require 'csv' require 'puppet' require 'timeout' class Puppet::Error::OpenstackAuthInputError < Puppet::Error end class Puppet::Error::OpenstackUnauthorizedError < Puppet::Error end class Puppet::Provider::Openstack < Puppet::Provider initvars # so commands will work commands :openstack_command => 'openstack' @@no_retry_actions = %w(create remove delete) @@command_timeout = 40 # Fails on the 5th retry for a max of 212s (~3.5min) before total # failure. @@request_timeout = 170 @@retry_sleep = 3 class << self [:no_retry_actions, :request_timeout, :retry_sleep].each do |m| define_method m do self.class_variable_get("@@#{m}") end define_method :"#{m}=" do |value| self.class_variable_set("@@#{m}", value) end end end # timeout the openstack command # after this number of seconds # retry the command until the request_timeout, # unless it's a no_retry_actions call def self.command_timeout(action=nil) # give no_retry actions the full time limit to finish return self.request_timeout() if no_retry_actions.include? action self.class_variable_get("@@command_timeout") end # with command_timeout def self.openstack(*args) begin action = args[1] Timeout.timeout(command_timeout(action)) do openstack_command *args end rescue Timeout::Error raise Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Command: 'openstack #{args.inspect}' has been running for more than #{command_timeout(action)} seconds" end end # get the current timestamp def self.current_time end def self.request_without_retry(&block) previous_timeout = self.request_timeout rc = nil if block_given? self.request_timeout = 0 rc = yield end ensure self.request_timeout = previous_timeout rc end # Returns an array of hashes, where the keys are the downcased CSV headers # with underscores instead of spaces # # @param options [Hash] Other options # @options :no_retry_exception_msgs [Array,Regexp] exception without retries def self.request(service, action, properties, credentials=nil, options={}) env = credentials ? credentials.to_env : {} no_retry = options[:no_retry_exception_msgs] Puppet::Util.withenv(env) do rv = nil end_time = current_time + request_timeout start_time = current_time retry_count = 0 loop do begin if action == 'list' # shell output is: # ID,Name,Description,Enabled response = openstack(service, action, '--quiet', '--format', 'csv', properties) response = parse_csv(response) keys = response.delete_at(0) rv = response.collect do |line| hash = {} keys.each_index do |index| key = keys[index].downcase.gsub(/ /, '_').to_sym hash[key] = line[index] end hash end elsif action == 'show' or action == 'create' rv = {} # shell output is: # name="value1" # id="value2" # description="value3" openstack(service, action, '--format', 'shell', properties).split("\n").each do |line| # key is everything before the first "=" key, val = line.split('=', 2) next unless val # Ignore warnings # value is everything after the first "=", with leading and trailing double quotes stripped val = val.gsub(/\A"|"\Z/, '') rv[key.downcase.to_sym] = val end else rv = openstack(service, action, properties) end break rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => exception raise Puppet::Error::OpenstackUnauthorizedError, 'Could not authenticate' if exception.message =~ /HTTP 40[13]/ if current_time > end_time error_message = exception.message error_message += " (tried #{retry_count}, for a total of #{end_time - start_time } seconds)" raise(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, error_message) end raise exception if no_retry_actions.include? action if no_retry no_retry = [no_retry] unless no_retry.is_a?(Array) no_retry.each do |nr| raise exception if exception.message.match(nr) end end debug "Non-fatal error: '#{exception.message}'. Retrying for #{end_time - current_time} more seconds" sleep retry_sleep retry_count += 1 retry end end return rv end end private def self.parse_csv(text) # Ignore warnings - assume legitimate output starts with a double quoted # string. Errors will be caught and raised prior to this text = text.split("\n").drop_while { |line| line !~ /^\".*\"/ }.join("\n") return CSV.parse(text + "\n") end end