# Configure the Keystone service # # [*default_domain*] # (optional) Define the default domain id. # Set to 'undef' for 'Default' domain. # Default to undef. # # [*using_domain_config*] # (optional) Eases the use of the keystone_domain_config resource type. # It ensures that a directory for holding the domain configuration is present # and the associated configuration in keystone.conf is set up right. # Defaults to false # # [*token_expiration*] # (optional) Define the token expiration to use. # Default to '600'. # class openstack_integration::keystone ( $default_domain = undef, $using_domain_config = false, $token_expiration = '600', ) { include openstack_integration::config include openstack_integration::params openstack_integration::mq_user { 'keystone': password => 'an_even_bigger_secret', before => Anchor['keystone::service::begin'], } if $::openstack_integration::config::ssl { openstack_integration::ssl_key { 'keystone': notify => Service['httpd'], require => Anchor['keystone::install::end'], } Exec['update-ca-certificates'] ~> Service['httpd'] } class { 'keystone::cron::fernet_rotate': hour => '*', minute => '*/30', } class { 'keystone::db::mysql': charset => $::openstack_integration::params::mysql_charset, collate => $::openstack_integration::params::mysql_collate, password => 'keystone', host => $::openstack_integration::config::host, } class { 'keystone::db': database_connection => os_database_connection({ 'dialect' => 'mysql+pymysql', 'host' => $::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url, 'username' => 'keystone', 'password' => 'keystone', 'database' => 'keystone', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'extra' => $::openstack_integration::config::db_extra, }), } class { 'keystone::logging': debug => true, } class { 'keystone::cache': backend => $::openstack_integration::config::cache_driver, enabled => true, memcache_servers => $::openstack_integration::config::memcache_servers, redis_server => $::openstack_integration::config::redis_server, redis_password => 'a_big_secret', redis_sentinels => $::openstack_integration::config::redis_sentinel_server, tls_enabled => $::openstack_integration::config::cache_tls_enabled, } class { 'keystone': enabled => true, service_name => 'httpd', default_domain => $default_domain, using_domain_config => $using_domain_config, public_endpoint => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri, manage_policyrcd => true, token_expiration => $token_expiration, default_transport_url => os_transport_url({ 'transport' => $::openstack_integration::config::messaging_default_proto, 'host' => $::openstack_integration::config::host, 'port' => $::openstack_integration::config::messaging_default_port, 'username' => 'keystone', 'password' => 'an_even_bigger_secret', }), notification_transport_url => os_transport_url({ 'transport' => $::openstack_integration::config::messaging_notify_proto, 'host' => $::openstack_integration::config::host, 'port' => $::openstack_integration::config::messaging_notify_port, 'username' => 'keystone', 'password' => 'an_even_bigger_secret', }), rabbit_use_ssl => $::openstack_integration::config::ssl, } class { 'keystone::wsgi::apache': bind_host => $::openstack_integration::config::host, ssl => $::openstack_integration::config::ssl, ssl_key => "/etc/keystone/ssl/private/${facts['networking']['fqdn']}.pem", ssl_cert => $::openstack_integration::params::cert_path, workers => 2, } class { 'keystone::bootstrap': password => 'a_big_secret', email => 'test@example.tld', public_url => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri, admin_url => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_admin_uri, } keystone_tenant { 'openstack': ensure => present, enabled => true, } keystone_user_role { "${::keystone::bootstrap::username}@openstack": ensure => present, roles => [$::keystone::bootstrap::role_name], } keystone_user { 'demo': ensure => present, enabled => true, password => 'secrete' } keystone_tenant { 'demo': ensure => present, enabled => true, } keystone_user_role { 'demo@demo': ensure => 'present', roles => ['member'], } # We need tempest users to have the creator role to be able to store # secrets in barbican. We do this by adding the creator role to the # tempest_roles list in tempest.conf. keystone_role { 'creator': ensure => present, } }