#!/bin/bash -ex # Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. export SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd -P) source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/functions export WORKSPACE=${WORKSPACE:-/tmp} export CEPH_VERSION=${CEPH_VERSION:-mimic} export PUPPET_MAJ_VERSION=${PUPPET_MAJ_VERSION:-5} export SCENARIO=${SCENARIO:-scenario001} export MANAGE_PUPPET_MODULES=${MANAGE_PUPPET_MODULES:-true} export MANAGE_REPOS=${MANAGE_REPOS:-true} export ADD_SWAP=${ADD_SWAP:-true} export SWAP_SIZE_GB=${SWAP_SIZE_GB:-4} export HIERA_CONFIG=${HIERA_CONFIG:-${SCRIPT_DIR}/hiera/hiera.yaml} export MANAGE_HIERA=${MANAGE_HIERA:-true} export PUPPET_ARGS="${PUPPET_ARGS} --detailed-exitcodes --color=false --test --summarize --trace --hiera_config ${HIERA_CONFIG} --logdest ${WORKSPACE}/puppet.log" export DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c -s) # If openstack/tempest is broken on master, we can pin the repository to a specific commit # by using the following line: # export TEMPEST_VERSION=${TEMPEST_VERSION:-'382a2065f3364a36c110bfcc6275a0f8f6894773'} export TEMPEST_VERSION=${TEMPEST_VERSION:-'master'} # For installing Tempest from RPM keep TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE to false export TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE=${TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE:-false} # Cirros Image directory export IMG_DIR=${IMG_DIR:-'/tmp/openstack/image'} # if we're running the tests we don't need to write out the facts to facter # so we can disable it. export WRITE_FACTS=false source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/configure_facts.sh export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/puppetlabs/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin export PUPPET_BASE_PATH=/etc/puppetlabs/code export PUPPET_PKG=${PUPPET_PKG:-puppet-agent} print_header 'Start (run_tests.sh)' if [ ! -f fixtures/${SCENARIO}.pp ]; then echo "fixtures/${SCENARIO}.pp file does not exist. Please define a valid scenario." exit 1 fi if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then # preserve environment so we can have ZUUL_* params export SUDO='sudo -E' fi if [ "${ADD_SWAP}" = true ]; then print_header "Create $SWAP_SIZE_GB GB swapfile" set +e $SUDO swapon -s |grep -q '/swapfile' RESULT=$? set -e if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]; then $SUDO swapoff /swapfile && $SUDO rm -f /swapfile fi $SUDO dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=${SWAP_SIZE_GB}k bs=1M $SUDO chmod 0600 /swapfile $SUDO mkswap /swapfile $SUDO swapon /swapfile fi # We install some gems as root so to take benefit of # OpenStack Infra mirrors. if [ -f ~/.gemrc ]; then cat ~/.gemrc | $SUDO tee /root/.gemrc fi print_header 'Clone Tempest, plugins & pre-cache CirrOS' # TODO(pabelanger): Move this into tools/install_tempest.sh and add logic so we # can clone tempest outside of the gate. Also, tempest should be sandboxed into # the local directory but works needs to be added into puppet to properly find # the path. # If it's running in tempest gate, we need to deploy it from source to test the # patch. if [[ "${ZUUL_PROJECT}" = "openstack/tempest" ]]; then TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE=true fi if [ -e /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner ] ; then # For ubuntu we always need to deploy tempest-horizon from source if uses_debs; then /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner --workspace /tmp --cache-dir /opt/git \ git://git.openstack.org openstack/tempest-horizon fi if [ "${TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE}" = true ]; then /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner --workspace /tmp --cache-dir /opt/git \ git://git.openstack.org openstack/tempest # Pin Tempest to TEMPEST_VERSION unless we're running inside the # openstack/tempest gate. if [[ "${ZUUL_PROJECT}" != "openstack/tempest" ]]; then pushd /tmp/openstack/tempest git reset --hard $TEMPEST_VERSION popd fi fi else # For ubuntu we always need to deploy tempest-horizon from source if uses_debs; then $SUDO rm -rf /tmp/openstack/tempest-horizon git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/tempest-horizon /tmp/openstack/tempest-horizon fi if [ "${TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE}" = true ]; then $SUDO rm -rf /tmp/openstack/tempest git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/tempest /tmp/openstack/tempest pushd /tmp/openstack/tempest git reset --hard origin/$TEMPEST_VERSION popd fi fi # NOTE(pabelanger): We cache cirros images on our jenkins slaves, check if it # exists. if [[ ! -e $IMG_DIR ]]; then mkdir -p $IMG_DIR fi if [ -f ~/cache/files/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img ]; then # Create a symlink for tempest. if ! [ -h /tmp/openstack/image/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img ] ; then ln -s ~/cache/files/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img $IMG_DIR fi else wget http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img -P $IMG_DIR fi install_puppet PUPPET_FULL_PATH=$(which puppet) if [ "${MANAGE_HIERA}" = true ]; then configure_hiera fi if uses_debs; then $SUDO apt-get install -y dstat ebtables iotop sysstat elif is_fedora; then $SUDO $YUM install -y dstat setools setroubleshoot audit iotop sysstat $SUDO service auditd start # SElinux in permissive mode so later we can catch alerts $SUDO selinuxenabled && $SUDO setenforce 0 fi # use dstat to monitor system activity during integration testing if type "dstat" 2>/dev/null; then print_header 'Start dstat' $SUDO dstat -tcmndrylpg --top-cpu-adv --top-io-adv --nocolor | $SUDO tee --append /var/log/dstat.log > /dev/null & fi if type "iostat" 2>/dev/null; then print_header 'Start iostat' $SUDO iostat -x -k -d -t 4 | $SUDO tee --append /var/log/iostat.log > /dev/null & fi if [ -f "/usr/sbin/iotop" ]; then print_header 'Start iotop' $SUDO /usr/sbin/iotop --kilobytes --only --batch --time --delay=2 --processes --quiet | $SUDO tee --append /var/log/iotop.log > /dev/null & fi if [ "${MANAGE_PUPPET_MODULES}" = true ]; then $SUDO ./install_modules.sh fi # Added tempest specific values to common.yaml if [ "${TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE}" = false ]; then echo "tempest::install_from_source: false" >> ${SCRIPT_DIR}/hiera/common.yaml fi # Run puppet and assert something changes. set +e if [ "${MANAGE_REPOS}" = true ]; then print_header 'Install repos' $SUDO $PUPPET_FULL_PATH apply $PUPPET_ARGS -e "include ::openstack_integration::repos" RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] && [ $RESULT -ne 2 ]; then print_header 'Puppet failed to install repositories.' exit 1 fi print_header 'Updating packages' if is_fedora; then $SUDO $YUM update -y update_ret=$? elif uses_debs; then $SUDO DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" upgrade update_ret=$? fi if [ $update_ret -ne 0 ]; then print_header 'Error updating packages' exit 1 fi fi print_header "Running Puppet Scenario: ${SCENARIO} (1st time)" run_puppet $SCENARIO RESULT=$? set -e if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] && [ $RESULT -ne 2 ]; then print_header 'First Puppet run contains errors in catalog.' catch_puppet_failures print_header 'SELinux Alerts (1st time)' catch_selinux_alerts exit 1 fi timestamp_puppet_log # Run puppet a second time and assert nothing changes. set +e print_header "Running Puppet Scenario: ${SCENARIO} (2nd time)" run_puppet $SCENARIO RESULT=$? set -e if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then print_header 'Second Puppet run is not idempotent.' catch_puppet_failures print_header 'SELinux Alerts (2nd time)' catch_selinux_alerts exit 1 fi timestamp_puppet_log print_header 'Prepare Tempest' # FIXME: Since tempest create tempest workspace which is owned by root user. # We need to fix it in puppet-tempest, as a workaround we are changing the mode # of tempest workspace and run tempest command using root. $SUDO touch /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt $SUDO chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /tmp/openstack/tempest/ # install from source now on ubuntu until packaged if uses_debs; then cd /tmp/openstack/tempest-horizon; if [ $(lsb_release --id -s) = "Debian" ] ; then $SUDO apt-get install -y tempest python3-stestr python3-os-testr python3-tempest python3-tempest-horizon else $SUDO python setup.py install $SUDO pip install -U stestr os-testr fi fi set +e # Select what to test: # Smoke suite echo "smoke" > /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Horizon echo "dashboard" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Aodh echo "TelemetryAlarming" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Gnocchi echo "telemetry_tempest_plugin.gnocchi" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Vitrage echo "TestEvents" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Test Autoscaling with Telemetry (need panko, ubuntu doesn't ship it) uses_debs || echo "test_telemetry_integration" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Ironic # Note: running all Ironic tests under SSL is not working # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1554237 echo "ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.api.admin.test_drivers" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Zaqar echo "v2.test_queues.TestManageQueue" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # ec2api # VPN tests require VPNaaS, which doesn't work yet in puppet-tempest. # As soon as enabling neutron_vpnaas_available works there, the VPN tests can # be included. echo "ec2api_tempest_plugin.api.