
198 lines
4.8 KiB

$db_host = 'db'
$db_username = 'nova'
$db_name = 'nova'
$db_password = 'password'
$rabbit_user = 'nova'
$rabbit_password = 'nova'
$rabbit_vhost = '/'
$rabbit_host = 'rabbitmq'
$rabbit_port = '5672'
$glance_api_servers = 'glance:9292'
$glance_host = 'glance'
$glance_port = '9292'
$api_server = 'controller'
resources { 'nova_config':
purge => true,
# temporarily update this to use the
# latest tested packages from precise
# eventually, these packages need to be moved
# to the openstack module
stage { 'nova_ppa':
before => Stage['main']
class { 'apt':
stage => 'nova_ppa',
class { 'keystone::repo::trunk':
stage => 'nova_ppa',
# this is a hack that I have to do b/c openstack nova
# sets up a route to reroute calls to the metadata server
# to its own server which fails
file { '/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/facter/ec2.rb':
ensure => absent,
node db {
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
'bind_address' => ''
#'root_password' => 'foo',
#'etc_root_password' => true
class { 'mysql::ruby': }
class { 'nova::db':
password => $db_password,
dbname => $db_name,
user => $db_username,
host => $clientcert,
# does glance need access?
allowed_hosts => ['controller', 'glance', 'compute'],
node controller {
class { 'nova::controller':
db_password => $db_password,
db_name => $db_name,
db_user => $db_username,
db_host => $db_host,
rabbit_password => $rabbit_password,
rabbit_port => $rabbit_port,
rabbit_userid => $rabbit_user,
rabbit_virtual_host => $rabbit_vhost,
rabbit_host => $rabbit_host,
image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers,
glance_host => $glance_host,
glance_port => $glance_port,
libvirt_type => 'qemu',
node compute {
class { 'nova::compute':
api_server => $api_server,
enabled => true,
api_port => 8773,
aws_address => '',
class { 'nova::compute::libvirt':
libvirt_type => 'qemu',
flat_network_bridge => 'br100',
flat_network_bridge_ip => '',
flat_network_bridge_netmask => '',
class { "nova":
verbose => $verbose,
sql_connection => "mysql://${db_username}:${db_password}@${db_host}/${db_name}",
image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers,
glance_host => $glance_host,
glance_port => $glance_port,
rabbit_host => $rabbit_host,
rabbit_port => $rabbit_port,
rabbit_userid => $rabbit_user,
rabbit_password => $rabbit_password,
rabbit_virtual_host => $rabbit_virtual_host,
node glance {
# set up glance server
class { 'glance::api': }
class { 'glance::registry': }
node rabbitmq {
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
class { 'rabbitmq::repo::apt':
stage => 'nova_ppa',
class { 'nova::rabbitmq':
userid => $rabbit_user,
password => $rabbit_password,
port => $rabbit_port,
virtual_host => $rabbit_vhost,
node puppetmaster {
class { 'concat::setup': }
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {'bind_address' => ''}
class { 'mysql::ruby': }
package { 'activerecord':
ensure => '2.3.5',
provider => 'gem',
class { 'puppet::master':
modulepath => '/vagrant/modules',
manifest => '/vagrant/manifests/site.pp',
storeconfigs => true,
storeconfigs_dbuser => 'dan',
storeconfigs_dbpassword => 'foo',
storeconfigs_dbadapter => 'mysql',
storeconfigs_dbserver => 'localhost',
storeconfigs_dbsocket => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
version => installed,
puppet_master_package => 'puppet',
package_provider => 'gem',
autosign => 'true',
certname => $clientcert,
node all {
# This manifest installs all of the nova
# components on one node.
class { 'mysql::server': }
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
class { 'rabbitmq::repo::apt':
stage => 'nova_ppa',
class { 'nova::all':
db_password => 'password',
db_name => 'nova',
db_user => 'nova',
db_host => 'localhost',
rabbit_password => 'rabbitpassword',
rabbit_port => '5672',
rabbit_userid => 'rabbit_user',
rabbit_virtual_host => '/',
rabbit_host => 'localhost',
image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
glance_host => 'localhost',
glance_port => '9292',
libvirt_type => 'qemu',
node default {
fail("could not find a matching node entry for ${clientcert}")