
202 lines
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# This class is used to specify configuration parameters that are common
# across all nova services.
# ==Parameters
# [sql_connection] Connection url to use to connect to nova sql database.
# If specified as false, then it tries to collect the exported resource
# Nova_config <<| title == 'sql_connection' |>>. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [image_service] Service used to search for and retrieve images. Optional.
# Defaults to 'nova.image.local.LocalImageService'
# [glance_api_servers] List of addresses for api servers. Optional.
# Defaults to localhost:9292.
# [rabbit_host] Location of rabbitmq installation. Optional. Defaults to localhost.
# [rabbit_password] Password used to connect to rabbitmq. Optional. Defaults to guest.
# [rabbit_port] Port for rabbitmq instance. Optional. Defaults to 5672.
# [rabbit_userid] User used to connect to rabbitmq. Optional. Defaults to guest.
# [rabbit_virtual_host] The RabbitMQ virtual host. Optional. Defaults to /.
# [auth_strategy]
# [service_down_time] maximum time since last check-in for up service. Optional.
# Defaults to 60
# [logdir] Directory where logs should be stored. Optional. Defaults to '/var/log/nova'.
# [state_path] Directory for storing state. Optional. Defaults to '/var/lib/nova'.
# [lock_path] Directory for lock files. Optional. Distro specific default.
# [verbose] Rather to print more verbose output. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [periodic_interval] Seconds between running periodic tasks. Optional.
# Defaults to '60'.
# [report_interval] Interval at which nodes report to data store. Optional.
# Defaults to '10'.
# [root_helper] Command used for roothelper. Optional. Distro specific.
# [monitoring_notifications] A boolean specifying whether or not to send system usage data notifications out on the message queue. Optional, false by default. Only valid for stable/essex.
class nova(
# this is how to query all resources from our clutser
$sql_connection = false,
$image_service = 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
# these glance params should be optional
# this should probably just be configured as a glance client
$glance_api_servers = 'localhost:9292',
$rabbit_host = 'localhost',
$auth_strategy = 'keystone',
$service_down_time = 60,
$logdir = '/var/log/nova',
$state_path = '/var/lib/nova',
$lock_path = $::nova::params::lock_path,
$verbose = false,
$periodic_interval = '60',
$report_interval = '10',
$root_helper = $::nova::params::root_helper,
$monitoring_notifications = false
) inherits nova::params {
# all nova_config resources should be applied
# after the nova common package
# before the file resource for nova.conf is managed
# and before the post config resource
Nova_config<| |> {
require +> Package['nova-common'],
before +> File['/etc/nova/nova.conf'],
notify +> Exec['post-nova_config']
File {
require => Package['nova-common'],
owner => 'nova',
group => 'nova',
# TODO - see if these packages can be removed
# they should be handled as package deps by the OS
package { 'python':
ensure => present,
package { 'python-greenlet':
ensure => present,
require => Package['python'],
class { 'nova::utilities': }
# this anchor is used to simplify the graph between nova components by
# allowing a resource to serve as a point where the configuration of nova begins
anchor { 'nova-start': }
package { "python-nova":
ensure => present,
require => Package["python-greenlet"]
package { 'nova-common':
name => $::nova::params::common_package_name,
ensure => present,
require => [Package["python-nova"], Anchor['nova-start']]
group { 'nova':
ensure => present,
system => true,
require => Package['nova-common'],
user { 'nova':
ensure => present,
gid => 'nova',
system => true,
require => Package['nova-common'],
file { $logdir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0751',
file { '/etc/nova/nova.conf':
mode => '0640',
# I need to ensure that I better understand this resource
# this is potentially constantly resyncing a central DB
exec { "nova-db-sync":
command => "/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync",
refreshonly => "true",
require => [Package['nova-common'], Nova_config['sql_connection']],
# used by debian/ubuntu in nova::network_bridge to refresh
# interfaces based on /etc/network/interfaces
exec { "networking-refresh":
command => "/sbin/ifdown -a ; /sbin/ifup -a",
refreshonly => "true",
# both the sql_connection and rabbit_host are things
# that may need to be collected from a remote host
if $sql_connection {
nova_config { 'sql_connection': value => $sql_connection }
} else {
Nova_config <<| title == 'sql_connection' |>>
nova_config { 'image_service': value => $image_service }
if $image_service == 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService' {
if $glance_api_servers {
nova_config { 'glance_api_servers': value => $glance_api_servers }
} else {
# TODO this only supports setting a single address for the api server
Nova_config <<| title == glance_api_servers |>>
nova_config { 'auth_strategy': value => $auth_strategy }
if $auth_strategy == 'keystone' {
nova_config { 'use_deprecated_auth': value => false }
} else {
nova_config { 'use_deprecated_auth': value => true }
if $rabbit_host {
nova_config { 'rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host }
} else {
Nova_config <<| title == 'rabbit_host' |>>
# I may want to support exporting and collecting these
nova_config {
'rabbit_password': value => $rabbit_password;
'rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port;
'rabbit_userid': value => $rabbit_userid;
'rabbit_virtual_host': value => $rabbit_virtual_host;
nova_config {
'verbose': value => $verbose;
'logdir': value => $logdir;
# Following may need to be broken out to different nova services
'state_path': value => $state_path;
'lock_path': value => $lock_path;
'service_down_time': value => $service_down_time;
'root_helper': value => $root_helper;
if $monitoring_notifications {
nova_config {
'notification_driver': value => 'nova.notifier.rabbit_notifier'
exec { 'post-nova_config':
command => '/bin/echo "Nova config has changed"',
refreshonly => true,