
103 lines
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# == Class: nova::compute::provider
# Managing Resource Providers Using Config File
# === Parameters
# [*schema_version*]
# (optional) Version ($Major, $minor) of the schema must successfully
# parse documents conforming to ($Major, *)
# Default to '1.0'
# [*custom_inventories*]
# Array of hashes describing the custom provider inventory added via
# the $config_file config file.
# Format:
# name/uuid - Resource providers to target can be identified by either
# UUID or name. In addition, the value $COMPUTE_NODE can be used in
# the UUID field to identify all nodes managed by the service.
# Exactly one of uuid or name is mandatory. If neither uuid or name
# is provided, the special uuid $COMPUTE_NODE gets set in the template
# inventories - (Optional) Hash of custom provider inventories. 'total' is
# a mandatory property. Any other optional properties not populated will
# be given a default value by placement. If overriding a pre-existing
# provider values will not be preserved from the existing inventory.
# traits - (Optional) Array of additional traits.
# Example :
# [
# {
# uuid => '$COMPUTE_NODE',
# inventories => {
# total => '100',
# reserved => '0',
# min_unit => '1',
# max_unit => '10',
# step_size => '1',
# allocation_ratio => '1.0'
# },
# total => '100',
# },
# },
# },
# {
# inventories => {
# total => '10000',
# reserved => '100',
# },
# },
# },
# ]
# Defaults to [].
# [*config_location*]
# (Optional) Location of YAML files containing resource provider
# configuration data.
# Defaults to /etc/nova/provider_config
# [*config_file*]
# (Optional) File name of the provider YAML file.
# Defaults to 'provider.yaml'
class nova::compute::provider (
$schema_version = '1.0',
$custom_inventories = [],
$config_location = '/etc/nova/provider_config',
$config_file = 'provider.yaml',
) {
include nova::deps
include nova::params
nova_config {
'compute/provider_config_location': value => $config_location;
file { "${config_location}":
ensure => directory,
mode => '0750',
owner => $::nova::params::user,
group => $::nova::params::group,
require => Anchor['nova::config::begin'],
before => Anchor['nova::config::end'],
if !empty($custom_inventories) {
file { "${config_location}/${config_file}":
ensure => file,
mode => '0640',
owner => $::nova::params::user,
group => $::nova::params::group,
content => template('nova/provider.yaml.erb'),
require => Anchor['nova::config::begin'],