require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..','..','..', 'puppet/provider/neutron') Puppet::Type.type(:neutron_port).provide( :openstack, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Neutron ) do desc <<-EOT Neutron provider to manage neutron_port type. Assumes that the neutron service is configured on the same host. EOT @credentials = mk_resource_methods def initialize(value={}) super(value) @property_flush = {} end def self.do_not_manage @do_not_manage end def self.do_not_manage=(value) @do_not_manage = value end def self.instances self.do_not_manage = true list = request('port', 'list').collect do |attrs| port = request('port', 'show', attrs[:id]) port[:name] = port[:id] if port[:name].empty? new( :ensure => :present, :name => port[:name], :id => port[:id], :status => port[:status], :tenant_id => port[:project_id], :network_id => port[:network_id], :network_name => get_network_name(port[:network_id]), :admin_state_up => port[:admin_state_up], :subnet_id => parse_subnet_id(port[:fixed_ips]), :subnet_name => get_subnet_name(parse_subnet_id(port[:fixed_ips])), :ip_address => parse_ip_address(port[:fixed_ips]), :binding_profile => parse_binding_profile_interface_name(port[:binding_profile]), :binding_host_id => port[:binding_host_id], ) end self.do_not_manage = false list end def self.prefetch(resources) ports = instances resources.keys.each do |name| if provider = ports.find{ |net| == name } resources[name].provider = provider end end end def exists? @property_hash[:ensure] == :present end def create if self.class.do_not_manage fail("Not managing Neutron_port[#{@resource[:name]}] due to earlier Neutron API failures.") end opts = [@resource[:name]] if @resource[:network_name] opts << "--network=#{@resource[:network_name]}" elsif @resource[:network_id] opts << "--network=#{@resource[:network_id]}" end if @resource[:admin_state_up] == 'False' opts << '--disable' end if @resource[:ip_address] Array(resource[:ip_address]).each do |ip| opts << "--fixed-ip ip_address=#{ip}" end end if @resource[:subnet_name] Array(resource[:subnet_name]).each do |subnet| opts << "--fixed-ip subnet=#{subnet}" end end if @resource[:tenant_name] opts << "--project=#{@resource[:tenant_name]}" elsif @resource[:tenant_id] opts << "--project=#{@resource[:tenant_id]}" end if @resource[:binding_host_id] opts << "--host=#{@resource[:binding_host_id]}" end if @resource[:binding_profile] @resource[:binding_profile].each do |k,v| opts << "--binding-profile #{k}=#{v}" end end port = self.class.request('port', 'create', opts) @property_hash = { :ensure => :present, :name => port[:name], :id => port[:id], :status => port[:status], :tenant_id => port[:project_id], :network_id => port[:network_id], :network_name => self.class.get_network_name(port[:network_id]), :admin_state_up => port[:admin_state_up], :subnet_id => self.class.parse_subnet_id(port[:fixed_ips]), :subnet_name => self.class.get_subnet_name(self.class.parse_subnet_id(port[:fixed_ips])), :ip_address => self.class.parse_ip_address(port[:fixed_ips]), :binding_profile => self.class.parse_binding_profile_interface_name(port[:binding_profile]), :binding_host_id => port[:binding_host_id], } end def flush if !@property_flush.empty? opts = [@resource[:name]] if @property_flush.has_key?(:admin_state_up) if @property_flush[:admin_state_up] == 'False' opts << '--disable' else opts << '--enable' end end if @property_flush.has_key?(:shared) if @property_flush[:shared] == 'False' opts << '--no-share' else opts << '--share' end end if @property_flush.has_key?(:router_external) if @property_flush[:router_external] == 'False' opts << '--internal' else opts << '--external' end end if @property_flush.has_key?(:availability_zone_hint) opts << "--avialability-zone-hint=#{@property_flush[:availability_zone_hint]}" end self.class.request('port', 'set', opts) @property_flush.clear end end def destroy if self.class.do_not_manage fail("Not managing Neutron_port[#{@resource[:name]}] due to earlier Neutron API failures.") end self.class.request('port', 'delete', @resource[:name]) @property_hash.clear @property_hash[:ensure] = :absent end def self.parse_subnet_id(value) fixed_ips = JSON.parse(value.gsub(/\\"/,'"').gsub('u\'', '"').gsub('\'','"')) subnet_ids = [] fixed_ips.each do |fixed_ip| subnet_ids << fixed_ip['subnet_id'] end if subnet_ids.length > 1 subnet_ids else subnet_ids.first end end def self.parse_ip_address(value) fixed_ips = JSON.parse(value.gsub(/\\"/,'"').gsub('u\'', '"').gsub('\'','"')) ips = [] fixed_ips.each do |fixed_ip| ips << fixed_ip['ip_address'] end if ips.length > 1 ips else ips.first end end def self.parse_binding_profile_interface_name(value) profile = JSON.parse(value.gsub(/\\"/,'"').gsub('u\'', '"').gsub('\'','"')) profile['interface_name'] end [ :admin_state_up, ].each do |attr| define_method(attr.to_s + "=") do |value| if self.class.do_not_manage fail("Not managing Neutron_port[#{@resource[:name]}] due to earlier Neutron API failures.") end @property_flush[attr] = value end end [ :network_id, :subnet_id, :ip_address, :tenant_id, :tenant_name, ].each do |attr| define_method(attr.to_s + "=") do |value| fail("Property #{attr.to_s} does not support being updated") end end end