# Configure the Tempest service # # [*aodh*] # (optional) Define if Aodh needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*bgpvpn*] # (optional) Define if BGPVPN needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*ceilometer*] # (optional) Define if Ceilometer needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*cinder*] # (optional) Define if Cinder needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*cinder_backup*] # (optional) Define if Cinder Backup needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*designate*] # (optional) Define if Designate needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*ec2api*] # (optional) Define if EC2-API needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*glance*] # (optional) Define if Glance needs to be tested. # Default to true. # # [*gnocchi*] # (optional) Define if Gnocchi needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*heat*] # (optional) Define if Heat needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*horizon*] # (optional) Define if Horizon needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*ironic*] # (optional) Define if Ironic needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*l2gw*] # (optional) Define if L2GW needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*l2gw_switch*] # (optional) Define a switch name for testing. # Default to undef. # # [*dr*] # (optional) Define if Neutron Dynamic routing needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*magnum*] # (optional) Define if Magmum needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*mistral*] # (optional) Define if Mistral needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*neutron*] # (optional) Define if Neutron needs to be tested. # Default to true. # # [*nova*] # (optional) Define if Nova needs to be tested. # Default to true. # # [*sahara*] # (optional) Define if Sahara needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*murano*] # (optional) Define if Murano needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*swift*] # (optional) Define if Swift needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*trove*] # (optional) Define if Trove needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*vitrage*] # (optional) Define if Vitrage needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*watcher*] # (optional) Define if Watcher needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*zaqar*] # (optional) Define if Zaqar needs to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*attach_encrypted_volume*] # (optional) Define if Encrypted Volumes need to be tested. # Default to false. # # [*configure_images*] # (optional) Define if images are configured for tempest. # Default to true. # # [*configure_networks*] # (optional) Define if networks are configured for tempest. # Default to true. # # [*neutron_api_extensions*] # (optional) Define list of neutron API extensions to test. # The list is known to work with the repo; this reflects extensions enabled # in neutron gate, for the most part (minus features not configured like # trunk, dns-integration, qos, or port_security support) class openstack_integration::tempest ( $aodh = false, $bgpvpn = false, $ceilometer = false, $cinder = false, $cinder_backup = false, $designate = false, $ec2api = false, $glance = true, $gnocchi = false, $heat = false, $horizon = false, $ironic = false, $l2gw = false, $l2gw_switch = undef, $dr = false, $magnum = false, $mistral = false, $murano = false, $neutron = true, $nova = true, $sahara = false, $swift = false, $trove = false, $watcher = false, $vitrage = false, $zaqar = false, $attach_encrypted_volume = false, $configure_images = true, $configure_networks = true, $neutron_api_extensions = [ 'address-scope', 'agent', 'allowed-address-pairs', 'auto-allocated-topology', 'availability_zone', 'binding', 'default-subnetpools', 'dhcp_agent_scheduler', 'dns-domain-ports', 'dns-integration', 'dvr', 'ext-gw-mode,external-net', 'extra_dhcp_opt', 'extraroute', 'flavors', 'l3-flavors', 'l3-ha', 'l3_agent_scheduler', 'metering', 'multi-provider', 'net-mtu', 'network-ip-availability', 'network_availability_zone', 'pagination', 'project-id', 'provider', 'quotas', 'rbac-policies', 'router', 'router_availability_zone', 'security-group', 'service-type', 'sorting', 'standard-attr-description', 'standard-attr-revisions', 'standard-attr-timestamp', 'subnet_allocation', 'tag', 'tag-ext', 'l2-gateway', 'l2-gateway-connection', ], ) { include openstack_integration::config include openstack_integration::params # Install missed dependency for neutron tests # https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/test-requirements.txt#L20 if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') and (versioncmp($::operatingsystemmajrelease, '16') >= 0) { package { ['python3-ddt', 'python3-oslotest', 'python3-gabbi']: ensure => present } } class { 'tempest': debug => true, use_stderr => false, log_file => 'tempest.log', tempest_clone_owner => $::id, git_clone => false, tempest_clone_path => '/tmp/openstack/tempest', lock_path => '/tmp/openstack/tempest', tempest_config_file => '/tmp/openstack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf', configure_images => $configure_images, configure_networks => $configure_networks, identity_uri_v3 => "${::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri}/v3", admin_username => 'admin', admin_project_name => 'openstack', admin_password => 'a_big_secret', admin_domain_name => 'Default', auth_version => 'v3', tempest_roles => ['member', 'creator'], # needed to use barbican. image_name => 'cirros', image_name_alt => 'cirros_alt', cinder_available => $cinder, cinder_backup_available => $cinder_backup, designate_available => $designate, glance_available => $glance, horizon_available => $horizon, nova_available => $nova, neutron_available => $neutron, neutron_bgpvpn_available => $bgpvpn, neutron_l2gw_available => $l2gw, neutron_dr_available => $dr, ceilometer_available => $ceilometer, aodh_available => $aodh, trove_available => $trove, sahara_available => $sahara, heat_available => $heat, swift_available => $swift, ironic_available => $ironic, zaqar_available => $zaqar, mistral_available => $mistral, vitrage_available => $vitrage, gnocchi_available => $gnocchi, ec2api_available => $ec2api, watcher_available => $watcher, public_network_name => 'public', neutron_api_extensions => join(any2array($neutron_api_extensions), ','), dashboard_url => $::openstack_integration::config::base_url, flavor_ref => '42', flavor_ref_alt => '84', db_flavor_ref => '42', image_ssh_user => 'cirros', image_alt_ssh_user => 'cirros', # TODO(emilien) optimization by 1/ using Hiera to configure Glance image source # and 2/ if running in the gate, use /home/jenkins/cache/files/ cirros image. img_file => '/tmp/openstack/image/cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img', compute_build_interval => 10, ca_certificates_file => $::openstack_integration::params::ca_bundle_cert_path, manage_tests_packages => true, attach_encrypted_volume => $attach_encrypted_volume, murano_available => $murano, tempest_workspace => '/tmp/openstack/tempest', run_ssh => true, l2gw_switch => $l2gw_switch, disable_dashboard_ssl_validation => true, baremetal_driver => 'fake-hardware', baremetal_enabled_hardware_types => 'ipmi,fake-hardware', ec2api_tester_roles => ['member'], } if $magnum { class { 'tempest::magnum': tempest_config_file => '/tmp/openstack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf', } } }