Dan Bode 072e519171 Converted into nova module repo.
- removed all submodules
  I will create an openstack repo to
  hold all modules (including nova) as
- moved nova module to top dir
2011-06-16 20:29:58 -07:00

31 lines
745 B

class nova::db(
$name = 'nova',
$user = 'nova',
$host = '',
$cluster_id = 'localzone'
) {
# now this requires storedconfigs
# TODO - worry about the security implications
@@nova_config { 'database_url':
value => "mysql://${user}:${password}@${host}/${name}",
tag => $zone,
exec { "initial-db-sync":
command => "/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync",
refreshonly => true,
require => [Package["nova-common"],Nova_config['sql_connection']]
mysql::db { $name:
user => $user,
password => $password,
host => $host,
# I may want to inject some sql
require => Class['mysql::server'],
notify => Exec["initial-db-sync"],