* Deploy Self-Signed Certificates for both IPv6 & IPv4 deployments. * Disable IPv6 for RabbitMQ now, for SSL reasons, will be enabled again later in a next iteration. * Deploy Ironic API under WSGI instead of eventlet. * Switch Glance API, Ironic API and Keystone to SSL. * Configure Tempest with SSL endpoints when needed. * Reduce the Ironic tests because of [1]. [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1554237 Note #1: puppet-swift, and puppet-cinder will require some work to support SSL, so it's not implemented in this patch. Note #2: we don't enable SSL for Neutron because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1514424 Change-Id: Ib2b5289b6f5e82f43cf60dee3152b2c2ddd5a014
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class openstack_integration::cacert {
include ::openstack_integration::params
include ::openstack_integration::config
file { $::openstack_integration::params::cert_path:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => "puppet:///modules/openstack_integration/ipv${openstack_integration::config::ip_version}.crt",
selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
replace => true,
exec { 'update-ca-certificates':
command => $::openstack_integration::params::update_ca_certs_cmd,
subscribe => File[$::openstack_integration::params::cert_path],
refreshonly => true,