require 'spec_helper' describe 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::debian' do shared_examples 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::debian' do let :class_params do { :manage_deb => true, :source_hash => {}, :source_defaults => {}, :package_require => false, :use_extrepo => false, } end let :paramclass_defaults do { :release => 'xena' } end let :default_params do class_params.merge!(paramclass_defaults) end context 'with default params' do it { should contain_exec('/usr/bin/extrepo enable openstack_xena').with( :command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements apt-get update apt-get install -y extrepo extrepo enable openstack_xena apt-get update ", )} end context 'wallaby with extrepo' do let :params do { :release => 'wallaby', :use_extrepo => true, } end it { should contain_exec('/usr/bin/extrepo enable openstack_wallaby').with( :command => "/bin/true # comment to satisfy puppet syntax requirements apt-get update apt-get install -y extrepo extrepo enable openstack_wallaby apt-get update ", )} end context 'with extrepo set to false' do let :params do { :use_extrepo => false, } end it { should contain_apt__source('debian-openstack-backports').with( :location => '', :release => 'stretch-xena-backports', :repos => 'main', )} it { should contain_apt__source('debian-openstack-backports-nochange').with( :location => '', :release => 'stretch-xena-backports-nochange', :repos => 'main' )} it { should contain_exec('installing openstack-backports-archive-keyring') } end context 'with overridden release' do let :params do default_params.merge!({ :release => 'pike' }) end it { should contain_apt__source('debian-openstack-backports').with( :location => '', :release => 'stretch-pike-backports', :repos => 'main', )} it { should contain_apt__source('debian-openstack-backports-nochange').with( :location => '', :release => 'stretch-pike-backports-nochange', :repos => 'main' )} it { should contain_exec('installing openstack-backports-archive-keyring') } end context 'when not managing stretch repo' do let :params do default_params.merge!({ :manage_deb => false }) end it { should_not contain_exec('installing openstack-backports-archive-keyring') } end context 'with overridden source hash' do let :params do default_params.merge!({ :source_hash => { 'debian_unstable' => { 'location' => 'http://mymirror/debian/', 'repos' => 'main', 'release' => 'unstable' }, 'puppetlabs' => { 'location' => '', 'repos' => 'main', 'release' => 'stretch', 'key' => { 'id' => '4BD6EC30', 'server' => '' } } } }) default_params.merge!({ :use_extrepo => false }) end it { should contain_apt__source('debian_unstable').with( :location => 'http://mymirror/debian/', :release => 'unstable', :repos => 'main', )} it { should contain_apt__source('puppetlabs').with( :location => '', :repos => 'main', :release => 'stretch', :key => { 'id' => '4BD6EC30', 'server' => '' }, )} it { should contain_exec('installing openstack-backports-archive-keyring') } end context 'with overridden source default' do let :params do default_params.merge!({ :source_hash => { 'debian_unstable' => { 'location' => 'http://mymirror/debian/', 'repos' => 'main', 'release' => 'unstable' }, } }) default_params.merge!({ :source_defaults => { 'include' => { 'src' => true } } }) default_params.merge!({ :use_extrepo => false }) end it { should contain_apt__source('debian_unstable').with( :include => { 'src' => true }, :location => 'http://mymirror/debian/', :release => 'unstable', :repos => 'main', )} it { should contain_exec('installing openstack-backports-archive-keyring') } end end on_supported_os({ :supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os }).each do |os,facts| context "on #{os}" do let (:facts) do facts.merge!(OSDefaults.get_facts({ :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'stretch', :lsbdistrelease => '9' })) end if facts[:osfamily] == 'Debian' and facts[:operatingsystem] == 'Debian' it_behaves_like 'openstack_extras::repo::debian::debian' end end end end