The deprecated guestagent template will be removed, so don't use it. By not using it, this will pull in the guestagent class (with service disabled as it should be on an API node). This will expose issues like Bug 1580005. Change-Id: I2aafb6a3eba4b690ed7e4f8fdc8622594c627999
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class openstack_integration::trove {
include ::openstack_integration::config
include ::openstack_integration::params
rabbitmq_user { 'trove':
admin => true,
password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
rabbitmq_user_permissions { 'trove@/':
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
if $::openstack_integration::config::ssl {
openstack_integration::ssl_key { 'trove':
require => Package['trove'],
$key_file = "/etc/trove/ssl/private/${::fqdn}.pem"
$crt_file = $::openstack_integration::params::cert_path
File[$key_file] ~> Service<| tag == 'trove-service' |>
Exec['update-ca-certificates'] ~> Service<| tag == 'trove-service' |>
} else {
$key_file = undef
$crt_file = undef
class { '::trove':
database_connection => 'mysql+pymysql://trove:trove@',
rabbit_userid => 'trove',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
rabbit_host => $::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url,
rabbit_port => $::openstack_integration::config::rabbit_port,
rabbit_use_ssl => $::openstack_integration::config::ssl,
nova_proxy_admin_pass => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::trove::db::mysql':
password => 'trove',
class { '::trove::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
public_url => "${::openstack_integration::config::base_url}:8779/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s",
internal_url => "${::openstack_integration::config::base_url}:8779/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s",
admin_url => "${::openstack_integration::config::base_url}:8779/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s",
class { '::trove::api':
bind_host => $::openstack_integration::config::host,
keystone_password => 'a_big_secret',
auth_uri => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri,
identity_uri => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_admin_uri,
debug => true,
verbose => true,
workers => 2,
cert_file => $crt_file,
key_file => $key_file,
class { '::trove::client': }
class { '::trove::conductor':
debug => true,
verbose => true,
workers => 2,
auth_url => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri,
class { '::trove::taskmanager':
debug => true,
verbose => true,
auth_url => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri,
use_guestagent_template => false,