'neutron-config-file', } file {'/etc/default/neutron-server': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', tag => 'neutron-config-file', } # Some platforms do not have a dedicated ml2 plugin package if $::neutron::params::ml2_server_package { package { 'neutron-plugin-ml2': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::neutron::params::ml2_server_package, tag => ['neutron-package', 'openstack'], } } resources { 'neutron_plugin_ml2': purge => $purge_config, } neutron::plugins::ml2::type_driver { $type_drivers: flat_networks => $flat_networks, tunnel_id_ranges => $tunnel_id_ranges, network_vlan_ranges => $network_vlan_ranges, vni_ranges => $vni_ranges, vxlan_group => $vxlan_group, max_header_size => $max_header_size } neutron_plugin_ml2 { 'ml2/type_drivers': value => join(any2array($type_drivers), ','); 'ml2/tenant_network_types': value => join(any2array($tenant_network_types), ','); 'ml2/mechanism_drivers': value => join(any2array($mechanism_drivers), ','); 'ml2/path_mtu': value => $path_mtu; 'ml2/extension_drivers': value => join(any2array($extension_drivers), ','); 'ml2/overlay_ip_version': value => $overlay_ip_version; 'securitygroup/enable_security_group': value => $enable_security_group; 'securitygroup/firewall_driver': value => $firewall_driver; } if is_service_default($physical_network_mtus) { neutron_plugin_ml2 { 'ml2/physical_network_mtus': ensure => absent; } } else { validate_array($physical_network_mtus) neutron_plugin_ml2 { 'ml2/physical_network_mtus': value => join($physical_network_mtus, ','); } } }