Fix dependency cycle

There is a dependency cycle when using the nova::compute::libvirt
class and the nova::compute::rbd class in the same manifest.

The 'set-secret-value virsh' resource says before the
nova::config::end resource but up it's dependency path the
new libvirtd-tcp sources introduced in [1] depends requires
the nova::config::end anchor.

This removes the before nova::config::end on the set-secret-value
resources and only makes it depend on the get-or-set resource.

2020-06-05 08:26:58.966645 | centos-8 | (Anchor[nova::config::end] =>
Service[libvirtd-tcp] => Service[libvirt] => Exec[get-or-set virsh
secret] => Exec[set-secret-value virsh] =>
Anchor[nova::config::end])\nTry the '--graph' option and opening the
resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz


Change-Id: Iab96968de75d7064b3aecf266d0f24b7b98dc809
This commit is contained in:
Tobias Urdin 2020-06-05 10:41:30 +02:00
parent 98352cfe11
commit 345fac687a
1 changed files with 0 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ class nova::compute::rbd (
command => "/usr/bin/virsh secret-set-value --secret ${libvirt_rbd_secret_uuid} --base64 ${libvirt_key}",
unless => "/usr/bin/virsh secret-get-value ${libvirt_rbd_secret_uuid} | grep ${libvirt_key}",
require => Exec['get-or-set virsh secret'],
before => Anchor['nova::config::end'],