#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script takes bits from devstack-gate/functions/cleanup_host in a # more generic approach, so we don't need to actually run devstack on the node # to cleanup an host. set -o xtrace set -o errexit export SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd -P) source $SCRIPT_DIR/functions print_header 'Copy logs into workspace' LOG_DIR=$WORKSPACE/logs [[ ! -d "${WORKSPACE}/logs" ]] && mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/logs # PROJECTS # - for each entry, we will probe /etc/${project} and /var/log/${project} # and copy out files # # For right now, we populate our projects with a guess from those that # have puppet modules installed. revisit this if needs change if [ -d /etc/puppetlabs/code ]; then # puppet4 PUPPET_MODULES_PATH='/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules' else # puppet3 PUPPET_MODULES_PATH='/etc/puppet/modules' fi for project in $PUPPET_MODULES_PATH/*; do # find Puppet OpenStack modules if [ -f $project/metadata.json ]; then if egrep -q "github.com/(stackforge|openstack)/puppet" $project/metadata.json; then PROJECTS+="$(basename $project) " fi fi done # start of log capture # some commands could fail if service failed to be installed during Puppet runs set +e # Copy puppet log cp ${WORKSPACE}/puppet*.log $LOG_DIR # Archive the project config & logs mkdir $LOG_DIR/etc/ for p in $PROJECTS; do if [ -d /etc/$p ]; then sudo cp -r /etc/$p $LOG_DIR/etc/ fi if [ -d /var/log/$p ]; then sudo cp -r /var/log/$p $LOG_DIR fi done # # Extra bits and pieces follow # # system logs if uses_debs; then sudo cp /var/log/kern.log $LOG_DIR/kern_log.txt fi if which journalctl &> /dev/null; then sudo journalctl --no-pager > $LOG_DIR/syslog.txt fi # rabbitmq logs if [ -d /var/log/rabbitmq ]; then sudo cp -r /var/log/rabbitmq $LOG_DIR fi # db logs if [ -d /var/log/postgresql ] ; then # Rename log so it doesn't have an additional '.' so it won't get # deleted sudo cp /var/log/postgresql/*log $LOG_DIR/postgres.log fi if [ -f /var/log/mysql.err ] ; then sudo cp /var/log/mysql.err $LOG_DIR/mysql_err.log fi if [ -f /var/log/mysql.log ] ; then sudo cp /var/log/mysql.log $LOG_DIR/ fi # tempest logs if [ -f /tmp/openstack/tempest/tempest.log ] ; then sudo cp /tmp/openstack/tempest/tempest.log $LOG_DIR/ fi # Tempest subunit results if [ -f /tmp/openstack/tempest/testrepository.subunit ] ; then for f in testrepository.subunit testr_results.html; do sudo cp /tmp/openstack/tempest/$f $LOG_DIR/$f sudo gzip -9 $LOG_DIR/$f done fi # dstat logs if [ -f /var/log/dstat.log ] ; then sudo cp /var/log/dstat.log $LOG_DIR/ fi # iostat logs if [ -f /var/log/iostat.log ] ; then sudo cp /var/log/iostat.log $LOG_DIR/ fi # iotop logs if [ -f /var/log/iotop.log ] ; then sudo cp /var/log/iotop.log $LOG_DIR/ fi # libvirt if [ -d /var/log/libvirt ] ; then sudo cp -r /var/log/libvirt $LOG_DIR/ fi # openvswitch if [ -d /var/log/openvswitch ] ; then sudo cp -r /var/log/openvswitch $LOG_DIR/ fi # sudo config sudo cp -r /etc/sudoers.d $LOG_DIR/ sudo cp /etc/sudoers $LOG_DIR/sudoers.txt # apache logs; including wsgi stuff like horizon, keystone, etc. if uses_debs; then apache_logs=/var/log/apache2 redis_logs=/var/log/redis/redis-server.log if [ -d /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ]; then mkdir $LOG_DIR/apache_config sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* $LOG_DIR/apache_config for f in `ls $LOG_DIR/apache_config`; do mv $LOG_DIR/apache_config/${f} $LOG_DIR/apache_config/${f}.txt