116 lines
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116 lines
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class openstack_integration::repos {
$ceph_version_real = pick($facts['ceph_version'], 'reef')
case $facts['os']['family'] {
'Debian': {
case $facts['os']['name'] {
'Ubuntu': {
include apt
class { 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu':
release => 'caracal',
package_require => true,
uca_location => pick($facts['uca_mirror_host'], 'http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu'),
'Debian': {
include apt
class { 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::debian':
release => 'caracal',
package_require => true,
default: {
fail("Unsupported package type (${facts['os']['name']})")
$ceph_mirror = pick($facts['ceph_mirror_host'], "http://download.ceph.com/debian-${ceph_version_real}/")
# Ceph is both packaged on UCA and official download.ceph.com packages
# which we mirror. We want to use the official packages or our mirror.
if $ceph_mirror !~ '^http://download.ceph.com/.*' {
$ceph_version_cap = capitalize($ceph_version_real)
apt::pin { 'ceph':
priority => 1001,
originator => "Ceph ${ceph_version_cap}",
} else {
apt::pin { 'ceph':
priority => 1001,
origin => 'download.ceph.com',
$enable_sig = false
$enable_epel = false
'RedHat': {
$centos_mirror = pick(
$delorean_repo = pick(
$delorean_deps_repo = pick(
class { 'openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat':
manage_rdo => false,
centos_mirror_url => $centos_mirror,
repo_source_hash => {
'delorean.repo' => $delorean_repo,
'delorean-deps.repo' => $delorean_deps_repo
repo_replace => false,
update_packages => true,
$ceph_mirror = pick(
# On CentOS, deploy Ceph using SIG repository and get rid of EPEL.
# https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage/
$enable_sig = true
$enable_epel = false
yumrepo { 'crb':
enabled => true
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily (${facts['os']['family']})")
class { 'ceph::repo':
enable_sig => $enable_sig,
enable_epel => $enable_epel,
ceph_mirror => $ceph_mirror,
# NOTE(tobias-urdin): Needed where augeas is used, like puppet-ovn.
package { 'ruby-augeas':
ensure => 'present',
if $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' {
# NOTE(tobias-urdin): Install libibverbs to fix an issue where OVS outputs errors
# that causes the puppet-openvswitch module to fail parsing the output.
# This issue does not occur in integration testing but only module tests since some
# other package (probably nova) causes this package to be installed, or the yum upgrade
# part in integration catches it.
# Reported upstream: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1658141
package { 'libibverbs':
ensure => 'present',
Yumrepo<||> -> Package<| title == 'ruby-augeas' |>