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# == Class: nova::deps
# Nova anchors and dependency management
class nova::deps {
# Setup anchors for install, config and service phases of the module. These
# anchors allow external modules to hook the begin and end of any of these
# phases. Package or service management can also be replaced by ensuring the
# package is absent or turning off service management and having the
# replacement depend on the appropriate anchors. When applicable, end tags
# should be notified so that subscribers can determine if installation,
# config or service state changed and act on that if needed.
anchor { 'nova::install::begin': }
-> Package<| tag == 'nova-package'|>
~> anchor { 'nova::install::end': }
-> anchor { 'nova::config::begin': }
-> Nova_config<||>
~> anchor { 'nova::config::end': }
-> anchor { 'nova::db::begin': }
-> anchor { 'nova::db::end': }
~> anchor { 'nova::dbsync::begin': }
-> anchor { 'nova::dbsync::end': }
~> anchor { 'nova::dbsync_api::begin': }
-> anchor { 'nova::dbsync_api::end': }
~> anchor { 'nova::service::begin': }
~> Service<| tag == 'nova-service' |>
~> anchor { 'nova::service::end': }
# paste-api.ini config shold occur in the config block also.
-> Nova_paste_api_ini<||>
~> Anchor['nova::config::end']
# Support packages need to be installed in the install phase, but we don't
# put them in the chain above because we don't want any false dependencies
# between packages with the nova-package tag and the nova-support-package
# tag. Note: the package resources here will have a 'before' relationshop on
# the nova::install::end anchor. The line between nova-support-package and
# nova-package should be whether or not Nova services would need to be
# restarted if the package state was changed.
-> Package<| tag == 'nova-support-package'|>
-> Anchor['nova::install::end']
# The following resourcs are managed by calling 'nova manage' and so the
# database must be provisioned before they can be applied.
-> Anchor['nova::dbsync_api::end']
-> Nova_cells<||>
-> Anchor['nova::dbsync_api::end']
-> Nova_floating<||>
-> Anchor['nova::dbsync_api::end']
-> Nova_network<||>
# Installation or config changes will always restart services.
Anchor['nova::install::end'] ~> Anchor['nova::service::begin']
Anchor['nova::config::end'] ~> Anchor['nova::service::begin']
# This is here for backwards compatability for any external users of the
# nova-start anchor. This should be considered deprecated and removed in the
# N cycle
anchor { 'nova-start':
require => Anchor['nova::install::end'],
before => Anchor['nova::config::begin'],