# # Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS # # Author: Emilien Macchi # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Unit tests for neutron::plugins::ml2 class # require 'spec_helper' describe 'neutron::plugins::ml2' do let :pre_condition do "class { 'neutron': rabbit_password => 'passw0rd', core_plugin => 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin' }" end let :default_params do { :type_drivers => ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan'], :tenant_network_types => ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan'], :mechanism_drivers => ['openvswitch', 'linuxbridge'], :flat_networks => '*', :network_vlan_ranges => '10:50', :tunnel_id_ranges => '20:100', :vxlan_group => '', :vni_ranges => '10:100', :path_mtu => '0', :physical_network_mtus => '', :package_ensure => 'present', :purge_config => false, } end let :test_facts do { :operatingsystem => 'default', :operatingsystemrelease => 'default' } end let :params do {} end shared_examples_for 'neutron plugin ml2' do let :p do default_params.merge(params) end it { is_expected.to contain_class('neutron::params') } it 'configures neutron.conf' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_config('DEFAULT/core_plugin').with_value('neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin') end it 'passes purge to resource' do is_expected.to contain_resources('neutron_plugin_ml2').with({ :purge => false }) end it 'configures ml2_conf.ini' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/type_drivers').with_value(p[:type_drivers].join(',')) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/tenant_network_types').with_value(p[:tenant_network_types].join(',')) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/mechanism_drivers').with_value(p[:mechanism_drivers].join(',')) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/extension_drivers').with_value('') is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/path_mtu').with_value(p[:path_mtu]) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/physical_network_mtus').with_ensure('absent') is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('securitygroup/firewall_driver').with_value('') is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('securitygroup/enable_security_group').with_value('') end it 'creates plugin symbolic link' do is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/neutron/plugin.ini').with( :ensure => 'link', :target => '/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini' ) end it 'installs ml2 package (if any)' do if platform_params.has_key?(:ml2_server_package) is_expected.to contain_package('neutron-plugin-ml2').with( :name => platform_params[:ml2_server_package], :ensure => p[:package_ensure], :tag => ['neutron-package', 'openstack'], ) is_expected.to contain_package('neutron-plugin-ml2').that_requires('Anchor[neutron::install::begin]') is_expected.to contain_package('neutron-plugin-ml2').that_notifies('Anchor[neutron::install::end]') end end context 'when overriding security group options' do before :each do params.merge!( :enable_security_group => true, :firewall_driver => 'neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver', ) end it 'configures enable_security_group and firewall_driver options' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('securitygroup/enable_security_group').with_value('true') is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('securitygroup/firewall_driver').with_value('neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver') end end context 'when using extension drivers for ML2 plugin' do before :each do params.merge!(:extension_drivers => ['port_security','qos']) end it 'configures extension drivers' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/extension_drivers').with_value(p[:extension_drivers].join(',')) end end context 'configure ml2 with bad driver value' do before :each do params.merge!(:type_drivers => ['foobar']) end it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /type_driver unknown./ end context 'when using flat driver' do before :each do params.merge!(:flat_networks => ['eth1', 'eth2']) end it 'configures flat_networks' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_flat/flat_networks').with_value(p[:flat_networks].join(',')) end end context 'when using gre driver with valid values' do before :each do params.merge!(:tunnel_id_ranges => ['0:20', '40:60']) end it 'configures gre_networks with valid ranges' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_gre/tunnel_id_ranges').with_value(p[:tunnel_id_ranges].join(',')) end end context 'when using gre driver with invalid values' do before :each do params.merge!(:tunnel_id_ranges => ['0:20', '40:100000000']) end it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /tunnel id ranges are to large./ end context 'when using vlan driver with valid values' do before :each do params.merge!