*test_create_delete(?!.*_vpn_connection)" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Cinder Backup echo "VolumesBackupsAdminV2Test" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Cinder encrypted volumes echo "TestEncryptedCinderVolumes" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Mistral # We have to ignore a smoke test because of: # https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1654555 echo "test_create_and_delete_workflow" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # BGPVPN echo "test_create_bgpvpn" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # L2GW echo "test_create_show_list_update_delete_l2gateway" >> /tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt if uses_debs; then # TODO (amoralej) tempest tests for object_storage are not working in master with current version of tempest in uca (16.1.0). EXCLUDES="--regex=^(?!mistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_executions.ExecutionTestsV2.test_get_list_executions.*$)(?!ceilometer.tests.tempest.api.test_telemetry_notification_api.TelemetryNotificationAPITest.test_check_glance_v2_notifications.*$)(?!tempest.api.object_storage.*$)(?!tempest_horizon.tests.scenario.test_dashboard_basic_ops.*$).*" # TODO(tobias-urdin): We must have the neutron-tempest-plugin to even test Neutron, is also required by # vpnaas and dynamic routing projects. $SUDO pip install neutron-tempest-plugin else # https://review.openstack.org/#/c/504345/ has changed the behavior of tempest when running with --regex and --whitelist-file # and now operator between them is OR when filtering tests (which is how it was documented, btw). In order to promote # we need to remove this regex option and implement https://review.openstack.org/#/c/547278 when ready. # Note these tests were disabled in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/461969/ and hopefully it's more stable now and allows # us to run it until we can implement --blacklist-file in a stable way. #EXCLUDES="--regex=^(?!tempest.scenario.gnocchi.test.live_assert_vcpus_metric_is_really_expurged.test_request.*$)(?!tempest.scenario.gnocchi.test.live_assert_no_delete_metrics_have_the_gabbilive_policy.test_request.*$).*" # TODO(tobias-urdin): An ugly fix to make sure we get the ryu.tests.integrated.common module which is removed # from the ryu RPM package. Remove this if we push a fix for the ryu centos package (4.26 is the packaged version). git clone -b v4.26 https://github.com/osrg/ryu.git /tmp/openstack/ryu $SUDO cp -R /tmp/openstack/ryu/ryu/tests/integrated/common/ /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ryu/tests/integrated/ # NOTE(tobias-urdin): Blacklist the dynamic routing scenario tests because they use Docker which is not available and also # requires the above mentioned ryu.tests.integrated.common module (we need to init tempest workspace now). # Note(chandankumar): Blacklist tempest_horizon.tests.scenario.test_dashboard_basic_ops test as they are currently flacky in CI on CentOS # Adding it to skip list will help till we find the correct solution EXCLUDES="--black-regex=^neutron_dynamic_routing.tests.tempest.scenario|tempest_horizon.tests.scenario.test_dashboard_basic_ops" fi print_header 'Running Tempest' cd /tmp/openstack/tempest if [ "${TEMPEST_FROM_SOURCE}" = true ]; then virtualenv --system-site-packages run_tempest run_tempest/bin/pip install -c https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/plain/upper-constraints.txt -U -r requirements.txt run_tempest/bin/python setup.py install export tempest_binary="run_tempest/bin/tempest" else export tempest_binary="/usr/bin/tempest" fi # List tempest plugins $tempest_binary list-plugins # list tempest workspace $tempest_binary workspace list # list tempest tests before running tempest $tempest_binary run -l --whitelist_file=/tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt # Run tempest commands $tempest_binary run --whitelist_file=/tmp/openstack/tempest/test-whitelist.txt --concurrency=2 $EXCLUDES RESULT=$? set -e if [ -d .testrepository ]; then testr last --subunit > /tmp/openstack/tempest/testrepository.subunit elif [ -d .stestr ]; then if type "stestr-3" 2>/dev/null; then stestr-3 last --subunit > /tmp/openstack/tempest/testrepository.subunit else stestr last --subunit > /tmp/openstack/tempest/testrepository.subunit fi fi subunit2html /tmp/openstack/tempest/testrepository.subunit /tmp/openstack/tempest/testr_results.html print_header 'SELinux Alerts (Tempest)' catch_selinux_alerts print_header 'Done (run_tests.sh)' exit $RESULT