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# Class: nova::volume::iscsi
# iscsi is the default volume driver for OpenStack.
# [*Parameters*]
# [volume_group] Name of the volume group to use.
# Optional. Defaults to 'nova-volumes' - the OpenStack default.
# [iscsi_helper] Name of the iscsi helper to use.
# Optional. Defaults to 'tgtadm' - the OpenStack default.
# [iscsi_ip_address] IP address on the nova-volume server where
# compute nodes will connect to for volumes.
# Optional. Defaults to undef. OpenStack defaults to server IP.
# This class assumes that you have already configured your
# volume group - either by another module or during the server
# provisioning
class nova::volume::iscsi (
$volume_group = 'nova-volumes',
$iscsi_helper = 'tgtadm',
$iscsi_ip_address = undef
) {
include 'nova::params'
nova_config { 'volume_group': value => $volume_group }
if $iscsi_ip_address {
nova_config { 'iscsi_ip_address': value => $iscsi_ip_address }
case $iscsi_helper {
'tgtadm': {
package { 'tgt':
name => $::nova::params::tgt_package_name,
ensure => present,
service { 'tgtd':
name => $::nova::params::tgt_service_name,
provider => $::nova::params::special_service_provider,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => [Nova::Generic_service['volume'], Package['tgt']],
# This is the default, but might as well be verbose
nova_config { 'iscsi_helper': value => 'tgtadm' }
'iscsitarget': {
package { 'iscsitarget':
ensure => present,
service { 'iscsitarget':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => [Nova::Generic_service['volume'], Package['iscsitarget']],
service { 'open-iscsi':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Service['iscsitarget'],
package { 'iscsitarget-dkms':
ensure => present,
file { '/etc/default/iscsitarget':
content => "ISCSITARGET_ENABLE=true\n",
default: {
fail("Unsupported iscsi helper: ${iscsi_helper}. The supported iscsi helper are tgtadm, iscsitarget.")