done fi elif is_fedora; then apache_logs=/var/log/httpd redis_logs=/var/log/redis/redis.log if [ -d /etc/httpd/conf.d ]; then mkdir $LOG_DIR/apache_config sudo cp /etc/httpd/conf.d/* $LOG_DIR/apache_config for f in `ls $LOG_DIR/apache_config`; do mv $LOG_DIR/apache_config/${f} $LOG_DIR/apache_config/${f}.txt done fi fi if [ -d ${apache_logs} ]; then sudo cp -r ${apache_logs} $LOG_DIR/apache fi if [ -f ${redis_logs} ]; then sudo cp ${redis_logs} $LOG_DIR/redis.log.txt fi if [ -f /var/log/audit/audit.log ]; then sudo cp /var/log/audit/audit.log $LOG_DIR/audit.log.txt fi if [ -d /tmp/openstack/tempest ]; then sudo cp /tmp/openstack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf $LOG_DIR/tempest.conf.txt fi if [ -d /etc/openstack-dashboard ]; then sudo cp -r /etc/openstack-dashboard $LOG_DIR/etc/openstack-dashboard for f in `ls $LOG_DIR/etc/openstack-dashboard`; do sudo mv $LOG_DIR/etc/openstack-dashboard/${f} $LOG_DIR/etc/openstack-dashboard/${f}.txt done fi # package status and repository list if [ `command -v dpkg` ]; then dpkg -l> $LOG_DIR/dpkg-l.txt apt-cache policy > $LOG_DIR/apt-cache-policy.txt fi if [ `command -v rpm` ]; then rpm -qa |sort > $LOG_DIR/rpm-qa.txt yum repolist -v > $LOG_DIR/repolist.txt fi if [ `command -v gem` ]; then gem list |sort > $LOG_DIR/gem-list.txt fi # system status & informations sudo cp /root/openrc $LOG_DIR/openrc.txt sudo chmod 777 $LOG_DIR/openrc.txt df -h > $LOG_DIR/df.txt free -m > $LOG_DIR/free.txt lsmod > $LOG_DIR/lsmod.txt cat /proc/cpuinfo > $LOG_DIR/cpuinfo.txt ps -eo user,pid,ppid,lwp,%cpu,%mem,size,rss,cmd > $LOG_DIR/ps.txt netstat -tulpn > $LOG_DIR/netstat.txt # keystone resources source $LOG_DIR/openrc.txt openstack endpoint list >> $LOG_DIR/keystone-resources.txt openstack service list >> $LOG_DIR/keystone-resources.txt openstack project list >> $LOG_DIR/keystone-resources.txt openstack user list >> $LOG_DIR/keystone-resources.txt # end of log capture set -e # Set permissions to let jenkins compress and archive logs. # Also make sure zuul can rsync all the logs and configs sudo find $LOG_DIR -type d -execdir sudo chmod 755 '{}' \; sudo find $LOG_DIR -type f -execdir sudo chmod 644 '{}' \; sudo chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" $LOG_DIR # do not try to save symlinks because source files might not have # the right permissions to let jenkins user to upload them on log servers. sudo find $LOG_DIR -type l -execdir sudo rm -f '{}' \; # rename files to .txt; this is so that when displayed via # logs.openstack.org clicking results in the browser shows the # files, rather than trying to send it to another app or make you # download it, etc. # firstly, rename all .log files to .txt files for f in $(find $LOG_DIR -name "*.log"); do sudo mv $f ${f/.log/.txt} done # append .txt to all config files # (there are some /etc/swift .builder and .ring files that get # caught up which aren't really text, don't worry about that) find $LOG_DIR/sudoers.d $LOG_DIR/etc -type f -exec sudo mv '{}' '{}'.txt \; # rabbitmq if [ -f $LOG_DIR/rabbitmq ]; then find $LOG_DIR/rabbitmq -type f -exec sudo mv '{}' '{}'.txt \; for X in `find $LOG_DIR/rabbitmq -type f` ; do sudo mv "$X" "${X/@/_at_}" done fi # hiera if [ -d $SCRIPT_DIR/hiera ]; then mv $SCRIPT_DIR/hiera $LOG_DIR fi # Compress all text logs sudo find $LOG_DIR -iname '*.txt' -type f -execdir gzip -9 {} \+ sudo find $LOG_DIR -iname '*.dat' -type f -execdir gzip -9 {} \+ sudo find $LOG_DIR -iname '*.conf' -type f -execdir gzip -9 {} \+