
215 lines
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# == Class: nova::compute::libvirt
# Install and manage nova-compute guests managed
# by libvirt
# === Parameters:
# [*libvirt_virt_type*]
# (optional) Libvirt domain type. Options are: kvm, lxc, qemu, uml, xen
# Defaults to 'kvm'
# [*vncserver_listen*]
# (optional) IP address on which instance vncservers should listen
# Defaults to ''
# [*migration_support*]
# (optional) Whether to support virtual machine migration
# Defaults to false
# [*libvirt_cpu_mode*]
# (optional) The libvirt CPU mode to configure. Possible values
# include custom, host-model, none, host-passthrough.
# Defaults to 'host-model' if libvirt_virt_type is set to either
# kvm or qemu, otherwise defaults to 'none'.
# [*libvirt_disk_cachemodes*]
# (optional) A list of cachemodes for different disk types, e.g.
# ["file=directsync", "block=none"]
# If an empty list is specified, the disk_cachemodes directive
# will be removed from nova.conf completely.
# Defaults to an empty list
# [*libvirt_inject_password*]
# (optional) Inject the admin password at boot time, without an agent.
# Defaults to false
# [*libvirt_inject_key*]
# (optional) Inject the ssh public key at boot time.
# Defaults to false
# [*libvirt_inject_partition*]
# (optional) The partition to inject to : -2 => disable, -1 => inspect
# (libguestfs only), 0 => not partitioned, >0 => partition
# number (integer value)
# Defaults to -2
# [*remove_unused_base_images*]
# (optional) Should unused base images be removed?
# If undef is specified, remove the line in nova.conf
# otherwise, use a boolean to remove or not the base images.
# Defaults to undef
# [*remove_unused_kernels*]
# (optional) Should unused kernel images be removed?
# This is only safe to enable if all compute nodes
# have been updated to support this option.
# If undef is specified, remove the line in nova.conf
# otherwise, use a boolean to remove or not the kernels.
# Defaults to undef
# [*remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds*]
# (optional) Unused resized base images younger
# than this will not be removed
# If undef is specified, remove the line in nova.conf
# otherwise, use a integer or a string to define after
# how many seconds it will be removed.
# Defaults to undef
# [*remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds*]
# (optional) Unused unresized base images younger
# than this will not be removed
# If undef is specified, remove the line in nova.conf
# otherwise, use a integer or a string to define after
# how many seconds it will be removed.
# Defaults to undef
# [*libvirt_service_name*]
# (optional) libvirt service name.
# Defaults to $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name
class nova::compute::libvirt (
$libvirt_virt_type = 'kvm',
$vncserver_listen = '',
$migration_support = false,
$libvirt_cpu_mode = false,
$libvirt_disk_cachemodes = [],
$libvirt_inject_password = false,
$libvirt_inject_key = false,
$libvirt_inject_partition = -2,
$remove_unused_base_images = undef,
$remove_unused_kernels = undef,
$remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds = undef,
$remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds = undef,
$libvirt_service_name = $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name,
) inherits nova::params {
include ::nova::params
Service['libvirt'] -> Service['nova-compute']
# libvirt_cpu_mode has different defaults depending on hypervisor.
if !$libvirt_cpu_mode {
case $libvirt_virt_type {
'kvm','qemu': {
$libvirt_cpu_mode_real = 'host-model'
default: {
$libvirt_cpu_mode_real = 'none'
} else {
$libvirt_cpu_mode_real = $libvirt_cpu_mode
if($::osfamily == 'Debian') {
package { "nova-compute-${libvirt_virt_type}":
ensure => present,
before => Package['nova-compute'],
require => Package['nova-common'],
tag => ['openstack'],
if($::osfamily == 'RedHat' and $::operatingsystem != 'Fedora') {
service { 'messagebus':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
name => $::nova::params::messagebus_service_name,
provider => $::nova::params::special_service_provider,
Package['libvirt'] -> Service['messagebus'] -> Service['libvirt']
if $migration_support {
if $vncserver_listen != '' and $vncserver_listen != '::0' {
fail('For migration support to work, you MUST set vncserver_listen to \'\' or \'::0\'')
} else {
class { '::nova::migration::libvirt': }
package { 'libvirt':
ensure => present,
name => $::nova::params::libvirt_package_name,
service { 'libvirt' :
ensure => running,
enable => true,
name => $libvirt_service_name,
provider => $::nova::params::special_service_provider,
require => Package['libvirt'],
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/compute_driver': value => 'libvirt.LibvirtDriver';
'DEFAULT/vncserver_listen': value => $vncserver_listen;
'libvirt/virt_type': value => $libvirt_virt_type;
'libvirt/cpu_mode': value => $libvirt_cpu_mode_real;
'libvirt/inject_password': value => $libvirt_inject_password;
'libvirt/inject_key': value => $libvirt_inject_key;
'libvirt/inject_partition': value => $libvirt_inject_partition;
if size($libvirt_disk_cachemodes) > 0 {
nova_config {
'libvirt/disk_cachemodes': value => join($libvirt_disk_cachemodes, ',');
} else {
nova_config {
'libvirt/disk_cachemodes': ensure => absent;
if $remove_unused_kernels != undef {
nova_config {
'libvirt/remove_unused_kernels': value => $remove_unused_kernels;
} else {
nova_config {
'libvirt/remove_unused_kernels': ensure => absent;
if $remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds != undef {
nova_config {
'libvirt/remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds': value => $remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds;
} else {
nova_config {
'libvirt/remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds': ensure => absent;
if $remove_unused_base_images != undef {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/remove_unused_base_images': value => $remove_unused_base_images;
} else {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/remove_unused_base_images': ensure => absent;
if $remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds != undef {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds': value => $remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds;
} else {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds': ensure => absent;