Previously, it was possible to specify a parameter to indicate that you wished to setup repos to use the latest version of rabbitmq. It makes more sense to expect the user to update their own repos. This commit removes that logic.
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# class for installing rabbitmq server for nova
class nova::rabbitmq(
) {
# only configure nova after the queue is up
Class['rabbitmq::service'] -> Anchor<| title == 'nova-start' |>
# work around hostname bug, LP #653405
# TODO - see if this is still required
host { $hostname:
ip => $ipaddress,
host_aliases => $fqdn,
if $userid == 'guest' {
$delete_guest_user = false
} else {
$delete_guest_user = true
rabbitmq_user { $userid:
admin => true,
password => $password,
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['rabbitmq::server'],
# I need to figure out the appropriate permissions
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${userid}@${virtual_host}":
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
}->Anchor<| title == 'nova-start' |>
class { 'rabbitmq::server':
port => $port,
delete_guest_user => $delete_guest_user,
rabbitmq_vhost { $virtual_host:
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['rabbitmq::server'],