class openstack_integration::repos { # To make litmus tests work. if $facts['ceph_version'] and $facts['ceph_version'] != '' { $ceph_version_real = $facts['ceph_version'] } else { $ceph_version_real = 'quincy' } if $facts['os']['name'] == 'Ubuntu' and versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['major'], '22') >= 0 { # NOTE(tkajinam): Upstream ceph repository does not provide packages for # Ubuntu Jammy, so we use packages from UCA. $enable_ceph_repository = false } else { $enable_ceph_repository = true } case $facts['os']['family'] { 'Debian': { case $facts['os']['name'] { 'Ubuntu': { include apt class { 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu': release => 'zed', package_require => true, uca_location => pick($facts['uca_mirror_host'], ''), } } 'Debian': { include apt class { 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::debian': release => 'zed', package_require => true, } } default: { fail("Unsupported package type (${facts['os']['name']})") } } $ceph_mirror_fallback = pick($facts['ceph_mirror_host'], "${ceph_version_real}/") if $enable_ceph_repository { # Ceph is both packaged on UCA and official packages # which we mirror. We want to use the official packages or our mirror. if $ceph_mirror_fallback !~ '^*' { $ceph_version_cap = capitalize($ceph_version_real) apt::pin { 'ceph': priority => 1001, originator => "Ceph ${ceph_version_cap}", } } else { apt::pin { 'ceph': priority => 1001, origin => '', } } } $enable_sig = false $enable_epel = false $ceph_mirror = $ceph_mirror_fallback } 'RedHat': { $powertools_repo = 'crb' if $facts['centos_mirror_host'] and $facts['centos_mirror_host'] != '' { $centos_mirror = $facts['centos_mirror_host'] } else { $centos_mirror = '' } if $facts['delorean_repo_path'] and $facts['delorean_repo_path'] != '' { $delorean_repo = $facts['delorean_repo_path'] } else { $delorean_repo = "${facts['os']['release']['major']}-master/puppet-passed-ci/delorean.repo" } if $facts['delorean_deps_repo_path'] and $facts['delorean_deps_repo_path'] != '' { $delorean_deps_repo = $facts['delorean_deps_repo_path'] } else { $delorean_deps_repo = "${facts['os']['release']['major']}-master/delorean-deps.repo" } class { 'openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat': manage_rdo => false, manage_epel => false, centos_mirror_url => $centos_mirror, repo_source_hash => { 'delorean.repo' => $delorean_repo, 'delorean-deps.repo' => $delorean_deps_repo }, repo_replace => false, update_packages => true, } $ceph_mirror_fallback = "${centos_mirror}/SIGs/${facts['os']['release']['major']}-stream/storage/x86_64/ceph-${ceph_version_real}/" if $facts['ceph_mirror_host'] and $facts['ceph_mirror_host'] != '' { $ceph_mirror = $facts['ceph_mirror_host'] } else { $ceph_mirror = $ceph_mirror_fallback } # On CentOS, deploy Ceph using SIG repository and get rid of EPEL. # if $facts['os']['name'] == 'CentOS' { $enable_sig = true $enable_epel = false } else { $enable_sig = false $enable_epel = true } # PowerTools is required on CentOS8 since Ussuri. exec { 'enable-crb': command => 'dnf config-manager --enable crb', path => '/usr/bin/', unless => 'test 0 -ne $(dnf repolist --enabled crb | wc -l)' } } default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily (${facts['os']['family']})") } } if $enable_ceph_repository { class { 'ceph::repo': enable_sig => $enable_sig, enable_epel => $enable_epel, ceph_mirror => $ceph_mirror, } } # NOTE(tobias-urdin): Needed where augeas is used, like puppet-ovn. package { 'ruby-augeas': ensure => 'present', } if $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' { # NOTE(tobias-urdin): Install libibverbs to fix an issue where OVS outputs errors # that causes the puppet-openvswitch module to fail parsing the output. # This issue does not occur in integration testing but only module tests since some # other package (probably nova) causes this package to be installed, or the yum upgrade # part in integration catches it. # Reported upstream: package { 'libibverbs': ensure => 'present', } Yumrepo<||> -> Package<| title == 'ruby-augeas' |> } }