require 'spec_helper' describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::vpp' do let :pre_condition do "class { 'neutron': }" end let :default_params do { :package_ensure => 'present', :enabled => true, :manage_service => true, :etcd_host => '', :etcd_port => 4001, } end let :params do {} end shared_examples 'neutron plugin vpp agent with ml2 plugin' do let :p do default_params.merge(params) end it { should contain_class('neutron::params') } it 'passes purge to resource' do should contain_resources('neutron_agent_vpp').with({ :purge => false }) end it 'configures plugins/ml2/vpp_agent.ini' do should contain_neutron_agent_vpp('ml2_vpp/physnets').with_value('') should contain_neutron_agent_vpp('ml2_vpp/etcd_user').with_value('') should contain_neutron_agent_vpp('ml2_vpp/etcd_pass').with_value('') end it 'installs neutron vpp agent package' do should contain_package('neutron-vpp-agent').with( :name => platform_params[:vpp_plugin_package], :ensure => p[:package_ensure], :tag => ['openstack', 'neutron-package'], ) end it 'configures neutron vpp agent service' do should contain_service('neutron-vpp-agent-service').with( :name => platform_params[:vpp_agent_service], :enable => true, :ensure => 'running', :tag => ['neutron-service'], ) should contain_service('neutron-vpp-agent-service').that_subscribes_to('Anchor[neutron::service::begin]') should contain_service('neutron-vpp-agent-service').that_notifies('Anchor[neutron::service::end]') end context 'with manage_service as false' do before :each do params.merge!(:manage_service => false) end it 'should not start/stop service' do should contain_service('neutron-vpp-agent-service').without_ensure end end context 'when supplying a physnet mapping' do before :each do params.merge!(:physnets => 'physnet:GigabitEthernet2/2/0') end it 'should configure physnets' do should contain_neutron_agent_vpp('ml2_vpp/physnets').with_value('physnet:GigabitEthernet2/2/0') end end context 'when enabling etcd authentication' do before :each do params.merge!(:etcd_user => 'admin', :etcd_pass => 'password' ) end it 'should configure etcd username and password' do should contain_neutron_agent_vpp('ml2_vpp/etcd_user').with_value('admin') should contain_neutron_agent_vpp('ml2_vpp/etcd_pass').with_value('password') end end end on_supported_os({ :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os }).each do |os,facts| context "on #{os}" do let (:facts) do facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts()) end let :platform_params do case facts[:osfamily] when 'Debian' { :vpp_plugin_package => 'python3-networking-vpp', :vpp_agent_service => 'neutron-vpp-agent' } when 'RedHat' if facts[:operatingsystem] == 'Fedora' { :vpp_plugin_package => 'python3-networking-vpp', :vpp_agent_service => 'neutron-vpp-agent' } else if facts[:operatingsystemmajrelease] > '7' { :vpp_plugin_package => 'python3-networking-vpp', :vpp_agent_service => 'neutron-vpp-agent' } else { :vpp_plugin_package => 'python-networking-vpp', :vpp_agent_service => 'neutron-vpp-agent' } end end end end it_behaves_like 'neutron plugin vpp agent with ml2 plugin' end end end