#!/bin/bash # # functions - puppet-openstack-integration specific functions # # To retry a command until it succeed for a given # number of retries(default to 3). retry_cmd() { local cmd=$1 local total_tries=${2:-3} local delay=${3:-5} local retry_count=1 local ret_code=1 until [[ ${ret_code} -eq 0 || ${retry_count} -gt ${total_tries} ]]; do echo Retry count:-${retry_count}, Command:-$cmd set +e $cmd ret_code=$? set -e ((retry_count++)) sleep ${delay} done if [ ${ret_code} -ne 0 ]; then echo Failed even after ${total_tries} retries, Exiting exit ${ret_code} fi } # Install external Puppet modules with r10k # Uses the following variables: # # - ``SCRIPT_DIR`` must be set to script path # - ``GEM_BIN_DIR`` must be set to Gem bin directory install_external() { install_cmd="r10k -v DEBUG puppetfile install \ --puppetfile ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile1 \ --moduledir ${PUPPETFILE_DIR}" retry_cmd "${install_cmd}" } # Install Puppet OpenStack modules from zuul checkouts # Uses the following variables: # # - ``PUPPETFILE_DIR`` must be set to Puppet modules directory # - ``SCRIPT_DIR`` must be set to script path # - ``ZUUL_BRANCH`` must be set to Zuul branch. Fallback to 'master'. # - ``CEPH_VERSION`` can be set to override Ceph version. install_openstack() { # Periodic jobs run without ref on master ZUUL_BRANCH=${ZUUL_BRANCH:-master} if [ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/puppet-ceph" ] && [ -n "$CEPH_VERSION" ]; then if [ "$CEPH_VERSION" == "octopus" ] || [ "$CEPH_VERSION" == "pacific" ]; then ZUUL_BRANCH="master" else ZUUL_BRANCH="stable/$CEPH_VERSION" fi fi local project_names=$(awk '{ if ($1 == ":git") print $3 }' \ ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile0 | tr -d "'," | cut -d '/' -f 4- | xargs ) for project in $project_names openstack/puppet-openstack-integration do local module_name=$(echo $project | cut -d "-" -f2-) if [ -d /home/zuul/src/opendev.org/$project ]; then cp -R /home/zuul/src/opendev.org/$project $PUPPETFILE_DIR/$module_name else git clone -b $ZUUL_BRANCH https://opendev.org/$project $PUPPETFILE_DIR/$module_name fi done # Because openstack-integration can't be a class name. # https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5268 mv $PUPPETFILE_DIR/openstack-integration $PUPPETFILE_DIR/openstack_integration } # Install all Puppet modules with r10k # Uses the following variables: # # - ``PUPPETFILE_DIR`` must be set to Puppet modules directory # - ``SCRIPT_DIR`` must be set to script path install_all() { # When installing from local source, we want to install the current source # we're working from. install_cmd="r10k -v DEBUG puppetfile install \ --puppetfile ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile \ --moduledir ${PUPPETFILE_DIR}" retry_cmd "${install_cmd}" cp -a ${SCRIPT_DIR} ${PUPPETFILE_DIR}/openstack_integration } # Install Puppet OpenStack modules and dependencies by using # zuul checkouts or r10k. # Uses the following variables: # # - ``PUPPETFILE_DIR`` must be set to Puppet modules directory # - ``SCRIPT_DIR`` must be set to script path # - ``ZUUL_BRANCH`` must be set to Zuul branch install_modules() { if [ -d /home/zuul/src/opendev.org ] ; then csplit ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile /'External modules'/ \ --prefix ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile \ --suffix '%d' install_external install_openstack else install_all fi } # This is only executed from install_modules_unit.sh because we have # some modules that is only required for puppet6 unit testing. # Uses the following variables: # # - ``PUPPETFILE_DIR`` must be set to Puppet modules directory # - ``SCRIPT_DIR`` must be set to script path # - ``ZUUL_BRANCH`` must be set to Zuul branch install_modules_unit() { if [ -d /home/zuul/src/opendev.org ] ; then csplit ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile /'External modules'/ \ --prefix ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile \ --suffix '%d' cat ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile_unit >> ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile1 install_external install_openstack else cat ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile_unit >> ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Puppetfile install_all fi } # Write out basic hiera configuration # # Uses the following variables: # - ``SCRIPT_DIR`` must be set to the dir that contains a /hiera folder to use # - ``HIERA_CONFIG`` must be set to the hiera config file location # configure_hiera() { cat <$HIERA_CONFIG --- version: 5 defaults: datadir: ${SCRIPT_DIR}/hiera data_hash: yaml_data hierarchy: - name: "OS specific" path: "%{::operatingsystem}.yaml" - name: "OS family specific" path: "%{::osfamily}.yaml" - name: "Common" path: "common.yaml" EOF } is_fedora() { if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release test "$ID" = "fedora" -o "$ID" = "centos" else return 1 fi } uses_debs() { # check if apt-get is installed, valid for debian based type "apt-get" 2>/dev/null } if type "dnf" 2>/dev/null;then export YUM=dnf else export YUM=yum fi print_header() { if [ -n "$(set | grep xtrace)" ]; then set +x local enable_xtrace='yes' fi local msg=$1 printf '%.0s-' {1..80}; echo printf '| %-76s |\n' "${msg}" printf '%.0s-' {1..80}; echo if [ -n "${enable_xtrace}" ]; then set -x fi } install_puppet() { if uses_debs; then print_header 'Setup (Debian based)' if [ "${MANAGE_REPOS}" == "true" ] ; then PUPPET_CODENAME=$(lsb_release -s -c) DISTRIBUTION_VENDOR=$(lsb_release -s -i) # In Debian, we use the distro packages if [ "${DISTRIBUTION_VENDOR}" = "Ubuntu" ] ; then $SUDO mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d echo "deb ${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR} ${PUPPET_CODENAME} puppet${PUPPET_MAJ_VERSION}" | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list $SUDO apt-key add files/GPG-KEY-puppetlabs $SUDO apt-key add files/GPG-KEY-ceph $SUDO apt-get update fi fi # In Debian, the distro package name is simply "puppet" # and there's no reason to have it in a variable. if [ "${DISTRIBUTION_VENDOR}" = "Debian" ] ; then $SUDO apt-get install -y puppet else $SUDO apt-get install -y ${PUPPET_PKG} fi elif is_fedora; then print_header 'Setup (RedHat based)' # EPEL does not work fine with RDO, we need to make sure EPEL is really disabled if rpm --quiet -q epel-release; then $SUDO $YUM remove -y epel-release fi source /etc/os-release if [ "${MANAGE_REPOS}" == "true" ] ; then if [ ${VERSION_ID} -ne 9 ] ; then $SUDO rpm --import ${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs $SUDO rpm --import ${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet $SUDO rpm --import ${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet-20250406 $SUDO bash -c "cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/puppetlabs.repo [puppetlabs-products] name=Puppet Labs Products El ${VERSION_ID} - x86_64 baseurl=${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/puppet${PUPPET_MAJ_VERSION}/el/${VERSION_ID}/x86_64/ gpgkey=${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs ${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet ${NODEPOOL_PUPPETLABS_MIRROR}/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet-20250406 enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 EOF" else # TODO we are using puppet from RDO in CS9 until there el9 in puppetlabs repo $SUDO bash -c "cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/puppet-rdo.repo [puppet-rdo] name=Puppet from RDO repo for CentOS ${VERSION_ID} - x86_64 baseurl=https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos9-master/deps/latest/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF" fi fi $SUDO $YUM install -y ${PUPPET_PKG} fi } function run_puppet() { local manifest=$1 $SUDO $PUPPET_FULL_PATH apply $PUPPET_ARGS fixtures/${manifest}.pp local res=$? return $res } function catch_selinux_alerts() { if is_fedora; then sealert_cmd="$SUDO sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log" retry_cmd "$sealert_cmd" if $SUDO grep -iq 'type=AVC' /var/log/audit/audit.log; then echo "AVC detected in /var/log/audit/audit.log" source /etc/os-release # TODO: figure why latest rabbitmq deployed with SSL tries to write in SSL pem file. # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1341738 if $SUDO grep -iqE 'denied.*system_r:rabbitmq_t' /var/log/audit/audit.log; then echo "non-critical RabbitMQ AVC, ignoring it now." # FIXME(ykarel) catch_selinux_alerts not work with non ssl scenarios(no rabbitmq alert), # currently running all scenarios without ssl in Fedora and CentOS8, # because glance,nova,mistral py3 has issues when running with eventlet + ssl: # glance https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1769006 # nova https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1808975 # mistral https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1808953 elif [ -f /etc/fedora-release ] || [[ "${ID,,}" = "centos" ]]; then echo "non ssl scenario, ignoring it now." else echo "Please file a bug on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red%20Hat%20OpenStack&component=openstack-selinux showing sealert output." exit 1 fi else echo 'No AVC detected in /var/log/audit/audit.log' fi fi } function timestamp_puppet_log() { $SUDO mv ${WORKSPACE}/puppet.log ${WORKSPACE}/puppet-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log } function catch_puppet_failures() { $SUDO grep -wiE '(Error|\(err\))' ${WORKSPACE}/puppet.log }