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# Configure the Mech Driver for Cisco UCSM plugin
# More info available here:
# http://networking-cisco.readthedocs.io
# === Parameters
# [*ucsm_ip*]
# (required) IP address of the Cisco UCS Manager
# [*ucsm_username*]
# (required) Username to connect to the UCS Manager
# [*ucsm_password*]
# (required) Password to connect to the UCS Manager
# [*ucsm_host_list*]
# (required)
# Hostname to Service profile mapping for UCSM-controlled compute hosts
# Example:
# Hostname1:Serviceprofile1, Hostname2:Serviceprofile2
# [*supported_pci_devs*]
# (optional) SR-IOV and VM-FEX vendors supported by this plugin
# xxxx:yyyy represents vendor_id:product_id
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# Example:
# [ '2222:3333', '4444:5555' ]
# [*ucsm_https_verify*]
# (optional) Set to False to turn off SSL certificate checking
# while connecting to UCS Manager.
# Defaults to True.
# [*sp_template_list*]
# (optional) This configuration needs to be provided when
# UCS Servers are controlled by Service Profile Templates.
# Example:
# sp_template_list = SP_Template1_path:SP_Template1:S1,S2
# SP_Template2_path:SP_Template2:S3,S4,S5
# [*vnic_template_list*]
# (optional) This configuration needs to be provided when vNICs
# on UCS Servers are controlled by vNIC Templates.
# Example:
# vnic_template_list = physnet1:vnic_template_path1:vt1
# physnet2:vnic_template_path2:vt2
class neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::ucsm (
$supported_pci_devs = $::os_service_default,
$ucsm_https_verify = $::os_service_default,
) {
include neutron::deps
include neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco
neutron_plugin_ml2 {
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/ucsm_ip' : value => $ucsm_ip;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/ucsm_username' : value => $ucsm_username;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/ucsm_password' : value => $ucsm_password, secret => true;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/ucsm_host_list' : value => $ucsm_host_list;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/sp_template_list' : value => $sp_template_list;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/vnic_template_list' : value => $vnic_template_list;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/supported_pci_devs' : value => $supported_pci_devs;
'ml2_cisco_ucsm/ucsm_https_verify' : value => $ucsm_https_verify;