
338 lines
12 KiB

# == Class: nova::compute
# Installs the nova-compute service
# === Parameters:
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) Whether to enable the nova-compute service
# Defaults to true
# [*heal_instance_info_cache_interval*]
# (optional) Controls how often the instance info should be updated.
# Defaults to '60' , to disable you can set the value to zero.
# [*manage_service*]
# (optional) Whether to start/stop the service
# Defaults to true
# [*ensure_package*]
# (optional) The state for the nova-compute package
# Defaults to 'present'
# [*vnc_enabled*]
# (optional) Whether to use a VNC proxy
# Defaults to true
# [*vncserver_proxyclient_address*]
# (optional) The IP address of the server running the VNC proxy client
# Defaults to ''
# [*vncproxy_host*]
# (optional) The host of the VNC proxy server
# Defaults to false
# [*vncproxy_protocol*]
# (optional) The protocol to communicate with the VNC proxy server
# Defaults to 'http'
# [*vncproxy_port*]
# (optional) The port to communicate with the VNC proxy server
# Defaults to '6080'
# [*vncproxy_path*]
# (optional) The path at the end of the uri for communication with the VNC proxy server
# Defaults to '/vnc_auto.html'
# [*vnc_keymap*]
# (optional) The keymap to use with VNC (ls -alh /usr/share/qemu/keymaps to list available keymaps)
# Defaults to 'en-us'
# [*force_config_drive*]
# (optional) Whether to force the config drive to be attached to all VMs
# Defaults to false
# [*virtio_nic*]
# (optional) Whether to use virtio for the nic driver of VMs
# Defaults to false
# [*neutron_enabled*]
# (optional) Whether to use Neutron for networking of VMs
# Defaults to true
# [*install_bridge_utils*]
# (optional) Whether to install the bridge-utils package or not.
# Applicable only for cases when Neutron was disabled
# Defaults to true
# [*instance_usage_audit*]
# (optional) Generate periodic compute.instance.exists notifications.
# Defaults to false
# [*instance_usage_audit_period*]
# (optional) Time period to generate instance usages for.
# Time period must be hour, day, month or year
# Defaults to 'month'
# [*force_raw_images*]
# (optional) Force backing images to raw format.
# Defaults to true
# [*reserved_host_memory*]
# Reserved host memory
# The amount of memory in MB reserved for the host.
# Defaults to '512'
# [*pci_passthrough*]
# (optional) Pci passthrough list of hash.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# Example of format:
# "[ { 'vendor_id':'1234','product_id':'5678' },
# { 'vendor_id':'4321','product_id':'8765','physical_network':'default' } ] "
# [*config_drive_format*]
# (optional) Config drive format. One of iso9660 (default) or vfat
# Defaults to undef
# [*allow_resize_to_same_host*]
# (optional) Allow destination machine to match source for resize.
# Useful when testing in single-host environments. Note that this
# can also be set in the api.pp class.
# Defaults to false
# [*resize_confirm_window*]
# (optional) Automatically confirm resizes after N seconds.
# Resize functionality will save the existing server before resizing.
# After the resize completes, user is requested to confirm the resize.
# The user has the opportunity to either confirm or revert all
# changes. Confirm resize removes the original server and changes
# server status from resized to active. Setting this option to a time
# period (in seconds) will automatically confirm the resize if the
# server is in resized state longer than that time.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*vcpu_pin_set*]
# (optional) A list or range of physical CPU cores to reserve
# for virtual machine processes
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*resume_guests_state_on_host_boot*]
# (optional) This option specifies whether to start guests that were running before the
# host rebooted. It ensures that all of the instances on a Nova compute node
# resume their state each time the compute node boots or restarts.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*keymgr_api_class*]
# (optional) Key Manager service.
# Example of valid value: castellan.key_manager.barbican_key_manager.BarbicanKeyManager
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*barbican_auth_endpoint*]
# (optional) Keystone v3 API URL.
# Example: http://localhost:5000/v3
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*barbican_endpoint*]
# (optional) Barbican URL.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*barbican_api_version*]
# (optional) Barbican API version.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*max_concurrent_live_migrations*]
# (optional) Maximum number of live migrations to run in parallel.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
# [*default_availability_zone*]
# (optional) Default compute node availability zone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*default_schedule_zone*]
