require 'facter' require File.expand_path('../../../util/openstackconfig', __FILE__) Puppet::Type.type(:openstack_config).provide(:ruby) do def self.instances if self.respond_to?(:file_path) config = resources = [] config.section_names.each do |section_name| config.get_settings(section_name).each do |setting, value| resources.push( new( :name => namevar(section_name, setting), :value => value, :ensure => :present ) ) end end resources else raise(Puppet::Error, 'OpenStackConfig only support collecting instances when a file path ' + 'is hard coded' ) end end def self.namevar(section_name, setting) "#{section_name}/#{setting}" end def exists? immutable_string = Facter.value(:os_immutable) || '<_IMMUTABLE_>' if resource[:value] == ensure_absent_val resource[:ensure] = :absent elsif resource[:value] == immutable_string or resource[:value] == [immutable_string] resource[:value] = value # when the value is undefined, we keep it that way. if value.nil? or (value.kind_of?(Array) and value[0].nil?) resource[:ensure] = :absent end end !config.get_value(section, setting).nil? end def create config.set_value(section, setting, resource[:value]) @config = nil end def destroy config.remove_setting(section, setting) @config = nil end def value=(value) config.set_value(section, setting, resource[:value]) end def value val = config.get_value(section, setting) if !val.kind_of?(Array) [val] else val end end def section resource[:name].split('/', 2).first end def setting resource[:name].split('/', 2).last end def ensure_absent_val # :array_matching => :all values comes in form of array even when they # are passed as single string if resource[:value].kind_of?(Array) and not resource[:ensure_absent_val].kind_of?(Array) [resource[:ensure_absent_val]] else resource[:ensure_absent_val] end end def file_path self.class.file_path end private def config @config ||= end end