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#schedulee this class should probably never be declared except
# from the virtualization implementation of the compute node
class nova::compute (
$enabled = false,
$ensure_package = 'present',
$vnc_enabled = true,
$vncserver_proxyclient_address = '',
$vncproxy_host = false,
$vncproxy_protocol = 'http',
$vncproxy_port = '6080',
$vncproxy_path = '/vnc_auto.html',
$force_config_drive = false,
$virtio_nic = false,
$quantum_enabled = true
) {
include nova::params
if ($vnc_enabled) {
if ($vncproxy_host) {
$vncproxy_base_url = "${vncproxy_protocol}://${vncproxy_host}:${vncproxy_port}${vncproxy_path}"
# config for vnc proxy
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/novncproxy_base_url': value => $vncproxy_base_url;
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/vnc_enabled': value => $vnc_enabled;
'DEFAULT/vncserver_proxyclient_address': value => $vncserver_proxyclient_address;
if $quantum_enabled != true {
# Install bridge-utils if we use nova-network
package { 'bridge-utils':
ensure => present,
before => Nova::Generic_service['compute'],
nova::generic_service { 'compute':
enabled => $enabled,
package_name => $::nova::params::compute_package_name,
service_name => $::nova::params::compute_service_name,
ensure_package => $ensure_package,
before => Exec['networking-refresh']
if $force_config_drive {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/force_config_drive': value => true }
} else {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/force_config_drive': ensure => absent }
if $virtio_nic {
# Enable the virtio network card for instances
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/libvirt_use_virtio_for_bridges': value => true }
package { 'pm-utils':
ensure => present,