The named-checkconf command is now installed not in /usr/sbin but in /usr/bin in Ubuntu Jammy but puppet-dns has not adapted to the new path. This disables the check config logic to avoid the failure caused by the wrong command path, until the issue[1] is fixed in puppet-dns. [1] https://github.com/theforeman/puppet-dns/issues/227 Change-Id: I1168c4da8b6a5757f073483393f5f71183b14d8e
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# Configures the BIND service for use with Designate's BIND backend
class openstack_integration::bind {
include openstack_integration::config
include openstack_integration::params
$bind_host = $::openstack_integration::config::host
$listen_on = $::openstack_integration::config::ipv6 ? {
true => 'none',
default => $bind_host,
$listen_on_v6 = $::openstack_integration::config::ipv6 ? {
true => $bind_host,
default => 'none',
# NOTE(tkajinam) Disable config check in Ubuntu due to
# https://github.com/theforeman/puppet-dns/issues/227
if $facts['os']['name'] == 'Ubuntu' {
$config_check = false
} else {
$config_check = true
# NOTE (dmsimard): listen_on_v6 is false and overridden due to extended port
# configuration in additional_options
class { 'dns':
config_check => $config_check,
recursion => 'no',
allow_recursion => [],
listen_on_v6 => false,
additional_options => {
'listen-on' => "port 5322 { ${listen_on}; }",
'listen-on-v6' => "port 5322 { ${listen_on_v6}; }",
'auth-nxdomain' => 'no',
controls => {
$bind_host => {
'port' => 953,
'allowed_addresses' => [$bind_host],
'keys' => ['rndc-key'],
# ::dns creates the rndc key but not a rndc.conf.
# Contribute this in upstream ::dns ?
file { '/etc/rndc.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => $::dns::params::user,
group => $::dns::params::group,
content => template("${module_name}/rndc.conf.erb"),
require => Package[$dns::params::dns_server_package]