Re-implement openstacklib::policy

openstacklib::policy has never been used in any other modules because
it was implemented as a class not reusable for each service.
This change re-implements openstacklib::policy as a defined resource
type so that we can use this implementation from each puppet modules.

The openstacklib::policy resource type provides the purge_config
parameter. When this parameter is set to true, a policy file is cleared
during configuration process. This allows users to remove any existing
rules before applying their own (no) rules.

Change-Id: I9bb486c9191c50c11717dcb9c6af00d17c3aa8f5
This commit is contained in:
Takashi Kajinami 2021-07-26 21:28:48 +09:00
parent 508fc7adde
commit 2a53c66ed3
7 changed files with 331 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,67 @@
# == Class: openstacklib::policies
# == Define: openstacklib::policies
# This resource is an helper to call the policy definition
# == Parameters:
# [*policies*]
# Hash of policies one would like to set to specific values
# hash; optional
# [*policy_path*]
# (Optional) Path to the policy file
# Defaults to $name
class openstacklib::policy (
# [*policies*]
# (Optional) Set of policies to configure
# [*file_mode*]
# (Optional) Permission mode for the policy file
# Defaults to '0640'
# [*file_user*]
# (Optional) User for the policy file
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_group*]
# (Optional) Group for the policy file
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_format*]
# (Optional) Format for file contents. Valid values
# are 'json' or 'yaml'.
# Defaults to 'json'.
# [*purge_config*]
# (Optional) Whether to set only the specified policy rules in the policy
# file.
# Defaults to false.
define openstacklib::policy (
$policy_path = $name,
$policies = {},
$file_mode = '0640',
$file_user = undef,
$file_group = undef,
$file_format = 'json',
$purge_config = false,
) {
validate_legacy(Hash, 'validate_hash', $policies)
create_resources('openstacklib::policy::base', $policies)
if empty($policies) {
create_resources('openstacklib::policy::default', { $policy_path => {
file_mode => $file_mode,
file_user => $file_user,
file_group => $file_group,
file_format => $file_format,
purge_config => $purge_config,
} else {
$policy_defaults = {
file_path => $policy_path,
file_mode => $file_mode,
file_user => $file_user,
file_group => $file_group,
file_format => $file_format,
purge_config => $purge_config
create_resources('openstacklib::policy::base', $policies, $policy_defaults)

View File

@ -5,16 +5,14 @@
# == Parameters:
# [*file_path*]
# Path to the policy.json file
# string; required
# (required) Path to the policy.json file
# [*key*]
# The key to replace the value for
# string; required; the key to replace the value for
# (required) The key to replace the value for
# [*value*]
# The value to set
# string; optional; the value to set
# (optional) The value to set
# Defaults to ''
# [*file_mode*]
# (optional) Permission mode for the policy file
@ -33,6 +31,11 @@
# are 'json' or 'yaml'.
# Defaults to 'json'.
# [*purge_config*]
# (optional) Whether to set only the specified policy rules in the policy
# file.
# Defaults to false.
define openstacklib::policy::base (
@ -41,20 +44,22 @@ define openstacklib::policy::base (
$file_user = undef,
$file_group = undef,
$file_format = 'json',
$purge_config = false,
) {
ensure_resource('openstacklib::policy::default', $file_path, {
file_path => $file_path,
file_mode => $file_mode,
file_user => $file_user,
file_group => $file_group,
file_format => $file_format,
purge_config => $purge_config
case $file_format {
'json': {
warning('Json format is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
ensure_resource('file', $file_path, {
mode => $file_mode,
owner => $file_user,
group => $file_group,
replace => false, # augeas will manage the content, we just need to make sure it exists
content => '{}'
# Add entry if it doesn't exists
augeas { "${file_path}-${key}-${value}-add":
lens => 'Json.lns',
@ -73,30 +78,17 @@ define openstacklib::policy::base (
changes => "set dict/entry[*][.=\"${key}\"]/string \"${value}\"",
File<| title == $file_path |>
Openstacklib::Policy::Default<| title == $file_path |>
-> Augeas<| title == "${file_path}-${key}-${value}-add" |>
~> Augeas<| title == "${file_path}-${key}-${value}" |>
'yaml': {
if stdlib::extname($file_path) == '.json' {
# NOTE(tkajinam): It is likely that user is not aware of migration from
# policy.json to policy.yaml
fail("file_path: ${file_path} should be a yaml file instead of a json file")
ensure_resource('file', $file_path, {
mode => $file_mode,
owner => $file_user,
group => $file_group,
replace => false, # augeas will manage the content, we just need to make sure it exists
content => ''
file_line { "${file_path}-${key}" :
path => $file_path,
line => "'${key}': '${value}'",
match => "^['\"]?${key}['\"]?\\s*:.+"
File<| title == $file_path |>
Openstacklib::Policy::Default<| title == $file_path |>
-> File_line<| title == "${file_path}-${key}" |>
default: {
@ -105,4 +97,3 @@ define openstacklib::policy::base (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# == Definition: openstacklib::policy::default
# Create a default (empty) policy fie for an OpenStack service
# == Parameters:
# [*file_path*]
# (Optional) Path to the policy.json file
# Defaults to $name
# [*file_mode*]
# (Optional) Permission mode for the policy file
# Defaults to '0640'
# [*file_user*]
# (Optional) User for the policy file
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_group*]
# (Optional) Group for the policy file
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_format*]
# (Optional) Format for file contents. Valid values
# are 'json' or 'yaml'.
# Defaults to 'json'.
# [*purge_config*]
# (Optional) Whether to set only the specified policy rules in the policy
# file.
# Defaults to false.
define openstacklib::policy::default (
$file_path = $name,
$file_mode = '0640',
$file_user = undef,
$file_group = undef,
$file_format = 'json',
$purge_config = false,
) {
case $file_format {
'json': {
warning('Json format is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
$content = '{}'
'yaml': {
if stdlib::extname($file_path) == '.json' {
# NOTE(tkajinam): It is likely that user is not aware of migration from
# policy.json to policy.yaml
fail("file_path: ${file_path} should be a yaml file instead of a json file")
$content = ''
default: {
fail("${file_format} is an unsupported policy file format. Choose 'json' or 'yaml'.")
ensure_resource('file', $file_path, {
mode => $file_mode,
owner => $file_user,
group => $file_group,
replace => $purge_config,
content => $content

