Fixes for new pacemaker versions

* Improve missing cib sections filters
* Change is_online? to use dc-version to determine if CIB is ready
* Cleanup primitives by their full names
* Change node id references to node name as 'id' does not represent
  node name for new pacemaker versions
  (related change: Id84994df3bf2a990d2925b595aa448746db45383
* Switch location add implementation from pcs to cibadmin --patch
  as this provder claims to be crmsh/pcs agnostic and
  to solve problems with cib changes not being synced to other nodes
  then has been applied concurrently.
* Add missing debug info
* Update rspecs

Author: Dmitry Ilyin <>
Closes-bug: #1416378

Change-Id: I2185b17286e46086674abe985bfc48260e7c397b
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
This commit is contained in:
Bogdan Dobrelya 2015-01-30 12:43:49 +01:00
parent 537ed9e375
commit c08013d004
5 changed files with 79 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -38,28 +38,23 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
@nodes_structure = nil
# get status CIB section
# @return [REXML::Element] at /cib/status
def cib_section_status
REXML::XPath.match cib, '/cib/status'
# get lrm_rsc_ops section from lrm_resource section CIB section
# @param lrm_resource [REXML::Element]
# at /cib/status/node_state/lrm[@id="node-name"]/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id="resource-name"]/lrm_rsc_op
# @return [REXML::Element]
def cib_section_lrm_rsc_ops(lrm_resource)
return unless lrm_resource.is_a? REXML::Element
REXML::XPath.match lrm_resource, 'lrm_rsc_op'
# get node_state CIB section
# @return [REXML::Element] at /cib/status/node_state
def cib_section_nodes_state
REXML::XPath.match cib_section_status, 'node_state'
REXML::XPath.match cib, '//node_state'
# get primitives CIB section
# @return [REXML::Element] at /cib/configuration/resources/primitive
# @return [Array<REXML::Element>] at /cib/configuration/resources/primitive
def cib_section_primitives
REXML::XPath.match cib, '//primitive'
@ -69,6 +64,7 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
# at /cib/status/node_state/lrm[@id="node-name"]/lrm_resources/lrm_resource
# @return [REXML::Element]
def cib_section_lrm_resources(lrm)
return unless lrm.is_a? REXML::Element
REXML::XPath.match lrm, 'lrm_resources/lrm_resource'
@ -76,8 +72,9 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
# @param op [Hash<String => String>]
# @return ['start','stop','master',nil]
def operation_status(op)
# skip incomplete ops
return unless op['op-status'] == '0'
# skip pending ops
# we should wait for status for become known
return if op['op-status'] == '-1'
if op['operation'] == 'monitor'
# for monitor operation status is determined by its rc-code
@ -184,6 +181,7 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
id = resource['id']
next unless id
lrm_rsc_ops = cib_section_lrm_rsc_ops lrm_resource
next unless lrm_rsc_ops
ops = decode_lrm_rsc_ops lrm_rsc_ops 'ops', ops 'status', determine_primitive_status(ops)
@ -213,13 +211,15 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
@nodes_structure = {}
cib_section_nodes_state.each do |node_state|
node = attributes_to_hash node_state
id = node['id']
next unless id
node_name = node['uname']
next unless node_name
lrm = node_state.elements['lrm']
next unless lrm
lrm_resources = cib_section_lrm_resources lrm
next unless lrm_resources
resources = decode_lrm_resources lrm_resources 'primitives', resources id, node node_name, node
@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
# cleanup this primitive
# @param primitive [String]
def cleanup_primitive(primitive, node = '')
def cleanup_primitive(primitive, node = nil)
opts = ['--cleanup', "--resource=#{primitive}"]
opts << "--node=#{node}" if ! node.empty?
opts << "--node=#{node}" if node
retry_command {
crm_resource opts
@ -395,9 +395,22 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
# @param node [String] the node's name
# @param score [Numeric,String] score value
def constraint_location_add(primitive, node, score = 100)
id = "#{primitive}_on_#{node}"
id = "#{primitive}-on-#{node}"
xml = <<-EOF
<rsc_location id="#{id}" node="#{node}" rsc="#{primitive}" score="#{score}" __crm_diff_marker__="added:top"/>
retry_command {
pcs 'constraint', 'location', 'add', id, primitive, node, score
cibadmin '--patch', '--sync-call', '--xml-text', xml
@ -600,12 +613,13 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
# @return [TrueClass,FalseClass]
def is_online?
cibadmin '-Q'
dc_version = crm_attribute '-q', '--type', 'crm_config', '--query', '--name', 'dc-version'
return false unless dc_version
return false if dc_version.empty?
return false unless cib_section_nodes_state
rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
@ -650,19 +664,19 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
Puppet.debug 'Pacemaker is online'
# cleanup a primitive and then wait until
# we can get it's status again because
# cleanup blocks operations sections for a while
# wait until we can get a known status of the primitive
# @param primitive [String] primitive name
def cleanup_with_wait(primitive, node = '')
node_msgpart = node.empty? ? '' : " on node '#{node}'"
Puppet.debug "Cleanup primitive '#{primitive}'#{node_msgpart} and wait until cleanup finishes"
cleanup_primitive(primitive, node)
def wait_for_status(primitive, node = nil)
msg = "Wait for known status of '#{primitive}'"
msg += " on node '#{node}'" if node
Puppet.debug msg
retry_block_until_true do
primitive_status(primitive) != nil
Puppet.debug "Primitive '#{primitive}' have been cleaned up#{node_msgpart} and is online again"
msg = "Primitive '#{primitive}' has status '#{primitive_status primitive}'"
msg += " on node '#{node}'" if node
Puppet.debug msg
# wait for primitive to start
@ -672,6 +686,7 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
def wait_for_start(primitive, node = nil)
message = "Waiting #{RETRY_COUNT * RETRY_STEP} seconds for service '#{primitive}' to start"
message += " on node '#{node}'" if node
Puppet.debug get_cluster_debug_report
Puppet.debug message
retry_block_until_true do
@ -690,6 +705,7 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
def wait_for_master(primitive, node = nil)
message = "Waiting #{RETRY_COUNT * RETRY_STEP} seconds for service '#{primitive}' to start master"
message += " on node '#{node}'" if node
Puppet.debug get_cluster_debug_report
Puppet.debug message
retry_block_until_true do
@ -708,6 +724,7 @@ class Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common < Puppet::Provider
def wait_for_stop(primitive, node = nil)
message = "Waiting #{RETRY_COUNT * RETRY_STEP} seconds for service '#{primitive}' to stop"
message += " on node '#{node}'" if node
Puppet.debug get_cluster_debug_report
Puppet.debug message
retry_block_until_true do

