Tobias Urdin 81687e2ead Convert all class usage to relative names
In Puppet 3 there was a need to use absolute
names to prevent issues. Since Puppet 4 everything
is absolute by default which makes this not needed.

We need to change this everywhere so that we can
revert the pin in [1] that now prevents us from
using the latest version of the puppet-lint check
puppet-lint-absolute_classname_check that properly
checks that we dont use absolute names.


Change-Id: I78b74fbeb08be7234189e4d266412fb7fb7a73c0
2019-12-08 14:58:12 +01:00

51 lines
1.4 KiB

# Deploy SSL private keys
# [*key_path*]
# (optional) Path of SSL private key
# Defaults to undef.
# [*key_owner*]
# (optional) Owner of SSL private key
# Defaults to $name.
define openstack_integration::ssl_key(
$key_path = undef,
$key_owner = $name,
) {
include openstack_integration::config
if $key_path == undef {
$_key_path = "/etc/${name}/ssl/private/${::fqdn}.pem"
} else {
$_key_path = $key_path
# If the user isn't providing an unexpected path, create the directory
# structure.
if $key_path == undef {
file { "/etc/${name}/ssl":
ensure => directory,
owner => $name,
mode => '0775',
selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
file { "/etc/${name}/ssl/private":
ensure => directory,
owner => $name,
mode => '0755',
require => File["/etc/${name}/ssl"],
selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
before => File[$_key_path]
file { $_key_path:
ensure => present,
owner => $key_owner,
source => "puppet:///modules/openstack_integration/ipv${openstack_integration::config::ip_version}.key",
selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
mode => '0600',