2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
# == Class: openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat
# This repo sets up yum repos for use with the redhat
# osfamily and redhat operatingsystem.
# === Parameters:
# [*release*]
# (optional) The openstack release to use if managing rdo
# Defaults to $::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params::release
# [*manage_rdo*]
# (optional) Whether to create a predefined yumrepo resource
# for the RDO OpenStack repository provided by RedHat
2015-04-16 17:58:57 -07:00
# Defaults to true
2016-09-28 16:05:18 -04:00
# [*manage_virt*]
# (optional) Whether to create a predefined yumrepo resource
# for the RDO CentOS QEMU EV epository provided by RedHat.
# This repository has been required starting from Newton.
# Defaults to true
2015-04-16 17:58:57 -07:00
# [*manage_epel*]
# (optional) Whether to create a predefined yumrepo resource
# for the EPEL repository provided by RedHat
2016-09-28 16:12:46 -04:00
# Note: EPEL is not required when deploying OpenStack with RDO.
# Defaults to false
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
# [*repo_hash*]
# (optional) A hash of yumrepo resources that will be passed to
# create_resource. See examples folder for some useful examples.
# Defaults to {}
# [*repo_defaults*]
# (optional) The defaults for the yumrepo resources that will be
# created using create_resource.
# Defaults to $::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params::repo_defaults
# [*gpgkey_hash*]
# (optional) A hash of file resources that will be passed to
# create_resource. See examples folder for some useful examples.
# Defaults to {}
# [*gpgkey_defaults*]
# (optional) The default resource attributes to
# create gpgkeys with.
# Defaults to $::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params::gpgkey_defaults
# [*purge_unmanaged*]
# (optional) Purge the yum.repos.d directory of
# all repositories not managed by Puppet
# Defaults to false
# [*package_require*]
# (optional) Set all packages to require all
# yumrepos be set.
# Defaults to false
2016-01-27 10:54:46 -05:00
# [*manage_priorities*]
# (optional) Whether to install yum-plugin-priorities package so
# 'priority' value in yumrepo will be effective.
# Defaults to true
2016-05-13 21:58:42 +02:00
# [*centos_mirror_url*]
# (optional) URL of CentOS mirror.
# Defaults to 'http://mirror.centos.org'
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
class openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat(
2016-01-27 10:54:46 -05:00
$release = $::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params::release,
$manage_rdo = true,
2016-09-28 16:05:18 -04:00
$manage_virt = true,
2016-09-28 16:12:46 -04:00
$manage_epel = false,
2016-01-27 10:54:46 -05:00
$repo_hash = {},
$repo_defaults = {},
$gpgkey_hash = {},
$gpgkey_defaults = {},
$purge_unmanaged = false,
$package_require = false,
$manage_priorities = true,
2016-05-13 21:58:42 +02:00
$centos_mirror_url = 'http://mirror.centos.org',
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
) inherits openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params {
$_repo_defaults = merge($::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params::repo_defaults, $repo_defaults)
$_gpgkey_defaults = merge($::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::params::gpgkey_defaults, $gpgkey_defaults)
anchor { 'openstack_extras_redhat': }
if $manage_rdo {
$release_cap = capitalize($release)
2015-10-25 22:10:23 +09:00
$rdo_hash = {
'rdo-release' => {
2016-05-13 21:58:42 +02:00
'baseurl' => "${centos_mirror_url}/centos/7/cloud/\$basearch/openstack-${release}/",
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
'descr' => "OpenStack ${release_cap} Repository",
2015-10-25 22:10:23 +09:00
'gpgkey' => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Cloud',
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
2015-10-25 22:10:23 +09:00
$rdokey_hash = { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Cloud' => {
'source' => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_extras/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Cloud'
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
create_resources('file', $rdokey_hash, $_gpgkey_defaults)
create_resources('yumrepo', $rdo_hash, $_repo_defaults)
2016-09-28 16:05:18 -04:00
if $manage_virt {
$virt_hash = {
'rdo-qemu-ev' => {
'baseurl' => "${centos_mirror_url}/centos/7/virt/\$basearch/kvm-common/",
'descr' => 'RDO CentOS-7 - QEMU EV',
'gpgkey' => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Virtualization',
$virtkey_hash = { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Virtualization' => {
'source' => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_extras/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Virtualization'
create_resources('file', $virtkey_hash, $_gpgkey_defaults)
create_resources('yumrepo', $virt_hash, $_repo_defaults)
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
if $manage_epel {
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat' and
$::operatingsystem != 'Fedora')
2015-06-29 09:33:08 -04:00
# 'metalink' property is supported from Puppet 3.5
if (versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.5') >= 0) {
$epel_hash = { 'epel' => {
'metalink' => "https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=epel-${::operatingsystemmajrelease}&arch=\$basearch",
'descr' => "Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux ${::operatingsystemmajrelease} - \$basearch",
'gpgkey' => "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-${::operatingsystemmajrelease}",
'failovermethod' => 'priority'
} else {
$epel_hash = { 'epel' => {
'baseurl' => "https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/\$basearch",
'descr' => "Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux ${::operatingsystemmajrelease} - \$basearch",
'gpgkey' => "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-${::operatingsystemmajrelease}",
'failovermethod' => 'priority'
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
$epelkey_hash = { "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-${::operatingsystemmajrelease}" => {
'source' => "puppet:///modules/openstack_extras/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-${::operatingsystemmajrelease}"
create_resources('file', $epelkey_hash, $_gpgkey_defaults)
create_resources('yumrepo', $epel_hash, $_repo_defaults)
create_resources('yumrepo', $repo_hash, $_repo_defaults)
create_resources('file', $gpgkey_hash, $_gpgkey_defaults)
if ((versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.5') > 0) and $purge_unmanaged) {
resources { 'yumrepo': purge => true }
2016-05-20 16:32:11 +02:00
if $manage_priorities {
exec { 'installing_yum-plugin-priorities':
command => '/usr/bin/yum install -y yum-plugin-priorities',
logoutput => 'on_failure',
tries => 3,
try_sleep => 1,
unless => '/usr/bin/rpm -qa | /usr/bin/grep -q yum-plugin-priorities',
Exec['installing_yum-plugin-priorities'] -> Yumrepo<||>
2014-08-14 01:05:08 +10:00
if $package_require {
Yumrepo<||> -> Package<||>
exec { 'yum_refresh':
command => '/usr/bin/yum clean all',
refreshonly => true,
} -> Package <||>