Puppet::Functions.create_function(:os_database_connection) do def os_database_connection(*args) require 'erb' if (args.size != 1) then raise(Puppet::ParseError, "os_database_connection(): Wrong number of arguments " + "given (#{args.size} for 1)") end v = args[0] klass = v.class unless klass == Hash raise(Puppet::ParseError, "os_database_connection(): Requires an hash, got #{klass}") end v.keys.each do |key| klass = (key == 'extra') ? Hash : String unless (v[key].class == klass) or (v[key] == :undef) raise(Puppet::ParseError, "os_database_connection(): #{key} should be a #{klass}") end end parts = {} unless v.include?('dialect') raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'os_database_connection(): dialect is required') end if v.include?('host') parts[:host] = v['host'] end unless v.include?('database') raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'os_database_connection(): database is required') end if v.include?('port') if v.include?('host') parts[:port] = v['port'].to_i else raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'os_database_connection(): host is required with port') end end if v.include?('username') and (v['username'] != :undef) and (v['username'].to_s != '') parts[:userinfo] = ERB::Util.url_encode(v['username']) if v.include?('password') and (v['password'] != :undef) and (v['password'].to_s != '') parts[:userinfo] += ":#{ERB::Util.url_encode(v['password'])}" end end # support previous charset option on the function. Setting charset will # override charset if passed in via the extra parameters extra = {} if v.include?('extra') extra.merge!(v['extra']) end if v.include?('charset') extra.merge!({ 'charset' => v['charset'] }) end parts[:query] = extra.map{ |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&') if ! extra.empty? parts[:scheme] = v['dialect'] if v.include?('host') parts[:path] = "/#{v['database']}" else parts[:path] = "///#{v['database']}" end URI::Generic.build(parts).to_s end end