Dan Bode cb2f51a855 Move auth_strategy to nova class
This commit moves the auth_strategy config from
the api class to the nova class.

This is required b/c the compute node has to know
how to authorize for connections to the glance api

Previously, the nova compute nodes were failing to
be able to communicate with glance on multi-node
2012-04-30 09:46:52 -07:00

198 lines
5.5 KiB

class nova(
# this is how to query all resources from our clutser
$sql_connection = false,
# TODO maybe this should default to glance?
$image_service = 'nova.image.local.LocalImageService',
# these glance params should be optional
# this should probably just be configured as a glance client
$glance_api_servers = 'localhost:9292',
$allow_admin_api = false,
$rabbit_host = 'localhost',
$auth_strategy = 'keystone',
$network_manager = 'nova.network.manager.FlatManager',
$multi_host_networking = false,
$flat_network_bridge = 'br100',
$vlan_interface = 'eth1',
$vlan_start = 1000,
$service_down_time = 60,
$logdir = '/var/log/nova',
$state_path = '/var/lib/nova',
$lock_path = $::nova::params::lock_path,
$verbose = false,
$nodaemon = false,
$periodic_interval = '60',
$report_interval = '10',
$root_helper = $::nova::params::root_helper
) inherits nova::params {
# all nova_config resources should be applied
# after the nova common package
# before the file resource for nova.conf is managed
# and before the post config resource
Nova_config<| |> {
require +> Package[$::nova::params::common_package_name],
before +> File['/etc/nova/nova.conf'],
notify +> Exec['post-nova_config']
File {
require => Package[$::nova::params::common_package_name],
owner => 'nova',
group => 'nova',
# TODO - see if these packages can be removed
# they should be handled as package deps by the OS
package { 'python':
ensure => present,
package { 'python-greenlet':
ensure => present,
require => Package['python'],
class { 'nova::utilities': }
# this anchor is used to simplify the graph between nova components by
# allowing a resource to serve as a point where the configuration of nova begins
anchor { 'nova-start': }
package { "python-nova":
ensure => present,
require => Package["python-greenlet"]
package { 'nova-common':
name =>$::nova::params::common_package_name,
ensure => present,
require => [Package["python-nova"], Anchor['nova-start']]
group { 'nova':
ensure => present,
system => true,
require => Package['nova-common'],
user { 'nova':
ensure => present,
gid => 'nova',
system => true,
require => Package['nova-common'],
file { $logdir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0751',
file { '/etc/nova/nova.conf':
mode => '0640',
# I need to ensure that I better understand this resource
# this is potentially constantly resyncing a central DB
exec { "nova-db-sync":
command => "/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync",
refreshonly => "true",
# used by debian/ubuntu in nova::network_bridge to refresh
# interfaces based on /etc/network/interfaces
exec { "networking-refresh":
command => "/sbin/ifdown -a ; /sbin/ifup -a",
refreshonly => "true",
# both the sql_connection and rabbit_host are things
# that may need to be collected from a remote host
if $sql_connection {
nova_config { 'sql_connection': value => $sql_connection }
} else {
Nova_config <<| title == 'sql_connection' |>>
if $rabbit_host {
nova_config { 'rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host }
} else {
Nova_config <<| title == 'rabbit_host' |>>
if $image_service == 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService' {
if $glance_api_servers {
nova_config {
'glance_api_servers': value => $glance_api_servers
} else {
# TODO this only supports setting a single address for the api server
Nova_config <<| title == $glance_api_servers |>>
nova_config {
'auth_strategy': value => $auth_strategy;
if $auth_strategy == 'keystone' {
nova_config { 'use_deprecated_auth': value => false }
} else {
nova_config { 'use_deprecated_auth': value => true }
# I may want to support exporting and collecting these
nova_config {
'rabbit_password': value => $rabbit_password;
'rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port;
'rabbit_userid': value => $rabbit_userid;
'rabbit_virtual_host': value => $rabbit_virtual_host;
nova_config {
'verbose': value => $verbose;
'nodaemon': value => $nodaemon;
'logdir': value => $logdir;
'image_service': value => $image_service;
'allow_admin_api': value => $allow_admin_api;
# Following may need to be broken out to different nova services
'state_path': value => $state_path;
'lock_path': value => $lock_path;
'service_down_time': value => $service_down_time;
# These network entries wound up in the common
# config b/c they have to be set by both compute
# as well as controller.
'network_manager': value => $network_manager;
'multi_host': value => $multi_host_networking;
'root_helper': value => $root_helper;
exec { 'post-nova_config':
command => '/bin/echo "Nova config has changed"',
refreshonly => true,
if $network_manager == 'nova.network.manager.FlatManager' {
nova_config {
'flat_network_bridge': value => $flat_network_bridge
if $network_manager == 'nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager' {
nova_config {
'dhcpbridge': value => "/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge";
'dhcpbridge_flagfile': value => "/etc/nova/nova.conf";
if $network_manager == 'nova.network.manager.VlanManager' {
nova_config {
'vlan_interface': value => $vlan_interface;
'vlan_start': value => $vlan_start;