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- |
Now the ``openstacklib::policies`` resource type provides the basic set
of configurations for policy settings. It provides the purge_config
parameter which ensures a policy file is purged.
- |
The ``openstacklib::policies`` class has been re-implemented as a defined
resource type.

View File

@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ describe 'openstacklib::policy::base' do
it { should contain_file('/etc/nova/policy.json').with(
:mode => '0644',
:owner => 'foo',
:group => 'bar'
it { should contain_openstacklib__policy__default('/etc/nova/policy.json').with(
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'json',
:purge_config => false,
it { should contain_augeas('/etc/nova/policy.json-context_is_admin or owner-foo:bar').with(
@ -59,10 +61,12 @@ describe 'openstacklib::policy::base' do
it { should contain_file('/etc/nova/policy.yaml').with(
:mode => '0644',
:owner => 'foo',
:group => 'bar'
it { should contain_openstacklib__policy__default('/etc/nova/policy.yaml').with(
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'yaml',
:purge_config => false,
it { should contain_file_line('/etc/nova/policy.yaml-context_is_admin or owner').with(
@ -70,7 +74,33 @@ describe 'openstacklib::policy::base' do
:line => '\'context_is_admin or owner\': \'foo:bar\'',
:match => '^[\'"]?context_is_admin or owner[\'"]?\s*:.+'
) }
context 'with purge_config enabled' do
let :title do
let :params do
:file_path => '/etc/nova/policy.yaml',
:key => 'context_is_admin or owner',
:value => 'foo:bar',
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'yaml',
:purge_config => true,
it { should contain_openstacklib__policy__default('/etc/nova/policy.yaml').with(
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'yaml',
:purge_config => true,
context 'with json file_path and yaml file format' do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'openstacklib::policy::default' do
shared_examples 'openstacklib::policy::default' do
context 'with policy.json' do
let :title do
let :params do
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'json',
it { should contain_file('/etc/nova/policy.json').with(
:mode => '0644',
:owner => 'foo',
:group => 'bar',
:content => '{}',
:replace => false
context 'with policy.yaml' do
let :title do
let :params do
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'yaml',
it { should contain_file('/etc/nova/policy.yaml').with(
:mode => '0644',
:owner => 'foo',
:group => 'bar',
:content => '',
:replace => false
context 'with purge_config enabled' do
let :title do
let :params do
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'bar',
:file_format => 'yaml',
:purge_config => true,
it { should contain_file('/etc/nova/policy.yaml').with(
:mode => '0644',
:owner => 'foo',
:group => 'bar',
:content => '',
:replace => true
:supported_os => OSDefaults.get_supported_os
}).each do |os,facts|
context "on #{os}" do
let (:facts) do
it_behaves_like 'openstacklib::policy::default'

View File

@ -3,15 +3,22 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe 'openstacklib::policy' do
shared_examples 'openstacklib::policy' do
context 'with basic configuration' do
let :title do
let :params do
:policies => {
'foo' => {
'file_path' => '/etc/nova/policy.json',
'key' => 'context_is_admin',
'value' => 'foo:bar'
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'baa',
:file_format => 'json',
@ -21,25 +28,57 @@ describe 'openstacklib::policy' do
:value => 'foo:bar'
context 'with yaml configuration' do
let :title do
let :params do
:policies => {
'foo' => {
'file_path' => '/etc/octavia/policy.yaml',
'key' => 'context_is_admin',
'value' => 'foo:bar'
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'baa',
:file_format => 'yaml',
it { should contain_openstacklib__policy__base('foo').with(
:file_path => '/etc/octavia/policy.yaml',
:file_path => '/etc/nova/policy.yaml',
:key => 'context_is_admin',
:value => 'foo:bar'
context 'with empty policies and purge_config enabled' do
let :title do
let :params do
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'baa',
:file_format => 'yaml',
:purge_config => true,
it { should contain_openstacklib__policy__default('/etc/nova/policy.yaml').with(
:file_mode => '0644',
:file_user => 'foo',
:file_group => 'baa',
:file_format => 'yaml',
:purge_config => true,