# (optional) Availability zone to use when user doesn't specify one.
# Defaults to undef
# [*internal_service_availability_zone*]
# (optional) The availability zone to show internal services under.
# Defaults to undef
# [*compute_manager*]
# Deprecated. Compute manager
# The driver that will manage the running instances.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default
class nova::compute (
$enabled = true,
$manage_service = true,
$ensure_package = 'present',
$vnc_enabled = true,
$vncserver_proxyclient_address = '',
$vncproxy_host = false,
$vncproxy_protocol = 'http',
$vncproxy_port = '6080',
$vncproxy_path = '/vnc_auto.html',
$vnc_keymap = 'en-us',
$force_config_drive = false,
$virtio_nic = false,
$neutron_enabled = true,
$install_bridge_utils = true,
$instance_usage_audit = false,
$instance_usage_audit_period = 'month',
$force_raw_images = true,
$reserved_host_memory = '512',
$heal_instance_info_cache_interval = '60',
$pci_passthrough = $::os_service_default,
$config_drive_format = $::os_service_default,
$allow_resize_to_same_host = false,
$resize_confirm_window = $::os_service_default,
$vcpu_pin_set = $::os_service_default,
$resume_guests_state_on_host_boot = $::os_service_default,
$keymgr_api_class = $::os_service_default,
$barbican_auth_endpoint = $::os_service_default,
$barbican_endpoint = $::os_service_default,
$barbican_api_version = $::os_service_default,
$max_concurrent_live_migrations = $::os_service_default,
$default_availability_zone = undef,
$default_schedule_zone = undef,
$internal_service_availability_zone = undef,
$compute_manager = $::os_service_default,
) {
include ::nova::deps
include ::nova::params
if $default_availability_zone {
warning("The default_availability_zone parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a \
future release. Use default_availability_zone parameter of nova class instead.")
if $default_schedule_zone {
warning("The default_schedule_zone parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a \
future release. Use default_schedule_zone parameter of nova class instead.")
if $internal_service_availability_zone {
warning("The internal_service_availability_zone parameter is deprecated and will be \
removed in a future release. Use internal_service_availability_zone parameter of nova class instead.")
if $compute_manager {
warning("compute_manager is marked as deprecated in Nova but still needed when Ironic \
is used. It will be removed once Nova removes it.")
$vcpu_pin_set_real = pick(join(any2array($vcpu_pin_set), ','), $::os_service_default)
# in the case of pci_passthrough, we can't use the same mechanism as vcpu_pin_set because
# the value is computed in a function and it makes things more complex. Let's just check if
# a value is set or if it's empty.
if !is_service_default($pci_passthrough) and !empty($pci_passthrough) {
$pci_passthrough_real = check_array_of_hash($pci_passthrough)
} else {
$pci_passthrough_real = $::os_service_default
# cryptsetup is required when Barbican is encrypting volumes
if $keymgr_api_class =~ /barbican/ {
ensure_packages('cryptsetup', {
ensure => present,
tag => 'openstack',
include ::nova::availability_zone
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/reserved_host_memory_mb': value => $reserved_host_memory;
'DEFAULT/compute_manager': value => $compute_manager;
'DEFAULT/heal_instance_info_cache_interval': value => $heal_instance_info_cache_interval;
'DEFAULT/pci_passthrough_whitelist': value => $pci_passthrough_real;
'DEFAULT/resize_confirm_window': value => $resize_confirm_window;
'DEFAULT/vcpu_pin_set': value => $vcpu_pin_set_real;
'DEFAULT/resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': value => $resume_guests_state_on_host_boot;
'key_manager/api_class': value => $keymgr_api_class;
'barbican/auth_endpoint': value => $barbican_auth_endpoint;
'barbican/barbican_endpoint': value => $barbican_endpoint;
'barbican/barbican_api_version': value => $barbican_api_version;
'DEFAULT/max_concurrent_live_migrations': value => $max_concurrent_live_migrations;
ensure_resource('nova_config', 'DEFAULT/allow_resize_to_same_host', { value => $allow_resize_to_same_host })
if ($vnc_enabled) {
include ::nova::vncproxy::common
nova_config {
'vnc/vncserver_proxyclient_address': value =>
'vnc/keymap': value => $vnc_keymap;
} else {
nova_config {
'vnc/vncserver_proxyclient_address': ensure => absent;
'vnc/keymap': ensure => absent;
nova_config {
'vnc/enabled': value => $vnc_enabled;
if $neutron_enabled != true and $install_bridge_utils {
# Install bridge-utils if we use nova-network
package { 'bridge-utils':
ensure => present,
tag => ['openstack', 'nova-support-package'],
nova::generic_service { 'compute':
enabled => $enabled,
manage_service => $manage_service,
package_name => $::nova::params::compute_package_name,
service_name => $::nova::params::compute_service_name,
ensure_package => $ensure_package,
before => Exec['networking-refresh']
if $force_config_drive {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/force_config_drive': value => true }
} else {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/force_config_drive': ensure => absent }
if $virtio_nic {
# Enable the virtio network card for instances
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/libvirt_use_virtio_for_bridges': value => true }
if $instance_usage_audit and $instance_usage_audit_period in ['hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'] {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/instance_usage_audit': value => $instance_usage_audit;
'DEFAULT/instance_usage_audit_period': value => $instance_usage_audit_period;
} else {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/instance_usage_audit': ensure => absent;
'DEFAULT/instance_usage_audit_period': ensure => absent;
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/force_raw_images': value => $force_raw_images;
if is_service_default($config_drive_format) or $config_drive_format == 'iso9660' {
ensure_packages($::nova::params::genisoimage_package_name, {
tag => ['openstack', 'nova-support-package'],
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/config_drive_format': value => $config_drive_format;