class nova( # this is how to query all resources from our clutser $nova_cluster_id='localcluster', $sql_connection = false, # TODO maybe this should default to glance? $image_service = 'nova.image.local.LocalImageService', # these glance params should be optional # this should probably just be configured as a glance client $glance_api_servers = 'localhost:9292', $allow_admin_api = false, $rabbit_host = 'localhost', $rabbit_password='guest', $rabbit_port='5672', $rabbit_userid='guest', $rabbit_virtual_host='/', $network_manager = '', $flat_network_bridge = 'br100', $service_down_time = 60, $logdir = '/var/log/nova', $state_path = '/var/lib/nova', $lock_path = '/var/lock/nova', $verbose = false, $nodaemon = false, $periodic_interval = '60', $report_interval = '10', $root_helper = $::nova::params::root_helper, $auth_strategy = "keystone", $auth_host = '', $auth_port = 35357, $auth_protocol = 'http', $auth_uri = '', $admin_tenant_name = 'services', $admin_user = 'nova', $admin_password = 'passw0rd' ) inherits nova::params { # all nova_config resources should be applied # after the nova common package # before the file resource for nova.conf is managed # and before the post config resource Nova_config<| |> { require +> Package[$::nova::params::common_package_name], before +> File['/etc/nova/nova.conf'], notify +> Exec['post-nova_config'] } File { require => Package[$::nova::params::common_package_name], owner => 'nova', group => 'nova', } # TODO - see if these packages can be removed # they should be handled as package deps by the OS package { 'python': ensure => present, } package { 'python-greenlet': ensure => present, require => Package['python'], } class { 'nova::utilities': } # this anchor is used to simplify the graph between nova components by # allowing a resource to serve as a point where the configuration of nova begins anchor { 'nova-start': } package { "python-nova": ensure => present, require => Package["python-greenlet"] } package { 'nova-common': name =>$::nova::params::common_package_name, ensure => present, require => [Package["python-nova"], Anchor['nova-start']] } group { 'nova': ensure => present, system => true, require => Package['nova-common'], } user { 'nova': ensure => present, gid => 'nova', system => true, require => Package['nova-common'], } file { $logdir: ensure => directory, mode => '0751', } file { '/etc/nova/nova.conf': mode => '0640', } # I need to ensure that I better understand this resource # this is potentially constantly resyncing a central DB exec { "nova-db-sync": command => "/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync", refreshonly => "true", } # used by debian/ubuntu in nova::network_bridge to refresh # interfaces based on /etc/network/interfaces exec { "networking-refresh": command => "/sbin/ifdown -a ; /sbin/ifup -a", refreshonly => "true", } # query out the config for our db connection # TODO - I am not sure if resource collection should be the default if $sql_connection { nova_config { 'sql_connection': value => $sql_connection } } else{ Nova_config<<| tag == $cluster_id and value == 'sql_connection' |>> } nova_config { 'verbose': value => $verbose; 'nodaemon': value => $nodaemon; 'logdir': value => $logdir; 'image_service': value => $image_service; 'allow_admin_api': value => $allow_admin_api; 'rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host; 'rabbit_password': value => $rabbit_password; 'rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port; 'rabbit_userid': value => $rabbit_userid; 'rabbit_virtual_host': value => $rabbit_virtual_host; # Following may need to be broken out to different nova services 'state_path': value => $state_path; 'lock_path': value => $lock_path; 'service_down_time': value => $service_down_time; # These network entries wound up in the common # config b/c they have to be set by both compute # as well as controller. 'network_manager': value => $network_manager; 'root_helper': value => $root_helper; 'auth_strategy': value => $auth_strategy; } exec { 'post-nova_config': command => '/bin/echo "Nova config has changed"', refreshonly => true, } if $auth_strategy == 'keystone' { nova_config { 'use_deprecated_auth': value => false } } else { nova_config { 'use_deprecated_auth': value => true } } if $network_manager == '' { nova_config { 'flat_network_bridge': value => $flat_network_bridge } } if $network_manager == '' { nova_config { 'dhcpbridge': value => "/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge"; 'dhcpbridge_flagfile': value => "/etc/nova/nova.conf"; } } if $image_service == 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService' { nova_config { 'glance_api_servers': value => $glance_api_servers; } } }