Tobias Urdin fa8660917a Add cells v1 deprecation notice and remove broken code
In Nova cells v1 has been deprecated since Ocata but we
have no notices about it. This adds warnings about it
being deprecated and will be removed.

The functionality in nova::cells when passing create_cells
parameter is broken and has therefore been removed and
instead outputs a warning and is deprecated.

A known issue has been added to the release notes to inform
about this. It's probably safe to say that nobody is using it
since it has been broken since we switched over to transport_url
for rabbit, it's also safe to probably assume that no deployments
that run cell v1 right now will be running a later version of Nova.

Closes-Bug: 1687395
Change-Id: I564fc4f43a752b051280dce095a52ca4d477fb09
2018-11-02 14:59:39 +01:00

223 lines
7.7 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
# Author: Emilien Macchi <emilien.macchi@enovance.com>
# Francois Charlier <francois.charlier@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: nova::cells
# Installs the Nova Cells
# === Parameters:
# [*enabled*]
# Use Nova Cells or not
# Defaults to true
# [*manage_service*]
# (optional) Whether to start/stop the service
# Defaults to true
# [*ensure_package*]
# Desired ensure state of packages.
# Defaults to present
# [*instance_updated_at_threshold*]
# Number of seconds after an instance was updated or deleted to continue to update cells
# Defaults to '3600'
# [*max_hop_count*]
# Maximum number of hops for cells routing
# Defaults to '10'
# [*scheduler*]
# Cells scheduler to use
# Defaults to 'nova.cells.scheduler.CellsScheduler'
# [*instance_update_num_instances*]
# Number of instances to update per periodic task run
# Defaults to '1'
# [*cell_name*]
# name of this cell
# Defaults to 'nova'
# [*cell_parent_name*]
# * If a child cell, this is the name of the 'parent' cell.
# * If a parent cell, should be left to undef.
# [*capabilities*]
# Key/Multi-value list with the capabilities of the cell
# Defaults to 'hypervisor=xenserver;kvm,os=linux;windows'
# [*call_timeout*]
# Seconds to wait for response from a call to a cell
# Defaults to '60'
# [*reserve_percent*]
# Percentage of cell capacity to hold in reserve. Affects both memory and disk utilization
# Defaults to '10.0'
# [*cell_type*]
# Type of cell: parent or child
# Defaults to 'None'
# [*mute_child_interval*]
# Number of seconds after which a lack of capability and
# capacity updates signals the child cell is to be treated as a mute
# Defaults to '300'
# [*bandwidth_update_interval*]
# Seconds between bandwidth updates for cells
# Defaults to '600'
# [*rpc_driver_queue_base*]
# Base queue name to use when communicating between cells
# Various topics by message type will be appended to this
# Defaults to 'cells.intercell'
# [*scheduler_filter_classes*]
# Filter classes the cells scheduler should use
# Defaults to 'nova.cells.filters.all_filters'
# [*scheduler_weight_classes*]
# Weigher classes the cells scheduler should use
# Defaults to 'nova.cells.weights.all_weighers'
# [*scheduler_retries*]
# How many retries when no cells are available
# Defaults to '10'
# [*scheduler_retry_delay*]
# How often to retry in seconds when no cells are available
# Defaults to '2'
# [*db_check_interval*]
# Seconds between getting fresh cell info from db
# Defaults to '60'
# [*mute_weight_multiplier*]
# Multiplier used to weigh mute children (The value should be negative)
# Defaults to '-10.0'
# [*mute_weight_value*]
# Weight value assigned to mute children (The value should be positive)
# Defaults to '1000.0'
# [*ram_weight_multiplier*]
# Multiplier used for weighing ram. Negative numbers mean to stack vs spread
# Defaults to '10.0'
# [*weight_offset*]
# It might be used by some cell scheduling code in the future
# Defaults to '1.0'
# [*weight_scale*]
# It might be used by some cell scheduling code in the future
# Defaults to '1.0'
# [*create_cells*]
# Create cells with nova-manage
# Defaults to 'True'
class nova::cells (
$bandwidth_update_interval = '600',
$call_timeout = '60',
$capabilities = ['hypervisor=xenserver;kvm','os=linux;windows'],
$cell_name = 'nova',
$cell_type = undef,
$cell_parent_name = undef,
$db_check_interval = '60',
$enabled = true,
$ensure_package = 'present',
$instance_updated_at_threshold = '3600',
$instance_update_num_instances = '1',
$manage_service = true,
$max_hop_count = '10',
$mute_child_interval = '300',
$mute_weight_multiplier = '-10.0',
$mute_weight_value = '1000.0',
$ram_weight_multiplier = '10.0',
$reserve_percent = '10.0',
$rpc_driver_queue_base = 'cells.intercell',
$scheduler_filter_classes = 'nova.cells.filters.all_filters',
$scheduler = 'nova.cells.scheduler.CellsScheduler',
$scheduler_retries = '10',
$scheduler_retry_delay = '2',
$scheduler_weight_classes = 'nova.cells.weights.all_weighers',
$weight_offset = '1.0',
$weight_scale = '1.0',
$create_cells = undef,
) {
include ::nova::deps
include ::nova::params
warning('nova::cells v1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
case $cell_type {
'parent': {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/compute_api_class': value => 'nova.compute.cells_api.ComputeCellsAPI' }
nova_config { 'cells/cell_type': value => 'api' }
'child': {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/quota_driver': value => 'nova.quota.NoopQuotaDriver' }
nova_config { 'cells/cell_type': value => 'compute' }
default: { fail("Unsupported cell_type parameter value: '${cell_type}'. Should be 'parent' or 'child'.") }
nova_config {
'cells/bandwidth_update_interval': value => $bandwidth_update_interval;
'cells/call_timeout': value => $call_timeout;
'cells/capabilities': value => join($capabilities, ',');
'cells/db_check_interval': value => $db_check_interval;
'cells/enable': value => $enabled;
'cells/instance_updated_at_threshold': value => $instance_updated_at_threshold;
'cells/instance_update_num_instances': value => $instance_update_num_instances;
'cells/max_hop_count': value => $max_hop_count;
'cells/mute_child_interval': value => $mute_child_interval;
'cells/mute_weight_multiplier': value => $mute_weight_multiplier;
'cells/mute_weight_value': value => $mute_weight_value;
'cells/name': value => $cell_name;
'cells/ram_weight_multiplier': value => $ram_weight_multiplier;
'cells/reserve_percent': value => $reserve_percent;
'cells/rpc_driver_queue_base': value => $rpc_driver_queue_base;
'cells/scheduler_filter_classes': value => $scheduler_filter_classes;
'cells/scheduler_retries': value => $scheduler_retries;
'cells/scheduler_retry_delay': value => $scheduler_retry_delay;
'cells/scheduler': value => $scheduler;
'cells/scheduler_weight_classes': value => $scheduler_weight_classes;
nova::generic_service { 'cells':
enabled => $enabled,
manage_service => $manage_service,
package_name => $::nova::params::cells_package_name,
service_name => $::nova::params::cells_service_name,
ensure_package => $ensure_package,
if $create_cells {
warning('cells v1 is deprecated and nova::cells::create_cells has no effect')