Tobias Urdin 70cb017808 Change ceph caps to profile rbd
Based on the documentation [1] and this
bug [2] we should set caps for ceph keys
that use RBD to use the profile.

As we can see in the bug [2] setting it to wrong
can have cause very bad issues, this should direct
as a guideline since we will not hit this in CI.


Change-Id: I3767645807279afac77c1c367a70af6f0f9f4084
2018-06-26 17:35:02 +02:00

136 lines
4.6 KiB

# Configure the Ceph services
# [*deploy_rgw*]
# (optional) Setting flag to enable the deployment
# of Ceph RadosGW and configure various services
# to use Swift provided by RGW as a backend.
# Defaults to false
# [*swift_dropin*]
# (optional) Flag if Ceph RGW will provide swift
# services for openstack
class openstack_integration::ceph (
$deploy_rgw = false,
$swift_dropin = false,
) {
include ::openstack_integration::config
if $::openstack_integration::config::ipv6 {
$ms_bind_ipv6 = true
} else {
$ms_bind_ipv6 = undef
class { '::ceph::profile::params':
fsid => '7200aea0-2ddd-4a32-aa2a-d49f66ab554c',
manage_repo => false, # repo already managed in openstack_integration::repo
ms_bind_ipv6 => $ms_bind_ipv6,
authentication_type => 'cephx',
mon_host => $::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url,
mon_initial_members => $::hostname,
osd_pool_default_size => '1',
osd_pool_default_min_size => '1',
mon_key => 'AQD7kyJQQGoOBhAAqrPAqSopSwPrrfMMomzVdw==',
mgr_key => 'AQD7kyJQQGoOBhAAqrPAqSopSwPrrfMMomzVdw==',
osd_max_object_name_len => 256,
osd_max_object_namespace_len => 64,
client_keys => {
'client.admin' => {
'secret' => 'AQD7kyJQQGoOBhAAqrPAqSopSwPrrfMMomzVdw==',
'mode' => '0600',
'cap_mon' => 'allow *',
'cap_osd' => 'allow *',
'cap_mds' => 'allow *',
'client.bootstrap-osd' => {
'secret' => 'AQD7kyJQQGoOBhAAqrPAqSopSwPrrfMMomzVdw==',
'keyring_path' => '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring',
'cap_mon' => 'allow profile bootstrap-osd',
'client.openstack' => {
'secret' => 'AQD7kyJQQGoOBhAAqrPAqSopSwPrrfMMomzVdw==',
'mode' => '0644',
'cap_mon' => 'profile rbd',
'cap_osd' => 'profile rbd pool=cinder, profile rbd pool=nova, profile rbd pool=glance, profile rbd pool=gnocchi',
osds => {
'/var/lib/ceph/data' => {},
# Configure Ceph RadosGW
# These could be always set in the above call to ceph::profile::params
frontend_type => 'civetweb',
rgw_frontends => "civetweb port=${::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url}:8080",
rgw_user => 'ceph',
rbd_default_features => '15',
$ceph_pools = ['glance', 'nova', 'cinder', 'gnocchi']
ceph::pool { $ceph_pools: }
class { '::ceph::profile::mgr': }
class { '::ceph::profile::mon': }
class { '::ceph::profile::osd': }
# Extra Ceph configuration to increase performances
$ceph_extra_config = {
'global/osd_journal_size' => { value => '100' },
class { '::ceph::conf':
args => $ceph_extra_config,
if $deploy_rgw {
ceph::key { 'client.radosgw.gateway':
user => 'ceph',
secret => 'AQD7kyJQQGoOBhAAqrPAqSopSwPrrfMMomzVdw==',
cap_mon => 'allow rwx',
cap_osd => 'allow rwx',
inject => true,
# FIXME(Xarses) switch to param when supported in puppet-ceph
class { '::ceph::profile::rgw':
# swift_dropin = $swift_dropin
$password = 'secret'
$auth_name = 'rgwuser'
$project = 'services'
$user_domain = 'default'
#configure rgw to use keystone
ceph::rgw::keystone { 'radosgw.gateway':
rgw_keystone_url => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_admin_uri,
rgw_keystone_version => 'v3',
user => 'ceph',
use_pki => false,
rgw_keystone_accepted_roles => ['admin', 'member'],
rgw_keystone_admin_domain => $user_domain,
rgw_keystone_admin_project => $project,
rgw_keystone_admin_user => $auth_name,
rgw_keystone_admin_password => $password,
if $swift_dropin {
class { '::ceph::rgw::keystone::auth':
password => $password,
user => $auth_name,
tenant => $project,
roles => ['admin', 'member'],
public_url => "http://${::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url}:8080/swift/v1",
admin_url => "http://${::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url}:8080/swift/v1",
internal_url => "http://${::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url}:8080/swift/v1",
# FIXME(Xarses) remove when supported in puppet-ceph
Service<| tag == 'ceph-radosgw' |> -> Service <| tag == 'glance-service' |>