
125 lines
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# == Class: nova::compute::libvirt::qemu
# Configures qemu limits for use by libvirt
# === Parameters:
# [*configure_qemu*]
# (optional) Whether or not configure qemu bits.
# Defaults to false.
# [*user*]
# (optional) User for qemu processes run by the system instance.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*group*]
# (optional) Group under which the qemu should run.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*max_files*]
# (optional) Maximum number of opened files, per process.
# Defaults to 1024.
# [*max_processes*]
# (optional) Maximum number of processes that can be run by qemu user.
# Defaults to 4096.
# [*vnc_tls*]
# (optional) Enables TLS for vnc connections.
# Defaults to false.
# [*vnc_tls_verify*]
# (optional) Enables TLS client cert verification when vnc_tls is enabled.
# Defaults to true.
# [*default_tls_verify*]
# (optional) Enables TLS client cert verification.
# Defaults to true.
# [*memory_backing_dir*]
# (optional) This directory is used for memoryBacking source if configured as file.
# NOTE: big files will be stored here
# Defaults to undef.
# [*nbd_tls*]
# (optional) Enables TLS for nbd connections.
# Defaults to false.
# [*libvirt_version*]
# (optional) installed libvirt version. Default is automatic detected depending
# of the used OS installed via ::nova::compute::libvirt::version::default .
# Defaults to ::nova::compute::libvirt::version::default
class nova::compute::libvirt::qemu(
Boolean $configure_qemu = false,
$user = undef,
$group = undef,
$max_files = 1024,
$max_processes = 4096,
Boolean $vnc_tls = false,
Boolean $vnc_tls_verify = true,
Boolean $default_tls_verify = true,
$memory_backing_dir = undef,
Boolean $nbd_tls = false,
$libvirt_version = $::nova::compute::libvirt::version::default,
) inherits nova::compute::libvirt::version {
include nova::deps
if versioncmp($libvirt_version, '4.5') < 0 {
fail('libvirt version < 4.5 is no longer supported')
Qemu_config<||> ~> Service<| tag == 'libvirt-qemu-service' |>
if $configure_qemu {
if $vnc_tls {
$vnc_tls_verify_real = $vnc_tls_verify
} else {
$vnc_tls_verify_real = false
qemu_config {
'max_files': value => $max_files;
'max_processes': value => $max_processes;
'vnc_tls': value => $vnc_tls;
'vnc_tls_x509_verify': value => $vnc_tls_verify_real;
'default_tls_x509_verify': value => $default_tls_verify;
if $user and !empty($user) {
qemu_config { 'user': value => $user, quote =>true }
} else {
qemu_config { 'user': ensure => absent }
if $group and !empty($group) {
qemu_config { 'group': value => $group, quote =>true }
} else {
qemu_config { 'group': ensure => absent }
if $memory_backing_dir and !empty($memory_backing_dir) {
qemu_config { 'memory_backing_dir': value => $memory_backing_dir, quote =>true }
} else {
qemu_config { 'memory_backing_dir': ensure => absent }
qemu_config { 'nbd_tls': value => $nbd_tls }
} else {
qemu_config {
'max_files': ensure => absent;
'max_processes': ensure => absent;
'vnc_tls': ensure => absent;
'vnc_tls_x509_verify': ensure => absent;
'default_tls_x509_verify': ensure => absent;
'user': ensure => absent;
'group': ensure => absent;
'memory_backing_dir': ensure => absent;
'nbd_tls': ensure => absent;