(:network_vlan_ranges => ['1:20', '400:4094']) end it 'configures vlan_networks with 1:20 and 400:4094 VLAN ranges' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_vlan/network_vlan_ranges').with_value(p[:network_vlan_ranges].join(',')) end end context 'when using vlan driver with invalid vlan id' do before :each do params.merge!(:network_vlan_ranges => ['1:20', '400:4099']) end it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /vlan id are invalid./ end context 'when using vlan driver with invalid vlan range' do before :each do params.merge!(:network_vlan_ranges => ['2938:1']) end it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /vlan ranges are invalid./ end context 'when using vxlan driver with valid values' do before :each do params.merge!(:vni_ranges => ['40:300', '500:1000'], :vxlan_group => '') end it 'configures vxlan_networks with vxlan group' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_vxlan/vni_ranges').with_value(p[:vni_ranges].join(',')) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_vxlan/vxlan_group').with_value(p[:vxlan_group]) end end context 'when using vxlan driver with invalid vxlan group' do before :each do params.merge!(:vxlan_group => '') end it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /is not valid for vxlan_group./ end context 'when using vxlan driver with invalid vni_range' do before :each do params.merge!(:vni_ranges => ['2938:1']) end it_raises 'a Puppet::Error', /vni ranges are invalid./ end context 'when using geneve driver' do before :each do params.merge!(:type_drivers => ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan', 'geneve'], :vni_ranges => ['40:300','500:1000'], :max_header_size => 50 ) end it 'configures geneve with valid values' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/type_drivers').with_value(p[:type_drivers].join(',')) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_geneve/vni_ranges').with_value([p[:vni_ranges].join(',')]) is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2_type_geneve/max_header_size').with_value(p[:max_header_size]) end end context 'with path_mtu set' do before :each do params.merge!(:path_mtu => '9000') end it 'should set the path_mtu on the ml2 plugin' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/path_mtu').with_value(p[:path_mtu]) end end context 'with physical_network_mtus set' do before :each do params.merge!(:physical_network_mtus => ['physnet1:9000']) end it 'should set the physical_network_mtus on the ml2 plugin' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ml2/physical_network_mtus').with_value(p[:physical_network_mtus].join(',')) end end context 'when overriding package ensure state' do before :each do params.merge!(:package_ensure => 'latest') end it 'overrides package ensure state (if possible)' do if platform_params.has_key?(:ml2_server_package) is_expected.to contain_package('neutron-plugin-ml2').with( :name => platform_params[:ml2_server_package], :ensure => params[:package_ensure], :tag => ['neutron-package', 'openstack'], ) end end end context 'when running sriov mechanism driver' do before :each do params.merge!( :mechanism_drivers => ['openvswitch', 'sriovnicswitch'], ) end it 'configures sriov mechanism driver' do is_expected.to contain_neutron_plugin_sriov('ml2_sriov/supported_pci_vendor_devs').with_value(['15b3:1004,8086:10ca']) end end context 'on Ubuntu operating systems' do before do facts.merge!({:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu'}) end it 'configures /etc/default/neutron-server' do is_expected.to contain_file_line('/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG').with( :path => '/etc/default/neutron-server', :match => '^NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=(.*)$', :line => 'NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=/etc/neutron/plugin.ini', ) is_expected.to contain_file_line('/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG').that_requires('Anchor[neutron::config::begin]') is_expected.to contain_file_line('/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG').that_notifies('Anchor[neutron::config::end]') end end end context 'on Debian platforms' do let :facts do @default_facts.merge(test_facts.merge({ :osfamily => 'Debian' })) end let :platform_params do {} end context 'on Ubuntu operating systems' do before do facts.merge!({:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu'}) platform_params.merge!(:ml2_server_package => 'neutron-plugin-ml2') end it_configures 'neutron plugin ml2' end context 'on non-Ubuntu operating systems' do before do facts.merge!({:operatingsystem => 'Debian'}) end it_configures 'neutron plugin ml2' end end context 'on RedHat platforms' do let :facts do @default_facts.merge(test_facts.merge({ :osfamily => 'RedHat', :operatingsystemrelease => '7' })) end let :platform_params do { :ml2_server_package => 'openstack-neutron-ml2' } end it_configures 'neutron plugin ml2' end end