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# == Class: openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu
# This repo sets up apt sources for use with the debian
# osfamily and ubuntu operatingsystem
# === Parameters:
# [*release*]
# (optional) The OpenStack release to add an
# Ubuntu Cloud Archive APT source for.
# Defaults to 'liberty'
# [*manage_uca*]
# (optional) Whether or not to add the default
# Ubuntu Cloud Archive APT source
# Defaults to true
# [*repo*]
# (optional) Select with repository we want to use
# Can be 'updates' or 'proposed'
# 'proposed' to test upgrade to the next version
# 'updates' to install the latest stable version
# Defaults to 'updates'
# [*source_hash*]
# (optional) A hash of apt::source resources to
# create and manage
# Defaults to {}
# [*source_defaults*]
# (optional) A hash of defaults to use for all apt::source
# resources created by this class
# Defaults to {}
# [*package_require*]
# (optional) Whether or not to run 'apt-get update' before
# installing any packages.
# Defaults to false
# [*uca_location*]
# (optional) Ubuntu Cloud Archives repository location.
# Defaults to $::openstack_extras::repo::debian::params::uca_location
class openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu(
$release = $::openstack_extras::repo::debian::params::release,
$manage_uca = true,
$repo = 'updates',
$source_hash = {},
$source_defaults = {},
$package_require = false,
$uca_location = $::openstack_extras::repo::debian::params::uca_location,
) inherits openstack_extras::repo::debian::params {
if $manage_uca {
exec { 'installing ubuntu-cloud-keyring':
command => '/usr/bin/apt-get -y install ubuntu-cloud-keyring',
logoutput => 'on_failure',
tries => 3,
try_sleep => 1,
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => File["/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${::openstack_extras::repo::debian::params::uca_name}.list"],
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
apt::source { $::openstack_extras::repo::debian::params::uca_name:
location => $uca_location,
release => "${::lsbdistcodename}-${repo}/${release}",
repos => $::openstack_extras::repo::debian::params::uca_repos,
create_resources('apt::source', $source_hash, $source_defaults)
if $package_require {
Exec['apt_update'] -> Package<||>