
92 lines
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class nova(
# this is how to query all resources from our clutser
$sql_connection = false,
# is flat_network_bridge valid if network_manager is not FlatManager?
$glance_port, # default is 9292
# Following may need to be broken out to different nova services
$quota_instances = 10,
$quota_cores = 20,
$quota_volumes = 10,
$quota_gigabytes = 1000,
$quota_floating_ips = 10,
$quota_metadata_items = 128,
$quota_max_injected_files = 5,
$quota_max_injected_file_content_bytes = 10240,
$quota_max_injected_file_path_bytes = 255,
$logdir = '/var/log/nova',
$state_path = '/var/lib/nova',
$lock_path = '/var/lock/nova',
$verbose = false,
$nodaemon = false
) {
# TODO - why is this required?
package { "python-greenlet": ensure => present }
class { 'nova::utilities': }
package { ["python-nova", "nova-common", "nova-doc"]:
ensure => present,
require => Package["python-greenlet"]
file { $logdir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '751',
owner => 'nova',
group => 'root',
require => Package['nova-common'],
# query out the config for our db connection
if $sql_connection {
nova_config { 'sql_connection': value => $sql_connection }
} else{
Nova_config<<| tag == $cluster_id and value == 'sql_connection' |>>
nova_config {
'verbose': value => $verbose;
'nodaemon': value => $nodaemon;
'logdir': value => $logdir;
'network_manager': value => $network_manager;
'image_service': value => $image_service;
# is flat_network_bridge valid if network_manager is not FlatManager?
'flat_network_bridge': value => $flat_network_bridge;
'glance_host': value => $glance_host;
'glance_port': value => $glance_port; # default is 9292
'allow_admin_api': value => $allow_admin_api;
'rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host;
'rabbit_password': value => $rabbit_password;
'rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port;
'rabbit_userid': value => $rabbit_userid;
'rabbit_virtual_host': value => $rabbit_virtual_host;
# Following may need to be broken out to different nova services
'state_path': value => $state_path;
'lock_path': value => $lock_path;
'service_down_time': value => $service_down_time;
'quota_instances': value => $quota_instances;
'quota_cores': value => $quota_cores;
'quota_volumes': value => $quota_volumes;
'quota_gigabytes': value => $quota_gigabytes;
'quota_floating_ips': value => $quota_floating_ips;
'quota_metadata_items': value => $quota_metadata_items;
'quota_max_injected_files': value => $quota_max_injected_files;
'quota_max_injected_file_content_bytes': value => $quota_max_injected_file_content_bytes;
'quota_max_injected_file_path_bytes': value => $quota_max_injected_file_path_bytes
Nova_config<| |> { require +> Package["nova-common"] }