Remove python-keystonemiddleware Ubuntu Swift fix

The Swift Ubuntu packages has been updated to properly
depend on the python-keystonemiddleware package. [1]


Change-Id: Id7172f018a23444ab827c8eedde81e019316ab00
This commit is contained in:
Tobias Urdin 2019-02-26 16:45:19 +01:00
parent b5201817a2
commit b190a75b2c

View File

@ -120,13 +120,6 @@ class openstack_integration::repos {
if $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' {
# NOTE(tobias-urdin): Remove this when Ubuntu 18.04 bionic-updates swift
# packages properly depends on python-keystonemiddleware (swift is still py2).
package { 'python-keystonemiddleware':
ensure => 'present',
Apt::Source<||> -> Package['python-keystonemiddleware']
# TODO(tobias-urdin): Something changed in packages that was installed in puppet-nova
# on Ubuntu so the rbd and rados python libs are not installed anymore.
# Need to figure out a good place to add them back in, until then just testing with this.