Updated nvcproxy class to use packages

Previously, the vnc package was installing novnc from source
b/c the packages were not working correctly on Ubuntu.

This commit removes the code that was installing from source
and adds code to ensure that the correct vncproxy package is installed
correctly on Ubuntu Precise.
This commit is contained in:
Dan Bode 2012-05-02 16:34:21 -07:00
parent 38aa6ce2be
commit 4905dce9a8
3 changed files with 17 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class nova::params {
$doc_package_name = 'nova-doc'
$libvirt_package_name = 'libvirt-bin'
$network_package_name = 'nova-network'
$vncproxy_package_name = 'novnc'
$numpy_package_name = 'python-numpy'
$objectstore_package_name = 'nova-objectstore'
$scheduler_package_name = 'nova-scheduler'
@ -57,29 +58,26 @@ class nova::params {
$consoleauth_service_name = 'nova-consoleauth'
$libvirt_service_name = 'libvirt-bin'
$network_service_name = 'nova-network'
$vncproxy_service_name = 'novnc'
$objectstore_service_name = 'nova-objectstore'
$scheduler_service_name = 'nova-scheduler'
$volume_service_name = 'nova-volume'
$tgt_service_name = 'tgt'
# debian specific nova config
$root_helper = 'sudo nova-rootwrap'
$lock_path = '/var/lock/nova'
case $::operatingsystem {
'Debian': {
$consoleauth_package_name = 'nova-console'
$vncproxy_package_name = 'novnc'
$vncproxy_service_name = 'novnc'
# Use default provider on Debian
$special_service_provider = undef
default: {
$consoleauth_package_name = 'nova-consoleauth'
$vncproxy_package_name = false
$vncproxy_service_name = 'nova-novncproxy'
# some of the services need to be started form the special upstart provider
$special_service_provider = 'upstart'
$tgt_service_name = 'tgt'
# debian specific nova config
$root_helper = 'sudo nova-rootwrap'
$lock_path = '/var/lock/nova'
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} operatingsystem: ${::operatingsystem}, module ${module_name} only support osfamily RedHat and Debian")

View File

@ -27,46 +27,4 @@ class nova::vncproxy(
require => Package['python-numpy']
if ($::osfamily == 'Debian' and $::operatingsystem != 'Debian') {
require git
package{ "noVNC":
ensure => purged,
file { '/etc/init.d/nova-novncproxy':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/nova/nova-novncproxy.init',
mode => 0750,
# this temporary upstart script needs to be removed
file { '/etc/init/nova-novncproxy.conf':
ensure => present,
content =>
description "nova noVNC Proxy server"
author "Etienne Pelletier <epelletier@morphlabs.com>"
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on runlevel [016]
exec su -s /bin/bash -c "exec /var/lib/nova/noVNC/utils/nova-novncproxy --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf --web=/var/lib/nova/noVNC" nova
mode => 0750,
# TODO this is terrifying, it is grabbing master
# I should at least check out a branch
vcsrepo { '/var/lib/nova/noVNC':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
source => 'https://github.com/cloudbuilders/noVNC.git',
revision => 'HEAD',
require => Package['nova-api'],
before => Nova::Generic_service['vncproxy'],

View File

@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ describe 'nova::vncproxy' do
'include nova'
let :params do
{:enabled => true}
describe 'on debian platforms' do
let :facts do
{ :osfamily => 'Debian' }
@ -19,40 +23,14 @@ describe 'nova::vncproxy' do
it { should contain_nova_config('novncproxy_host').with(:value => '') }
it { should contain_nova_config('novncproxy_port').with(:value => '6080') }
it { should contain_package('noVNC').with_ensure('purged') }
it { should contain_class('git') }
it { should contain_vcsrepo('/var/lib/nova/noVNC').with(
:ensure => 'latest',
:provider => 'git',
:source => 'https://github.com/cloudbuilders/noVNC.git',
:revision => 'HEAD',
:require => 'Package[nova-api]',
:before => 'Nova::Generic_service[vncproxy]'
it { should contain_package('nova-vncproxy').with(
:name => 'novnc',
:ensure => 'present'
) }
#describe 'when deployed on the API server' do
# let :pre_condition do
# 'include nova::api'
# end
# it { should contain_package('nova-vncproxy').with(
# 'ensure' => 'present',
# 'before' => 'Exec[initial-db-sync]'
# )}
describe 'and more precisely on Debian OS' do
let :facts do
{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :operatingsystem => 'Debian' }
it { should_not contain_class('git') }
it { should_not contain_vcsrepo('/var/lib/nova/noVNC') }
it { should_not contain_packate('noVNC') }
it { should contain_package('nova-vncproxy').with(
:name => 'novnc',
:ensure => 'present'
) }
it { should contain_service('nova-vncproxy').with(
:name => 'novnc',
:ensure => 'running'
describe 'on Redhatish platforms' do