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :pacemaker, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Pac
commands :uname => 'uname'
commands :pcs => 'pcs'
commands :crm_resource => 'crm_resource'
commands :crm_attribute => 'crm_attribute'
commands :cibadmin => 'cibadmin'
# hostname of the current node
@ -70,6 +71,13 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :pacemaker, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Pac
# cleanup a primitive and
# wait for cleanup to finish
def cleanup
cleanup_primitive full_name, hostname
wait_for_status name
# called by Puppet to determine if the service
# is running on the local node
# @return [:running,:stopped]
@ -88,10 +96,11 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :pacemaker, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Pac
Puppet.debug "Call 'start' for Pacemaker service '#{name}' on node '#{hostname}'"
enable unless primitive_is_managed? name
constraint_location_add name, hostname
constraint_location_add full_name, hostname
unban_primitive name, hostname
start_primitive full_name
start_primitive name
cleanup_with_wait(name, hostname) if primitive_has_failures?(name, hostname)
if primitive_is_multistate? name
Puppet.debug "Choose master start for Pacemaker service '#{name}'"
@ -105,8 +114,8 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :pacemaker, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Pac
# called by Puppet to stop the service
def stop
Puppet.debug "Call 'stop' for Pacemaker service '#{name}' on node '#{hostname}'"
enable unless primitive_is_managed? name
cleanup_with_wait(name, hostname) if primitive_has_failures?(name, hostname)
if primitive_is_complex? name
Puppet.debug "Choose local stop for Pacemaker service '#{name}' on node '#{hostname}'"

View File

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ describe Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common do
context 'constraints control' do
it 'can add location constraint' do
@class.expects(:pcs).with 'constraint', 'location', 'add', 'myprimitive_on_mynode', 'myprimitive', 'mynode', '200'
@class.constraint_location_add 'myprimitive', 'mynode', '200'
@ -199,11 +199,10 @@ describe Puppet::Provider::Pacemaker_common do
it 'cleanups primitive and waits for it to become online again' do
@class.stubs(:cleanup_primitive).with('myprimitive', 'mynode').returns true
it 'waits for status to become known' do
@class.stubs(:cib_reset).returns true
@class.stubs(:primitive_status).returns 'stopped'
@class.cleanup_with_wait 'myprimitive', 'mynode'
@class.wait_for_status 'myprimitive'
it 'waits for the service to start' do

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
@ -104,12 +106,9 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
it 'should cleanup a primitive only if there are errors' do
it 'should cleanup a primitive' do
@class.expects(:cleanup_primitive).with(full_name, hostname).once
@ -118,13 +117,13 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
it 'tries to start the service by its name' do
it 'tries to start the service by its full name' do
it 'adds a location constraint for the service by its name' do
@class.expects(:constraint_location_add).with(name, hostname)
it 'adds a location constraint for the service by its full_name' do
@class.expects(:constraint_location_add).with(full_name, hostname)
@ -154,22 +153,19 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
context '#stop' do
it 'tries to enable service if it is not enabled to work with it' do
it 'tries to disable service if it is not enabled to work with it' do
it 'should cleanup a primitive only if there are errors' do
it 'should cleanup a primitive on stop' do
@class.expects(:cleanup_primitive).with(full_name, hostname).once.once
it 'uses Ban to stop the service and waits for it to stop locally if service is complex' do
@ -190,6 +186,8 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:pacemaker) do
context '#restart' do
it 'does not stop or start the service if it is not locally running' do
@class.stubs(:primitive_is_running?).with(name, hostname).returns(false)